Estock News
Message from Dr. Heineman
Hello Estock Families!
A special WELCOME to new families joining our Estock community!
The Estock staff is so excited to start the year with all of our students and families. To start the year strong, below are a few things families can do to prepare for the first day on August 14th:
- Mark calendar for BACK TO SCHOOL Meet & Greet on August 13th from 4:30-5:30pm
- Complete DATA CONFIRMATION in Aeries Parent Portal
- Get UNIFORMS ready
- Connect via PARENTSQUARE & social media
- Check BELL SCHEDULE (school begins at 8:00am each day)
Please be aware that the classroom assignments are not fully secure until the first couple of weeks of school. As families continue to move and/or enroll, classes will be adjusted to accommodate students as best as possible while maintaining effective class sizes. To that end, combination classes may be created or disbanded once students arrive for the school year. We make every attempt to minimize disruptions to the start of the school year, and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we adjust to our ever-changing student population.
We can't wait to meet our new Estock students and welcome back our returning students. See you soon! #EstockEaglesSoar #EaglesRise
Dr. Heineman, Estock Principal
Mark Your Calendar
Tuesday, AUGUST 13: Data Confirmation Support at Estock
- 9:00am - 11:00am and 4:30pm - 5:30pm
- Estock Community Team available to support families complete Data Confirmation
Tuesday, AUGUST 13: Back to School Night Meet & Greet
4:30pm - 5:30pm
- Meet & Greet Teacher
- Resource/Support Stations
- FREE backpack filled with supplies for each Estock student
- 4:00pm teacher assignments available in Aeries Parent Portal *A personalized email will also be sent from your child's teacher on August 13th*
Wednesday, AUGUST 14: First Day of School & MINIMUM DAY
- 8:00am school starts -- bell rings at 7:57am -- BE ON TIME!
- TK and Kindergarten families may enter campus to drop off students.
- 1st - 5th grade must drop students at the gates - no entry to campus.
- 12:45pm TK and kindergarten dismissal
- 1:09pm grades 1-5 dismissal
- 2:23pm grades 1-5 dismissal
- 1:40pm TK and kindergarten dismissal
Friday, AUGUST 16: Estock Spirit Day -- wear spirit gear
Friday, AUGUST 30: Minimum Day
- 12:45pm TK and kindergarten dismissal
- 1:09pm grades 1-5 dismissal
Complete Data Confirmation
Data Confirmation cannot be confirmed via a cell phone - a computer must be used. The local library is a great resource for use of a computer if needed.
Please login to your Aeries Parent Portal to start confirming your data.
Parent Data Confirmation is required for all students enrolling at Tustin Unified. In addition, Data Confirmation must be completed before accessing any other parts of the Aeries Portal.
As a review, the Data Confirmation process will:
- Allow schools to have the most current contact information.
- Help determine which programs a student may be eligible for.
- Assist the school in school funding.
- Allow parents to review and approve authorizations and annual documents for the school year.
The final step for Data Confirmation will be the E-signature below acknowledging and agreeing to the information entered during the process and approving the documents listed on Data Confirmation.
For any technical support, please visit our Portal Support Page or contact your school office.
Back to School Meet & Greet
Join us for Back to School Meet & Greet to meet your child's teacher and see their classroom. Each registered Estock student will receive a new backpack filled with school supplies generously donated by Kids in Need and Blue Sky. We will have community resources and an opportunity for families in need to sign up for uniforms.
You will be able to see who your child's teacher is for this year at 4:00 on August 13 in the Parent Portal.
- Click on student name
- Click on 3 lines in upper left corner
- Click "Student Info" then "Demographics"
- Halfway down on the left you will see "Teacher" (this will only happen after 4:00 on August 13)
8/14 First Day of School 8:00am
24-25 Extended Learning Application
24-25 Bus Application
Uniforms & Spirit Wear
Estock is a uniform school:
- Top - red, white, or blue, with or without collar, no logos
- Bottom - Navy blue, khaki, blue jeans without rips (pants, shorts, skirts)
Every Thursday is Fitness/PE Thursdays: wear comfortable clothes and shoes for physical education
Every Friday is SPIRIT DAY Friday -- show your Eagle PRIDE by wearing all red, white, and blue and Eagle Spirit shirts. Spirit wear will be for sale at Back to School event on 8/13.
Connect via ParentSquare & Social Media
ParentSquare is the only way you will get information from the school.
We are in the digital age and we do not send papers home anymore. In order to know what is coming up, holidays, spirit days, events, news, and much more, you need to have the ParentSquare app. It is free and you sign up using the email you use in the Aeries Parent Portal.
The app allows you to stay connected with Tustin Unified School District and Estock Elementary. Stay connected with Estock school news this year!
Instagram: Estock Elementary School @estockeagles
Facebook: Helen Estock Elementary School @estockeagles
School Supplies
In addition to these supplies, it is incredibly important that students bring their TUSD-issued iPad to school each day, fully charged (new students will be issued iPads once school begins).
As you get into your Back-to-School routine, we suggest plugging in the iPad each night and placing it in an easy-to-remember location so it is not forgotten in the mornings!
Headphones Needed for School
Bell Schedule
Instruction begins promptly each day at 8:00 AM for all students. Students arriving after the start of school must first visit the office to obtain a tardy slip. For safety and supervision reasons, students may not arrive on campus (inside or outside of the gates) prior to 7:40 AM, when breakfast service begins. This is extremely important for student safety. Once inside the gates, all students must remain on the blacktop or at the lunch tables until the bell rings. Students must keep their backpacks with them before school begins.
A bell rings at 7:57am indicating it is time to line up outside the classroom and be prepared for the teacher to open and greet students promptly at 8:00am.
AFTER-SCHOOL Dismissal: Supervision is provided at dismissal gates until 2:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and until 1:15 PM on Wednesday (modified days). It is important that all students are picked up on time. Be sure to call the office at (714) 730-7390 as soon as possible if there is a problem causing a late pick-up for your child. The office cannot provide supervision for your children after school. We appreciate the timely pick-up of students.
Who is My Child's Teacher?
See directions below.
PARKING & TRAFFIC | Arrival & Dismissal
As always, we ask that parents and families adhere to all traffic regulations, signs, and the direction of staff, as well as practice PATIENCE and SAFETY when dropping off and picking up students. We know you would agree that student safety is our #1 priority and we thank you for your help!
SLOW DOWN. BE PRESENT and ALERT, and PREPARE in advance to arrive at school on time.
School begins at 8:00 am each day. Arriving at school at 8:00 am is considered late.
FRONT LOT is for staff parking and the loading and unloading of buses ONLY. Families are not be permitted to drive into the front lot to drop off or pick up students. Parents may park on B Street and walk students to the front of the school for arrival or walk to Gate 2 for pick-up.
NO DROP-OFF from cars at the front of the school -- parents must park and walk or use the side back gate for drop-off.
Side Gate 1: CARPOOL pick-up ONLY -- no parents permitted to walk and pick up students from this gate. Please pull as far forward as possible and remain in your vehicle for curb pick-up.
Side Gate 2: WALK pick-up -- families use the crosswalk to meet students at Gate 2
Everyone is responsible, and we need your help for safety in our parking lot at arrival and dismissal and on B Street. Thank you for modeling SAFE driving etiquette before and after school.
Important Safety Reminders:
Dismissal Gate 1 is for car pick-up and Gate 2 is for walk pick-up ONLY. Students will not be released to cars from Gate 2 as this disrupts the flow of traffic.
Arrival -- Dropping a student from the street is dangerous and not permitted. Please use the side lot if you prefer to drop your child off without an adult getting out of the car.
U-turns in the middle of the street or in the school entrance are illegal and disrupt the flow of traffic.
The front parking lot is for BUSES ONLY. Parents are not permitted to park in the front lot before or after school.
As a reminder, California State Law requires that all children under 8 years of age or under 4’9” in height use a recommended booster seat in the rear of the vehicle.
Celebrating Birthdays on the School Marquee
Celebrate your child's birthday with their name on our school marquee for their birthday week!
$10 donation to Estock PTA
send an envelope with $10 cash to school write child's name and birthday on envelope
Important Estock News Every Sunday
It's a must-read to know what is happening at Estock!
Estock Elementary Parent Handbook
Attendance Matters
Students being at school every day on time is SO important to their learning and their lives.
Good Attendance:
- Enhances academic success and understanding.
- Helps retain knowledge and skills.
- Encourages active participation and engagement.
- Develops discipline and responsibility.
- Builds positive relationships with peers and teachers.
- Prepares students for the expectations of the real world.
Estock rewards STRONG attendance!
- Trimester rewards for having 2 or fewer absences and 1 or no tardies
- Weekly Attendance Golden Eagle awarded to the class with the best attendance
- Outstanding Attendance Laptop Raffle in May
24-25 Schedule
TK & Kindergarten
Wednesdays/Minimum Days: 8:00am-12:45pm
Grades 1-5
8:00am- 2:23pm
Wednesdays/Minimum Days: 8:00am- 1:09pm
Gates open at 7:40am for students.
Students may NOT arrive prior to 7:40am as there is NO SUPERVISION.
School Contact Information
School Phone Number: 714-730-7390
Principal: Amanda Heineman, Ed.D.
Secretary: Patty Ellis
Office Assistant: Rachel Utria
Attendance Clerk: Kat Navarrete
Counselors: Laura Sewell & Vivian Rangel
Community Supports: Rhonda Parks & Marisol Flores
School Social Worker: Karina Vazquez
Health Clerk: Maria Medina