Principal Kaplan's Welcome
Some thoughts for the start of the new school year
A fresh start...
A fresh start always feels good! Maybe that's why so many people look forward to the Fall; it's synonymous with a brand new beginning. I am looking forward to welcoming back all of our returning students in addition to getting to know the new faces that will be in our hallways soon. MECA is a special place that affords students many opportunities. I know that this is a year your child will experience to its fullest and I am excited to watch as they make the most of every opportunity that is presented to them!
Parents, I am equally excited to welcome you back to a new school and I celebrate the growth of our parent community! We are looking forward to seeing you at our PTA meetings and upcoming Fall events. I am hopeful that our renewed efforts to commit to even greater parent engagement will pay off in the most amazing school year we have had yet. Don't forget - this is a big year for MECA. You'll be helping us celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Manhattan Early College School for Advertising all year long! Get ready - it's going to be a great year!
With love,
Ms. Kaplan
(212) 225 -0880 ex. 3366
2023 - 2024 Bell Schedule
Classes begin promptly at 8:30. If you miss the beginning of class, you miss essential information. Set yourself up for success and arrive on time! Students will be permitted to enter the building for Breakfast starting at 8:00 am. Students who arrive to school before the start of first period should report to the cafeteria EVERY DAY.
Policies and procedures to be aware of
As a way of recognizing responsible behavior, eligible MECA students may leave the school building during lunch. Students are eligible to go out for lunch as long as they:
Have not been late to school (8:35 AM) or class 3 times in the past two weeks,
Do not have detention (Students who serve their detention remain ineligible for the whole of the week),
Have no negative anecdotals during the week,
Have no formal class removals or suspensions in the previous month,
Adhere to the requirements of the MECA Lunch Out program (e.g. returning on time from lunch and acting responsibly during lunch)
Have a MECA school id card
Have a signed parent consent form
Each week, the list of eligible students will be posted outside Rooms 316 & 356.
Students who start the week eligible, but who become ineligible during the week will not be permitted to go out to lunch for the rest of the week. Students who lose their eligibility on Thursday or Friday, will not be permitted to go out to lunch the following week.
Students who repeatedly become ineligible may have the privilege revoked entirely.
Eligible students are required to swipe out with the school id card beginning at 10:56 AM, and swipe back in no later than 11:43 AM.
Students are expected to act responsibly, and adhere to all DOE and MECA rules and core values.
Additionally, students must:
Return to the school building no later than 11:43 AM
Use school ID to swipe out and in of the school building
And remember...both breakfast and lunch are available at no cost EVERY day to EVERY student in our cafeteria. A link to NYCDOE school foods menus is attached below. Menus are subject to change but give you a good indication of what will be available on a regular basis!
Upcoming Events
- Thursday September 7th FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
- Tuesday September 12th 10th/11th GRADE COLLEGE ORIENTATION
- Thursday September 14th 10th/11th GRADE COLLEGE ORIENTATION (continues)
- Tuesday September 19th 10th/11th GRADE COLLEGE CLASSES BEGIN
- Wednesday September 20th SEPTEMBER PTA MEETING 7 pm (VIRTUAL)
- Monday September 25th NO SCHOOL (Yom Kippur)
- Thursday September 28th BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT (invite to follow)
Who do I go to when I need help with...
When you need assistance, there are a variety of people at MECA you will be reaching out to! If you have concerns regarding your child's performance in a specific class, you should first contact their teacher directly. Teacher contact information is available on our website. It can be found in the OUR TEAM section. If you are unable to reach a specific teacher, you should contact our Parent Coordinator, Vivian Cruz ( for assistance.
Advisors will be checking in with you on a weekly basis. Advisors are here to support the social and emotional growth of your child and assist them in acquiring the skills they need to be successful in the worlds of college and career. Soon you and your child's Advisor will identify the best way to stay in touch. Please direct any questions or concerns you may have about Advisory to me directly at
For help with:
student records
health/vaccination records
general school information
Main Office (212) 225-0880 ex. 3361 or ex. 3362
Secretary Debbie Santiago at
For help with:
BMCC courses
college transcripts
College Liaison Gregory Bryant at
Early College Community Associate Felecita Isaac at
For help with:
CTE program
Internship opportunities
Work Based Learning Coordinator Carol Sun at
For help with:
course registration
credit accumulation
mandated counseling supports
concerns you may have about your child's emotional well-being
scholarship opportunities
Guidance Counselor Arbiana Asani
Guidance Counselor Lourdes Figeuroa
Social Worker Maria Militano
Director of College Counseling Lauraly Laurent
Finally, our Assistant Principals are available to help address any and all of your concerns. It is easiest to make an appointment to speak with them via email initially. China Camacho can be reached at and Patty Edwards can be reached at You can also always call the Main Office and request to speak with them directly.
Fall PSAL Information
PSAL Coach Contact Information
For students (and families!) who may be interested in information about tryouts for the Fall season and beyond, please see the contact list attached below so that you can connect with the appropriate Coach. Parental consent and medical forms will be available in the Main Office rm 239.