Broncos Bulletin
September 2021 - Bernal Intermediate
Bernal Intermediate School
Mrs. Maria Smith, Assistant Principal
Email: rvelasquez@ogsd.net
Website: bernalis.schoolloop.com
Location: 6610 San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
Phone: 4085785731
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BernalBroncos/
Twitter: @BernalOGSD
Unck Updates
Welcome back to the 2021-2022 school year! We are already off to a great start! I cannot overstate how impressed I am at the resilience, determination, and grit that has been displayed already by Bernal students, teachers, parents, counselors, office staff, instructional aides, specialists such as psychologists, language therapists, custodial staff, and kitchen staff.
Our priorities as a school remain the following: 1) creating and maintaining safe learning environments; 2) delivering learning opportunities that are rigorous, relevant to student's lives and predicated on positive teacher to student relationships; 3) working within a purposeful and intentional way such that each person can be dependent on as well as depended on by each other, and lastly 4) having pride in being Bernal Broncos.
As we move forward, please be reminded of a few things:
- As much as it might be convenient, the staff and bus parking lot at not available for you to use as a student pick up and drop off spot. Please respect these guidelines and support our goal of safety in the staff and bus parking lot.
- Try not to have your student cross the street when dropping off or picking up from school. Again, this is a safety issue we want to support.
- Please do not stop your car in the middle of the road to pick up your student. Pullover to the curb to pick up your student.
- Follow us on social media: Facebook: @BernalBroncos Twitter: and BernalOGSD.net, and Parentsquare.
- The school library is open during lunchtime for students to complete homework, conduct research, or study/read quietly.
- All students are required to have a district-supplied Chromebook.
- We are still looking for HSC Board Members, email me at tunck@ogsd.net if interested in a position.
Tammy Unck, Principal
The Scoop with Smith
I am so proud to be part of Bernal Intermediate and Oak Grove School District! Everyone has made me feel welcome and I can honestly say that I belong here. If I can feel like this as a new staff member at Bernal, then I know all Bronco students can feel they belong, too. If or when you or your child needs any of our support, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
So, what's the scoop? Well, let me tell you...
- 8th graders participated in Breaking Down the Walls program about creating a school people love. It starts and ends with how we CARE for one another by creating a campus where we are BETTER TOGETHER.
- All students helped with keeping the campus clean for the first few weeks of school by throwing away their trash during break and lunch without reminders from staff. They have also had the best manners with our cafeteria staff by saying thank you when they pick up meals. Please continue to remind them to take of our school.
- Please make sure your child is following the dress code. Our common dress colors are black, gray, or white tops, jackets, and pants, including denim blue jeans and khaki pants; no pajamas, all red or blue tops/pants, holes above the knee, tops with spaghetti straps, strapless, low-cut, or show the midriff/belly, and muscle shirts. Logos that depict weapons, sexual material (i.e. Kappa), or drugs (i.e. Cookies) are not permitted.
- In order to keep everyone safe and healthy, all students must wear a mask covering their nose and mouth inside the school building.
- Encourage your child to start or join a student club or sport.
- We are looking for parents to join our Home & School Club. If you are interested, please email Ms. Unck - tunck@ogsd.net.
We appreciate your support and partnership. Go Broncos!
Maria Smith, Assistant Principal
Counseling Corner Events
9/21 Awards Night
9/24 Term 1 Ends
9/27-10/1 No School
10/4 Term 2 Begins
11/12 Term 2 Ends
Ms. Brown's Counseling Corner
My name is Ms. Tara Brown and I am a school counselor at Bernal. I support students with the last names of M-Z. Bernal has been my home for the last 7 years being a Bronco is incredible. I am here to help you/your student with:
- Academic Support/Achievement
- Career Development
- Social/Emotional Support
- Grades
- Schedule Errors or Concerns
- Personal/Friend/Social Issues
Click here for Bernal Broncos Welcoming Info!
Ms. Brown's Top 3 Tips
1. Get familiar with Infinite Campus-Campus Parent/Campus student to check grades, attendance and assignments
2. Download the ParentSqaure app on your phone to get updates to be "in the know"
3. Connect with teacher or counselors if you have questions.
I look forward to supporting you! Email or call me and I can set up a time to meet with you by email, phone, or Google Meet.
Tara Brown, M.A., PPSC, MHRS
School Counselor (M-Z)
Bernal Intermediate School
6610 San Ignacio Avenue
San Jose, CA 95119
Phone: 408.578.5731 x300211
Email: tbrown@ogsd.net
Check out Bernal's Counseling Team Website for:
- Distance Learning Schedule
- Grading Info
- Office Staff
- Classes (Teams, PE, Electives, CORE)
- Counselor's Bio's
- Reflections with Ms. Reed
- Resources (Counseling, Emergency, Homework/Tutoring, Tech Support, etc)
- Newsletters
Mr. Reza's Counselor Corner
Hello Bernal Families! Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year!
Just remember that:
You Can
You Will
It's Possible
You'll be Great Today
You'll be Great Tomorrow
We are Bernal!!!
Take care, & Go Broncos!!!
Intermediate School Student Resources
Intermediate Students now have two new APPS for their use. StudentSquare allows you to communicate with the school, teacher and students. You can download the app or sign in via (SOS). Infinite Campus is what you will use to see your grades, attendance and schedule. Again you can signin via Single Sign-on (SOS) or download the APP.
Student Infinite Campus - look up your attendance, schedule and grades.
Log in at this URL: https://infinitecampus.ogsd.k12.ca.us/campus/portal/students/oakgrove.jsp
Hit the Single Sign-On (SSO) button at the top to login. As with most of our apps, we are using our Google SSO credentials for students to log into Infinite Campus.
You can also can also download the Campus Student app onto your phone or device.
If you encounter any issues, make sure you are logged into your oakgrovesd.net account.
Parent and Student Guide to Access Google Classroom
Chromebook tech support
How to access Clever and iReady from home
Need more parent resources for Distance Learning?
Parent/Student Tutorials for Google Suite
Parents Guide to Google Classroom
La Guía de los Padres para Google Classroom
Cẩm Nang Hướng Dẫn Phụ Huynh về Google Classroom
Santa Clara County Office of Education launches a new interactive website full of resources for all.
Mental Health Resources for Students