Tuscany Heights Elementary
168th Lighthouse School in the Nation
Our Mission Statement
We, THE Tigers, will be inspired to LEAD, HONOR, and EXCEL today!
Message from Administration
Dear Tuscany Heights Elementary Parents,
Monday, Sept. 4th, Labor Day- NO SCHOOL
Hats off to a great week! Wow, we sure enjoyed having the students back this past week. We look forward to getting to know our students more and welcome all of our new families. We invite you to come out Tuesday night, Sept. 5th for free food, book fair, and leadership opportunities at our 1st annual PTA Mtg. All of our staff will be here! A flyer is attached below.
It will be a busy week! Not only do we host our first PTA Meeting and Book Fair event with our leaders, but also we have Fall pictures and Lunch with Loved Ones this week. Please reach out to your child's "Loved Ones" to ensure they know to park in the front, RSVP in advance if possible, and know teacher names. We will help them all along the way once they are here. All visitors will be in the cafeteria for lunch with their little ones while all other students will be in Coach Kaufman's gym for lunch. We plan to make that time for them exciting just in case their loved ones can't join them for lunch. We do want our "Loved Ones" to visit the book fair, but we do ask that they wait until after lunch to shop with the students. They are welcome to shop in advance and surprise the students with a book too! This helps our teachers account for each student in their class. We'd love your help volunteering that day if possible! Thank you as we make this a special day for grandparents/loved ones.
We'd love your help in supporting some of the families impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Please see the flyer below for more details.
Here's to another great week!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
Book Fair this week... Sept. 5th- Sept. 8th!
Tuesday, Sept. 5th- PTA Mtg/ Leadership & Book Fair, Dinner served, 5:30pm
Wednesday, Sept. 6th- Fall Pictures
Friday, Sept. 8th- Lunch with Loved Ones (During your child's lunch time), Hurricane Harvey Items Due
Monday, Sept. 25th- Social Media Presentation 6:30-8:00pm @ Reagan HS
PTA News
Helping for Harvey – I know many of us have watched in sadness the devastation of Hurricane Harvey and want to help. We have made a contact through the Rockport and Port Aransas schools and they are asking that we donate backpacks to help those students effected. If you would like to add school supplies inside the backpack, they are in desperate need of pens, pencils and spiral notebooks but any school supplies would be appreciated. Please drop the backpacks off in the box in the front of the school. Deadline is Friday, September 8th so we can get them to the students quickly.
T.H.E. PTA ONLINE STORE IS STILL OPEN! –You can still go online and order your THE Spirit Gear, donate to Greenbacks, join PTA, and order directory ads and shout-outs, etc.! Go to www.TuscanyHeightsPTA.org and click on the WELCOME BACK section! Some quantities are limited so order today!
Lost and Found!
Be Proactive for the 2017-18 school year!
Please label your child's belongings (lunch boxes, water bottles, sweaters and backpacks). That way if they find their way to the LOST and FOUND, we can return them to their owner.
PTA General Meeting – Sept 5 - We will have a family-sized Volunteer Fair – come see how the whole family can get plugged into volunteering at Tuscany! From the Library to Watch D.O.G.S. to our student Lighthouse team you’re sure to find a way to round up some fun this year. Join us at 5:30 for food, info, and fun!
Volunteer Orientation
Lasso some fun volunteering with the PTA!!! Want to get involved but not sure how or who to talk to? Come join us for a light breakfast on Thursday, September 7th in the Tuscany Heights PTA room at 10:00 to learn all the different ways that you can get involved. This is for those that just want to volunteer occasionally all the way to those that really want to get involved! Show your child just how important their education is to you by volunteering!
DIRECTORY INFO - Do you have a business you want to advertise or a special student that you want to tell how much you love them? Advertise or buy a tribute or shout out in the Tuscany Heights directory! Info was in your welcome back folder, you can order online at http://www.tuscanyheightspta.org, or you can contact Allison at directory@tuscanyheightspta.org
KIN Communication
We have 2 announcements:
Tuesday, Sept. 5th, PTA Mtg/ Leadership Fair will have the cafeteria and KIN will be moving to the gym around 4pm for student pickup. There will be signs for the parents.
Just a friendly reminder that we are no longer parking in the fire lane. Please use the parking spaces in the parking lot when picking up the kiddos.
Nicholas Gullion
Director KIN
What Tuscany Heights Parents Need To Know About Social Media?
Parents don't miss the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the world of social media, its dangers and how to keep your children safe. Please join us for this informational presentation by FBI Special Agents Larry Baker and Erin Isley. Session is for parents only. Please join us as we come together as a community to keep our children safe! The location will be at Reagan HS, even if this isn't your feeder high school, we ask that you consider attending. The information is beneficial!!