Woodgrove High School
November 2020 - Newsletter
Main Office:
Attendance Office:
Guidance Office:
Athletic Office:
Purcellville, VA 20132
William S. Shipp
Assistant Principals:
Christina Thompson
Don Keener
Tim Panagos
Director of School Counseling:
Geri Fiore
Athletic Director:
Rusty Lowery
Principal's Message
Wolverines, Congratulations - November is here and the first quarter of this school year is complete! Together, we’ve navigated this school year’s many changes exceptionally well. There will continue to be challenges, however, I’m confident in our team and the Woodgrove community - we’ll figure out what we need to do to overcome them. I thank you all for your flexibility, patience, and positivity through all of this.
As we continue our swift advancement through the calendar, I want to highlight a couple of dates. First, on Monday, November 2, we will host our virtual student-parent-teacher conferences from 9 AM to 11 AM. These are brief 5-minute conferences that enable students, parents, and teachers to review the first quarter and then make plans for the second quarter and the remainder of the year. These conferences also provide teachers with the opportunity to answer any questions parents and students may have. Sign-ups for the conferences are available on our website or please use this link: WHS - Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences We will be providing parents and students with an exit survey regarding the conferences. On that survey, parents may indicate if they want to have a more in-depth discussion with a teacher or teachers. The teacher, or a counselor, will then set up a later time for that conference to take place.
Then, on Monday, November 16, we will host a live school community meeting from 11 AM to 12 PM to discuss our current status and plans moving forward to include hybrid learning. Please use this link to access this meeting WHS - 11/16 - Information Meeting In this meeting, we’ll provide an update regarding current plans and we’ll describe what a day in the life of a student coming to school for hybrid instruction will look like. We also will have a link where parents and students can ask questions during the meeting and I will respond to all questions as best I can. We will record this session and post it on our site for others who may wish to watch it later. Please note LCPS will be sending out another survey to families in November for families to indicate whether their daughter/son will participate in hybrid learning or distance learning beginning the second semester. Families may want to want to respond to the LCPS survey after our meeting on November 16.
American Education Week is November 16 – 20. If there ever was a time to celebrate and recognize the importance of our educational system, it is now. Even though we’re not where we want to be due to the pandemic, with all our students and teachers back in the classrooms along with activities and clubs going full-bore, amazing accomplishments are still happening daily within our school community. I’m impressed with our students’, teachers’, and families’ aspirations to make the best of the conditions we’re in - and for that, I am most grateful. Please especially thank our custodians, cafeteria workers, teachers, teaching assistants, counselors, other administrators, and the many others who help make Woodgrove the truly exceptional school community it is – in both virtual and bricks and mortar design.
Please remember to vote on Tuesday, November 3.
Many thanks for your continued support. I wish each of your families a wonderful November and a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Wake Up Woodgrove
High School Parking Lot WiFi Access
In our efforts to continually improve and meet the challenges of a large school district, we are deploying solar powered WiFi to high school parking lots.
Each of our high schools will be equipped with a solar powered, cellular wireless access point that will provide coverage to a portion of each schools parking lot. This will allow for social distancing and access to digital resources for those in need of internet access. Each area depicted is an estimation of coverage and capacity may be impacted by weather, number of connected users and other factors. Areas selected are also monitored by LCPS Safety and Security patrols, camera's and other techniques to provide a safe environment.
Parent Teacher Conferences
On Monday, November 2, Woodgrove will host our virtual student-parent-teacher conferences from 9 AM to 11 AM. These are brief 5-minute conferences that enable students, parents, and teachers to review the first quarter and make plans for the second quarter and the remainder of the year. These conferences also provide teachers with the opportunity to answer any questions parents and students may have. Sign-ups for the conferences are available on our website or please use this link: WHS - Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences
AP Testing - Last Call for Fees
All students currently enrolled in an Advanced Placement course (AP) will need to register and pay to take their AP exam, don't delay. Although AP exams take place in Spring 2021, registration and payment is taking place now and will close on Friday, November 6, 2020.
AP Registration and payment Information https://www.lcps.org/Page/234500
Other AP Resources that may be helpful:
Accessing myapclassroom - students will receive join codes from their AP teacher to access the MyAP classroom page for their AP course. Each AP teacher has the necessary join code. You must have an active college board account in order to access the information.
LCPS Assessment Office - this website provides general information to students and parents about the AP process.
View 2021 AP test dates on the college board website - AP 2021 test dates
Parents: Are your students struggling with distance learning?
Just a reminder that we have a number of resources in place to support them, including the following:
- At the end of every class, there are 22 minutes of asynchronous time when students can “stick around” to ask their teachers questions or get help with assignments.
- During every study hall block, we have teachers assigned to Learning Labs who can answer questions, help you with assignments, or help you review for tests and quizzes. To access these, click here.
- Our Writing Center tutors are available to help students with any aspect of the writing process, on any writing assignment, for any class. For more information, click here.
- Our National Honor Society is coordinating with all of the subject-specific honor societies to offer online peer tutoring. We hope to launch this during the month of November. Check the WHS website for more information.
The Family Room
A virtual safe space for LCPS families, school staff,
and community to come together
to build strong partnerships & be in community.
Wednesday, November 4th, 2020 at 6pm
Session 4: Grades: How Schoology & ParentVUE Work Together
Log in: English & Spanish Virtual Room
Log in: English & Arabic Virtual Room
In English En Español بالعربية
All presentations will be done virtually - your child's Drivers Ed Schoology page will have more information! You only need to attend ONE presentation date!
Dates for PSTD
- 11/17 - 7pm
Order now for the lowest price of the year!
The yearbook staff is always looking for photos! Submit photos of your student to the yearbook here:
Create & order your baby ad here: https://www.jostens.com/yearbooks/students-and-parents/yearbook-ads
Wolverine Sports Medicine
Volume 11, Issue 4 November, 2020
Sports Injuries
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) is really a group of conditions that cause pain around the kneecap and it can be related to many conditions such as bursitis, tendinitis, chondromalacia and osteoarthritis. Symptoms of PFPS typically include gradual onset of general aching in front of the knee that worsens with stair climbing or prolonged sitting. There may or may not be swelling and the knee may feel weak, to the point where it feels like the knee is “giving way”. Many student-athletes are prone to PFPS and there is no one specific sport that is primarily affected.
PFPS is usually diagnosed through a physical exam. X-rays are also helpful in determining bony abnormalities such as malalignment or loose bodies. Occasionally, MRI, CT or bone scans may be needed.
Most of the time PFPS is treated with physical therapy. The main concerns are relieving the pain and then restoring function. Since most PFPS symptoms are caused by overuse, you have to first rest and begin therapy. Anti-inflammatory medication and ice are very helpful in reducing the pain. As the pain diminishes you can begin strengthening and stretching exercises. As the condition improves you can start sport-specific exercises and a maintenance program.
The prognosis for PFPS is good overall for the majority of student-athletes. However, there are some student-athletes that will continue to experience pain after this type of treatment and may ultimately need surgical intervention.
In the past decade, recovery has become one of the hottest buzzwords in athletic performance. With so much time and money spent on recovery aids, it’s ironic that so many student-athletes overlook the most easily accessible, affordable and time tested recovery booster of all: SLEEP. But the value of sleep isn’t limited to recovery. Its’ important role in athletic performance and overall health is well documented.
The latest research on how sleep affects mental and physical ability suggests that time student-athletes spend sleeping can be just as important as the time they spend in the weight room. Both the physical and mental side of sleep are important. Physically, sleep deprivation studies have shown that subjects who have gotten less sleep consistently tire more quickly that those who have gotten more. The mental effects of sleep debt are much more pronounced. Research has shown that reaction time, stress level, alertness and overall energy level are negatively affected by sleep deprivation.
Perhaps most interesting of all, several studies have shown that subjects who suffer cognitive and motor impairments due to sleep debt are often unaware of their decreased ability. This might help to explain why student-athletes don’t take sleep habits seriously. They don’t realize how much it may hamper their alertness, reaction time and other skills essential to athletic success.
The goal for teens should be 9 hours per night. That may seem unrealistic to many, but the closer they can come to that number, the better off they will feel. Consistency in sleep time is valuable as well. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day takes maximum advantage of the body’s natural circadian rhythm. Once a routine is established, student-athletes are able to fall asleep more quickly and sleep more soundly through the night.
Well-rested student-athletes may soon find they’re recovering faster after workouts, performing sport skills with greater proficiency and feeling better all day long.
Student Activities Information
Library News
Parent Liaison News
Thanksgiving Assistance
For families experiencing financial hardship, the Woodgrove community would like to offer some assistance with Thanksgiving food. One of our student organizations, DECA, is orchestrating a food drive. After registering, food bags will be available for pick up on Wednesday, November 19th from 3:30-6:00 pm at Woodgrove (main entrance circle.) Please complete the Google form to register. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdN8dAK3rZJS9FxV5455GsYQQh6L12V7tNXrktRGcvp_xY_aQ/viewform
Another option for Thanksgiving meal: Tree of Life & St. Peter's Episcopal Church will provide a fully prepared TO-GO meal to anyone who comes to St. Pete's on Thanksgiving from 12:00- 1:00 pm. Due to Covid-19 this will operate like a drive through - people will stay in their cars, the food will be brought out to them. No reservations required. Address: 37018 Glendale Street Purcellville - near the 7-11 on Main Street & 32nd Street (Rt.690).
Would you like to assist other families for Thanksgiving?
Please complete the Google form. https://conta.cc/31IetXZ
If you would like to assist families in need during this holiday season, here is the link.
Thank you for your generosity during these difficult times. We are asking for $25 gift cards from Harris Teeter or Giant. Please drop off all donations by Friday, Nov. 6, at 3:00pm, to Woodgrove High School or mail them to: Woodgrove High School: Deana Czaban - Parent Liaison, 36811 Allder School Rd., Purcellville, VA 20132 Thank you again for your donation and genersoity.
For more information on community supports please click on this LINK (link to the Parent Liaison page on website) or email me at deana.czaban@lcps.org.
Deana Czaban
Parent Liaison
Woodgrove High School
Meet Our Team!
The counseling department at Woodgrove looks forward to assisting you with your scheduling needs and post-secondary goals. Feel free to schedule a meeting with us so we can get to know you and serve you better.
2020 -2021 Counseling Team
- Mr. Patrick Weaver ------------ A-Cop
- Mr. Steven Cohen -------------- Cor-Gra
- Mrs. Amy Scott ----------------- Gre-K
- Mrs. Donna Kelly --------------- L-O
- Mrs. Barbara Bell --------------- P-Sm
- Mrs. Rachael Sutphin -------- Sn-Z
- Mrs. Geri Fiore ------------------- Director of School Counseling
- Mrs. Bernadette Ishmael ---- School Registrar
- Mrs. Stephanie Butler -------- Counseling Administrative Assistant
- Mrs. Annie Harding ------------ Career Center Specialist
- Mrs. Justin Jarvis -------------- Testing Coordinator/FACETime Coordinator
Mental Health Team
- Mrs. Kelley Trenary -------- School Social Worker
- Mrs. Heidi Buckner -------- School Psychologist
- Mrs Amy Iliffe ---------------- Student Assistance Services Specialist
Senior Meetings
Counselors are currently holding one on one meetings with our seniors and are scheduling these through Microsoft Bookings. To schedule a meeting time with your counselor, click on their name below:
We’ve Launched!
Visit our newly redesigned, user friendly School Counseling and Support Services website! We know you’ll find this much easier to navigate and to find the information you’re looking for.
Job 4 A Day 11/16/20
The JOB-4-A-DAY program for high school Juniors and Seniors is a job shadowing program that places students in workplaces to interact with and observe employers. This helps students learn more about careers and workplaces as well as the education and training required for a career. Due to the pandemic, this experience will be a little different from previous years, however, we are adapting to offer you a glimpse of a career, industry, field, or specific job you are interested in and in 50-90 minute virtual sessions on Nov. 16th in the field of your choice. Registrations are open until Nov. 4th
To learn more about the program, visit the Counseling Website
Radford Virtual Application Review
A Virtual Application Review is an opportunity for students to meet one-on-one with an admissions counselor from Radford to review their application and receive an admissions decision during the meeting! Students can register for a Virtual Application Review during the following date/times:
November 11th from 3:00pm-7:00pm
November 20th from 1:00pm-5:00pm
To be considered for Virtual Application review, participants should plan to submit their admissions application and required transcript(s) at least one week prior to their chosen Virtual Application Review date. Click here for more information and to register.
Governor’s School
Open to current Sophomores and Juniors, the Virginia Summer Residential Governor’s Schools is a selective four week program held on various college and university campuses throughout Virginia and is a great opportunity to work and study not only with other students with similar talents and interests but also with mentors, professors, scientists, and other professionals in their field of interest.
Programs are offered in Agriculture, Humanities, Math/Science/Technology, Visual and Performing Arts, Marine Science, Medicine and Health Sciences and Engineering.
All Applications are due December 18th. For more information and to apply, visit the Counseling Website under Governor’s School.
Transcript Requests
You must submit a completed and signed transcript release and transcript request form at least 3 weeks prior to the deadline. The following deadlines are intended to help ensure you give us adequate time to process your request, but you are welcome to submit your request early. If you miss the 3 week transcript request deadline, please talk with your counselor so that we can personally assist you.
Naviance Student is an incredible tool for WHS students and their families! It is a comprehensive website to assist you and your child in making decisions about courses, careers and college. This is just the tip of the iceberg and we invite students and parents to sign on and start exploring.
How do you sign on?
Students can access Naviance Student through their LCPS Go account. Parents have been registered with their email address on record as their username and a temporary password. They may click here to login. If you are unable to log on, contact Mrs. Harding in the Career Center at annie.harding@lcps.org.
Take a quick tour of Naviance! and see for yourself all the tools available to you and your student.
Virtual College Visits
There is no shortage of opportunities to visit with admissions reps from colleges across the country. One way is to take advantage of the opportunity to meet with them in a much smaller setting to get your questions answered and to show your interest in their school. Virtual College visits are scheduled for this fall for specifically for Woodgrove students. See full schedule and register on Naviance to attend.
If you’re not sure how to find the visits or how to register on Naviance, watch this quick video in our new Video Library!
Don’t see the school you’re interested in? Contact Mrs Harding in the Career Center to see if the school is scheduled with another high school in our county and she can provide you the meeting link.
Also on Naviance, under the College tab, view College Events that list virtual tours, visits and webinars hosted by the college or institution.
Are you looking to apply for scholarships, but not sure where to start? Start here to learn about the different types of award opportunities and where to find them here .
Loudoun County is continually updating their website which lists the scholarships for 2020-2021 along with application links and submission requirements. Bookmark the LCPS Scholarship List page to stay informed throughout the school year. Newly added scholarships include:
Loudoun Elks Lodge, Generation Google, Seth Okin Good Deeds,
The Coolidge Scholarship for High School Juniors
Financial Workshops
Northern Virginia Community College is continuing their Financial Workshops during November. Webinars topics include Financial Aid Essentials for Parents & Students, Filing the FAFSA Step by Step, Financial Literacy 101, Completing FAFSA Verification and more! Session details and registration links can be found here.
Another NOVA Virtual Visit Coming Soon!!
Mr. Thomas Chalk, the Northern Virginia Community College High School Coordinator for Woodgrove! Mr Chalk will be virtually visiting with students again in November to give them an overview of the many opportunities available at NOVA – academics, transfer programs, student life and more. See why this is one of our most popular post secondary options for our students. Register for this event in Naviance.
November 16, 2020 2:30 p.m.
Interested in the Military?
Virtual Military visits will be starting in November and will continue throughout the school year. Once confirmed, they will be added to Naviance under College Visits and students can register for those visits in the same way they would a college visit.
The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is a comprehensive career exploration and planning program that includes multiple aptitude tests, an interest inventory, and various career planning tools designed to help students explore the world of work. Tests will take place throughout Loudoun County again this year and will be offered again this year at Woodgrove:
Woodgrove High School Library
March 1st 9:30 am
Registration will open in January. Check the Counseling Website for newly updated test prep resources!
Job, Volunteer & Leadership Opportunities
Follow us here for the latest information on jobs, internships, leadership opportunities and more
#woodgroveworks #woodgroveserves #woodgroveleads
Recent Job Postings -Continental Pools, Mom’s Apple Pie, Leesburg Parks & Rec