Scott Elementary Newsletter
Back-To-School Edition
Sept. 5th – Welcome Back Night 5:00 – 6:00 PM
Sept. 6th - First Day of School 1st - 5th (Late Start)
Sept. 6th, 7th, 8th – Kindergarten Assessments
Sept. 14th – First PTC Meeting 5:00-6:30 PM
Sept. 13th - First Day of School for Kindergarten (Late Start)
Sept. 21st - Title I Night 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Oct. 6th - Picture Day (Retakes: Nov. 16th)
Oct. 12th - Jogathon
Oct. 13th - NO SCHOOL - State Inservice
Oct. 20th - Dental Screenings/Popcorn Friday Starts
Don’t forget! Wednesday is late start with school starting at 8:50. Regular Bell Time M/T/TR/F is 7:50
Link To The District Calendar
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scotteagles4700/
Visit Our School Website: https://scott.salkeiz.k12.or.us/
School Hours: M/T/Th/F 7:30 – 2:20 W 8:30 – 2:20
Principal: Thomas Charboneau
Assistant Principal: Jazmin Garcia
Office Hours: 7:30AM - 3:50PM
Address: 4700 Arizona Avenue NE Salem, OR 97305-2705
Phone: 503-399-3302
Dear Scott Eagles,
Come visit us on our Welcome Back to School Night! Tuesday September, 5th from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM:
- See your Students' classroom
- Meet your Students' teachers
- Drop off school supplies
- Tour the school
- Learn about Community resources
- Crafts, games and prizes
- Have Fun!
7:30 AM – Cafeteria Opens for Breakfast
7:40 AM – Students Dismissed to Classes
7:50 AM – School Starts
7:55 AM – Tardy Students Need to be Signed In
2:20 PM – School Ends
Wednesday – Late Start
8:30 AM – Cafeteria Opens for Breakfast
8:40 AM – Students Dismissed to Classes
8:50 AM – School Starts
8:55 AM – Tardy Students Need to be Signed In
2:20 PM – School Ends
Bus Riders:
Bus routes will be accessible once routes are confirmed via Parent Square with bus number, bus stop information and pick up and drop off times. To see if your Student is eligible for bus transportation please check the District Bus Page.
If your student will be going home a different way than on record, please notify the office before 1:40 PM.
Students who are walking to and from school may enter on Utah Ave, Arizona Ave, 48th Street Gate, and Wyoming Ave Gate. Gates open at 7:30
Crossing Guards are posted at Arizona Ave. and 48th Ave.
We recommend Students wear reflective gear on their jackets or bag packs.
If your student will be going home a different way than on record, please notify the office before 1:40 PM.
Car Riders - Arrival:
- Doors open for drop-off at 7:30. Staff will not be outside/at crosswalks before 7:25.
- Enter the car loop via Utah and take the first left.
- Follow the loop around, form two lanes. Please stay in your lane. Drop off your student in front of the cafeteria.
- Exit via Arizona.
- We ask that families do not allow students to exit their vehicles in the parking lot, car line or on Utah.
- For your child’s safety and the safety of staff, please wait until you’ve reached staff in the car loop.
- Please wait in your car, staff will let your student out. We are happy to see them!
- If you arrive after 7:50 AM, please line up in the bus lane to drop-off students with staff.
- If you arrive after 7:55 AM, you will need to park and bring your student inside for tardy check-in.
- Please be patient!
Car Riders - Dismissal:
- Dismissal begins at 2:20 PM.
- Cars will begin loading at approximately 2:25 PM.
- Enter the car loop via Utah, take the first left. Form two lanes, please stay in your lane.
- Students will not be dismissed through the office; car riders must be picked up from the car loop.
- Follow the loop around. Please make sure your car tag is visible so staff can read the numbers.
- Please stay in your car, students will come to you.
- Exit via Arizona.
- If your student will be going home a different way than on record, please notify the office before 1:40 PM.
- Please be patient!
Volunteers are needed for events in the upcoming school year! If you've already submitted a background check please contact CSOC Jamie Jones regarding your interest.
If you are interested in volunteering but have not yet submitted a background check, you can fill one out online here. Please allow 2 - 3 weeks for your background check to be processed.
Before school starts here are some important steps to complete for your Student.
Completed Student Paperwork
Please make sure that the Office has the following paperwork on file for your Student:
- Birth Certificate or qualifying equivalent (Footprints)
- Proof of Address
- Immunization Records
- Any needed medical paperwork
Drop Medication Off
Following the medication guidelines, drop off any needed medicines for your Student.
Salem-Keizer School Public Schools is required by Oregon state law to keep a record of each student’s immunizations. When enrolling a student, please complete a Certificate of Immunization Status with your child's record of immunizations.
Kindergarten students must have a minimum of one dose of each required vaccine before enrolling in school.
A student entering Kindergarten or Grades 1-6 needs:
- 5 Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTaP)
- 4 Polio
- 1 Varicella (chickenpox)
- 2 MMR or 2 Measles, 1 Mumps, 1 Rubella
- 3 Hepatitis B
- 2 Hepatitis A
Immunizations are available at your student’s doctor’s office, at many pharmacies, or at county health departments. Call for information or to schedule an appointment.
Marion County Health Department
3180 Center St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
To see if your Student is eligible for bus transportation please check the District Bus Page. Log into ParentVue and make sure that you’ve enabled Transportation for your Student. Parents must enable Transportation in ParentVue, District Staff are unable to enable it for your Student.
Enroll in ParentSquare
Salem-Keizer Public Schools is now using the ParentSquare platform for district, school and teacher communications, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent/guardian, using their preferred email address and phone number.
Download the app or log into the ParentSquare web portal using the contact email used for your child’s school.
Menus for September will be available at the beginning of the school year.
For additional information regarding meal accommodations please visit the Food & Nutrition page at the District Website.
Parents are encouraged to administer medication to their students before and/or after school hours. Mediations may be given at school only by trained staff.
Parents are responsible for bringing the medication to the school office and complete the Daily Medication Administration form. Medication will not be administered unless accompanied by written parental consent and appropriate instructions.
Verbal requests to change medication amounts, frequency, or administration times can not be accepted.
Prescription Medication:
• Requires written instruction from a prescriber. The prescription label meets this requirement. Any changes in instructions (e.g. dosage or frequency) must also be per a physician written order by the prescriber.
• Requires written parent or guardian permission.
• The medication must be in the original pharmacy container.
▪ May only be given as ordered by the physician on the prescription container.
▪ May be given within the 30 minute ‘window’ before or after the prescribed time.
▪ May not be dispensed at alternate times to accommodate early releases from school and/or classes.
• The school may not give the student medication not normally dispensed during school hours because the dose was missed at home.
• Verbal physician orders can only be taken by a licensed nurse. Physician’s offices may contact the Nurse Helpline at 503-399-3376, from 7:30AM-3:45PM, when schools are in session.
Non-prescription Medication:
• Requires written parent or guardian permission which includes the following information:
▪ Student name
▪ Name of medication
▪ Dosage (per manufacturer’s recommendation, unless written order by health care provider)
▪ Route
▪ Frequency of administration
▪ Other special instructions
▪ Signature of parent / guardian
▪ Necessary for student to remain in school
• Must be in the original container or packaging with manufacturer's recommended dosage schedule included.
For nonprescription medication that is not approved by the Federal Drug Administration a written, signed order from the student’s prescriber is needed with the following:
▪ Name of the student
▪ Dosage
▪ Method of administration▪ Frequency of administration
▪ A statement that the medication must be administered while the student is in school
For questions please contact Scott Elementary's School Based Health Assistant Eva Ortiz at 503-399-3302