Huffman Headlines
January 10, 2022
Message from Principal Hickox
I hope you all enjoyed your time over Winter Break. We are so happy to see everyone back!
We are looking forward to a great second half of the school year. While we continue to experience challenges with COVID, we are grateful that we can be face to face with students each day. I appreciate the support we have from families to follow all of our protocols and mitigation strategies to keep our students and staff safe and healthy.
It looks like we made it through our latest cold snap, but please still make sure your child has everything they need to be comfortable outside for 30 minutes each day. It is important for all our kids to get outside for fresh air!
As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or celebrations to share, please feel free to contact me anytime.
Molly Hickox, Principal
Huffman Elementary School
No School Monday, January 17th: Martin Luther King Jr Day!
Traffic Pattern Reminders
- Students should be dropped off in the back drop off area indicated in red on the map below
- If you prefer to walk your child in, please park in the back parking lot or the side parking lot
- The side parking lot is NOT a drop off location. It is for parents who choose to walk their children in. We can't have children unattended where cars are pulling in and out.
- DO NOT use the disabled parking spaces unless you have a permit. We need to keep these spaces open for our families that need them.
- The front loop is bus only (no cars) from 8:45-9:15
For pick up at the end of the day:
- Continue to pull forward in the red pick up zone when there is space.
Our system works well when everyone follows the rules, so thank you for helping keep our kids safe!
Volunteer for Family Skate Night
COVID Updates from Nurse Krista
Please continue to keep kids at home who have any symptoms and get them tested OR stay home for 5 days, returning on Day 6. Please communicate this information with Nurse Krista or the office. "Day 0" is the 1st day that the symptoms start.
Covid Testing at School:
Nurse Krista will be able to test students who are in the building - i.e students who go home ill or close contacts. She will no longer be able to test families outside in their car due to time constraints.
Alternative options for testing:
- Abbott Loop Elementary - Beacon testing station located in the portable classroom on the South side of the school. This is a walk-up testing site, NOT a drive-up. If you already registered for testing at school, you will use the same QR code. Here is the link to register if needed: ASD/Beacon registration for testing. Results will be returned in 24-48 hours.
- Link for testing sites around town. Free COVID testing in Anchorage
- Sites that have Rapid molecular tests:
- -Capstone clinic at 301 Calista Ct.- 8-4:30 daily
- -First Care on Huffman- 7-11pm daily - visit website for testing info. -limited rapids.
- -AMS Urgent Care- 3401 Minnesota Drive.- 9-7p daily
Winter Sports in PE
- warm jacket
- hat (no pom poms since we wear helmets)
- gloves
- long socks
If you have equipment that you would like to donate to our program, we are always looking for gently used equipment.
Thanks to our fantastic PE team of Mrs. Miller and Mr. Nees for making this happen for all of our students!
Huffman Elementary School
Location: 12000 Lorraine Street, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-5650