Hall's Corner
September 10, 2021
Dear BHS Families:
We had an incredible 2 days at BHS! It was so awesome to see all of our kids back. Can’t wait for next week! Don’t forget, OPEN HOUSE is Tuesday, 9/14 starting at 6:20 PM and will be VIRTUAL once again this year. I will send a separate e-NEWS about OPEN HOUSE and how to prepare for that night!
Please talk to your students about always wearing their masks properly when inside the building, over the nose and mouth! We only allow masks to be removed when eating/drinking in the cafeteria and GYM during FLEX. Students are encouraged to take mask breaks and eat outside under the tent or at the stadium where they can remove masks. Here we go!
Topics covered in today’s Hall’s Corner:
School Pictures at BHS – NEXT WEEK!
Click here for the PTSA Picture Flyer
9th and 10th Grades – Monday, 9/13
11th and 12th Grades – Tuesday, 9/14
Order pictures online at: www.mcastudios.com
Enter Order Code:
SENIOR Class of 2022 Information
Crossroads Yearbook – Attention Seniors!
RENNES EXCHANGE Families Needed!
Athletic News
Check out this website for the most up to date athletic schedules
Follow Brighton Sports on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/BCSDSports
Students in the News
Administration and Counselor Contact Information
Calendar of Future Events – Check this out!
CROSSROADS YEARBOOK – Attention Class of 2022!
https://www.bcsd.org/Page/6478. Portrait submissions will be accepted through November 30th, 2021.
Administration and Counselor Contact Information
NYSSSMA All-State Performing Ensemble(s) has accepted the following BHS students to participate and/or be alternates for the All-State Conference to be held December 2 through December 5, 2021. We are so proud of you! Go BRUINS!
Annie Guo Symphony Orchestra Violin
Eliana Alweis Violin
Marlena Berger Bassoon
Sophie Hilger Soprano 1
Jonah Kulick Alto Saxophone
Elizabeth Norris Cello
Tamsin Spiller Trumpet
Sydney Stein Violin
These students were recognized out of the thousands of students that participated in auditions last spring at solo and ensemble festivals throughout New York State. Congratulations students!!!
Date....................... Event................................................................................. Time
September 11........... ACT Testing................................................................................. 8:00 AM
September 13 .............School Pictures: 9th & 10th Grades........................................ PE Classes
September 14 .............School Pictures: 11th & 12TH Grades ....................................PE Classes
September 14 .............OPEN HOUSE (More Information to Follow!) ..................6:20 – 8:45 PM
September 16 .............Yom Kippur .....................................................................School is Closed
September 23 .............12th Grade Parent Night ..............................................................6:30 PM
September 27- October 2 Homecoming Week with Game & Parade on Saturday!
September 29 .............PTSA Meeting with Principal for PARENTS,
..................................... Room 262 .............................................................................Noon & 7 PM
October 2 ....................SAT Testing................................................................................... 8:00 AM
October 5 ....................Financial Aid Night –
......................................for all parents with kids heading to college!!!!............................ 6:30 PM
October 8 .....................Superintendent’s Conference Day ............................................ No School
October 13 ...................PSAT for Juniors
October 23 ...................ACT Testing................................................................................... 8:00 AM
October 14 ...................9th Grade Parent Night .................................................................6:30 PM
October 25 - 29 ............Red Ribbon Week
October 26 ...................PTSA Meeting with the Principal
.......................................for PARENTS, Room 262 ..................................................Noon and 7 PM
October 29 & 30 ...........Fall Play