Rooted in Academics

What Unites Us
The Superintendent's Blog
Dr. John Schwartz
We are between two powerful weeks in the calendar. So much of what we do in Millard is about educating and developing individual students so they can reach personal goals. We do it well and enjoy telling stories about our amazing students. But the focus looking back at last week and forward to the coming week is really about all of us.
Last week was Veterans Day. I was overcome with pride as I watched activities last Friday in our schools, the engagement of our students, stories from our veterans, and recognition of the freedoms we enjoy because of the service and sacrifice of many. We all owe a debt of gratitude to our veterans and active duty service members for what they have done for our country.
Looking ahead to next week, I sense a collective sigh of relief. We’re almost to Thanksgiving break, a time when we can take a breath, be with family and friends, and reflect on what we are each thankful for in our lives. I especially appreciate this holiday. It helps me slow down and truly see the people around me. When I look at our schools, I am thankful for our students. I enjoy being in classrooms, attending after-school activities, and seeing them compete in athletic events. We have outstanding students in Millard.
I am grateful for our staff as they serve students and perform duties with dedication, passion, kindness, and grace. I get to see how their daily interactions and efforts contribute to something profoundly amazing - changing the trajectory of lives, giving hope, and opening doors of opportunity. This time of year, I’m also reminded of the incredible teachers, coaches, and staff who supported and guided me. Our profession is filled with difference-makers.
As I walk through our schools, I note the impact of our Millard Public Schools Foundation. From the before and after school SPARK program to the financial contributions they have provided for student scholarships and supporting innovative programming, they do, and have done, so much.
I interact often with our Board of Education. I admire their willingness to volunteer countless hours each year and the passion and pride they have for our students and schools. The steady leadership they provide is the backbone of the stability and focus which has helped to sustain excellence in our district.
I am especially thankful for our families and community. The support and partnership is vital to strong schools, and Millard has it in abundance. I never take it for granted.
There will always be challenges, but they shouldn’t consume all of our attention. Each of us has something to celebrate and people to thank for their contributions and support. This is a great time of year to stop, reflect, and let people know that you appreciate them. Thank you for your ongoing support of the mission of Millard Public Schools. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Millard Public Schools
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