The Diley Digest
November 3, 2023
November Calendar
November 6-10: Spirit Week
November 7: No School
November 22-24: Thanksgiving Break
November 30: Literacy Night 5:30-7:30
Principal's Message-Title 1 Information!
Title One
Diley recently met the criteria for reaching Title 1 status. There are certain things that go along with this process such as community communication and planning of community events. DMS will be sending presentations, videos, and letters explaining what this means. We are currently working on events that we can hold to help our community and students. Be on the lookout for more information to come. In the meantime, check out the federal programs on the Ohio Department Of Education website. :)
Check out our video presentation here:
Annual Title I Parent Information
23- 24 Diley School-Parent Compact
23-24 Notice of Parents Rights-to-Know
Spanish Versions:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/19D0IpCns8nbgRXnD86in2LtXsruz2FLcmrNu4YU0dF0/edit?usp=sharing
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QlIfK12zcvYXeyPr7ij8EJPcxBVUJUE2qblT5bshwMA/edit?usp=sharing
Napali Version:
PBIS Challenge:
For each grading period, DMS plans to hold a quarterly theme and challenge. In our second quarter, our themes will be: "Live to Give" and "We are Connected". Again this goes along with our 7 mindsets curriculum. Students will be asked to explain what it means to give and how they can show giving here at Diley. We will also challenge students to think about how individuals who enter our lives can help us achieve more and live our dreams. How can recognizing the importance of others impact the way we live? Students will be challenged to think about how that can relate to school and life. During the second quarter, students will be able to earn an ice cream sundae social by meeting the following criteria:
No more than ONE missing assignment in each class. (Working on a bigger goal this time)
Having no more than ONE assigned ISS consequence
And NO OSS consequences
We will have multiple chances to earn incentives throughout the year. Please continue to help us by working as a team and stressing positive behavior and actions at school! We believe we have the best students and school and we are trying to motivate our students to achieve more and be the best version of themselves. Keep encouraging our kids to keep trying and pushing through adversity and difficult times (I.E. - school work, conflicts, grit, etc..). The more we can guide them to keep trying the more we will shift to a growth mindset and achieve more. Let’s Go Tigers!
Please read the Diley PBIS Community Newsletter. There is also a Signup Genesis looking for support with the ice cream social. :)
Congrats to our October Students of the Month
Lillian Combes..............................................Micah Kelly
Khadijah Diop................................................Rachana Pariyar
Brooklyn Schlosser.......................................Lucas Bouarouy
Henry Qualls..................................................Zohra Karim
Joe Hudson...................................................Kenley Theiss
Arjun Modi.....................................................Charlie Bradley
Olivia Salters.................................................Sami Lawal
Declan Hardy.................................................Erika Cibulskas
Gracie Webb..................................................Preston Ordubadi
Brody Horvath
Spirit Wear SALE!!!!!
The Counselor Corner
Click here to see November's Bulletin Board: https://rb.gy/l84wrt
Family Resources
Diley Middle School - PBIS information
Qtr. 2 Community Newsletter 23-24
A note from the nurse
In the event your child needs to take prescription medication while at school, please be sure to have the Request for administration of prescription medication by school personnel (pdf) form or completed by the child’s physician and parents. Forms are available in the school office and on the website.
Nonprescription medication such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and cough drops may be administered to students if the parent/guardian sends in the medication (in original container) along with written permission for the medication to be given. Dosages cannot exceed the manufacturer’s recommendations for age and weight. (i.e., We cannot administer medication to children under 12 if the label says: “Do not administer to children under 12, except under the direction of a physician.” We need to have a note from the doctor in order to give a dose of medication that is different than the dose stated on the bottle.) All medications, prescription and non-prescription, must be sent in the original container.
Fairfield County Family, Adult and Children First Council
Click the Buttons Below for Important Documents
PLSD Bilingual Family Liaison Information
23-24 PLSD School Year Calendar
Keep informed!
Follow Diley on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DMS_Proud?s=20
Follow Principal Koch on Twitter:
Follow our PTSO on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2085717574996931
Is social media not your thing? You can find all sorts of information on the Pickerington School District's website located at: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/
Diley Middle School
Assistant Principal: Amanda Stemm
Secretary: Heather Ferns
Office Assistant: Stacy Gallion
Counselor: Gina Neilson
Nurse: Rhonda Carmel
Health Assistant: Robin May
Email: heather_ferns@plsd.us
Website: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/diley-middle-school/
Location: 750 Preston Trails Drive, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: 614-830-2900
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Diley-Middle-School-401947110003982
Twitter: @DMS_Proud