Wildwood Weekly
May 14, 2023
School Site Council Members Needed
We currently have openings for the following positions on our SSC team:
- Parent Members (3 openings)
- (DAC) District Advisory Council Representative
- (DELAC) District English Learners Advisory Council Representative
- (SEDAC) Special Education District Advisory Council Co-Representative
- (GATE-DAC) Gifted and Talented Education District Advisory Council Representative
- Important Dates -
15-19: 3rd Grade State Testing
16: Wildwood ELAC Meeting at 8:10am in MPR
19: Hawaiian Dress Day and Pep Rally - All School Luau from 1:10-2:30pm
22-26: 4th & 5th Grade State Testing
25: PTA General Association Meeting from 5:30-6:00pm in MPR
25: Open House Classroom Visits from 6:00-7:00pm
29: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
30: GATE Egg Drop at 1:30pm
1: Room 2’s Play1: 2nd Grade Field Trip: Underwood Farms
2: Jog-A-Thon Slime Assembly at 1:00pm
7: 5th Grade Field trip to Harley Bowl: 9:10am
7: PTA Executive Board Meeting at 6:00pm
8: 2nd Grade Play Performance: 8:30-9:30am
8: PTA Honorary Service Awards in MPR at 5:30pm
9: 3rd Grade Recorder Performance: 8:30-9:30am
9: Sub-Zero Jog Assembly
- 10:15-11:15 - 2nd & 3rd Grade
- 11:15-12:15 - 4th & 5th Grade
- 12:15-1:15pm - TK, K, 1st Grade
12: Senior Walk from 12:30-2:00pm
13: 1st Grade Field Day from 8:20am-11:25am
13: Kinder Celebration from 8:20-9:20am
14: 4th Gr. Performance for Parents from 8:20-9:00am
15: Pep Rally from 8:15-8:30am
15: 5th Grade Celebration from 8:30-9:30am
15: Early Dismissal
- 12:15pm: TK-3rd
- 12:30pm: 4th & 5th
- School News -
School Spirit Day - May 19
At our Luau, we will be honoring 5 special staff members who will be leaving Wildwood at the end of this school year. We are thankful for their many years of service to the Wildwood community and wish them well in the next stage of their journeys.
- Hilary Calce (Kindergarten Teacher)
- Kris James (2nd Grade Teacher)
- Lauren Piper (Art Masters Coordinator and Instructor)
- Robin Cookus (PE Teacher)
- Tracy Rogers (PE Teacher)
Job Opportunities for the 2023-2024 School Year
Wildwood is currently seeking candidates for the following part-time positions for the 2023-2024 school year. If you or someone you know might be a good fit, please reach out to us to learn more or express interest.
STEAM Specialist
5-10 hours/week
The STEAM teacher’s primary role will be to facilitate developmentally appropriate STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) learning activities and experiences to engage and foster student interest in the STEAM disciplines. Certification not required. Contact Mr. Lynch at klynch@conejousd.org to learn more or express interest.
Music Specialist for TK-Kindergarten
2-4 hours/week
Wildwood has secured a certificated instructor to provide weekly music classes for grades 1-5, but we would like to provide music instruction for TK and Kindergarten as well. If you or someone you know has experience providing learning experiences in music and/or the performing arts, please contact Mr. Lynch at klynch@conejousd.org.
Birthdays at Wildwood
At Wildwood Elementary, we enjoy honoring students on their birthdays. Please know that you do not have to send treats or gifts with your child on his or her birthday. Teachers take great pride in helping your child feel treasured on their special day. If you do feel the need to send something for your child, please do not send any food items or pass them out to students before or after school. Instead, consider sending small non-edible treats (stickers, pencils, etc.) or a small class gift such as a board game, book, or puzzle with your child's name and birthday on it.
By collectively following these guidelines, our birthday students will be celebrated and the wellness of all members of our Tiger family will be elevated.
- PTA News -
May Fundraiser | Chuck E. Cheese
- Community News -
Digital Backpack Fliers
- School-Connected Organizations and Governmental Agencies
- Non-Profit Groups
- All Other Groups
- CVUSD News -
CVUSD’s Summer Camp Registration
Wildwood Elementary
Email: klynch@conejousd.org
Website: www.conejousd.org/wildwood
Location: 620 Velarde Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Phone: 805-492-3531
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WildwoodTigers
Twitter: @WildwoodTigers