D93 Family Update
February 23, 2023
Weekly Schedule
February Cornerstone: TEAMWORK
D93 News
ESSER Funds Suggestions
In great news this week, based on February budget reports from the state, we have about $5-million available in unbudgeted ESSER funds. This is due in large part to our very conservative approach to budgeting over the past three years.
We would love to hear your thoughts on the most important ways that we can use these funds (keeping in mind that they are one-time dollars that cannot be used for ongoing expenses like employee pay or health insurance benefits). Will you please go to d93.org/esser to share your thoughts on how we should plan to use these funds?
This week's D93 News has a special report from Rocky Mountain Middle School, Idaho Falls where a well-decorated war veteran and author recently visited the students. We'll tell you why he was invited and what message he had for the students at the school. Also, you won't want to miss this week's Health Minute from EIRMC. It has important tips for helping your child become more organized. #WeAreD93
Follow us on Instagram
Make sure to like us on Instagram for exclusive D93 content like this morning's "Dragon Games" assembly at Sandcreek Middle School.
Kindergarten Roundup is Just Around the Corner
Monday, March 6, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at all D93 Elementary Schools. For more information click on the following links:
EIRMC Health Minute
Family Events & Resources
Opportunities for Students
The Idaho School Boards Association is hosting a photography contest for K-12 students. Winners of the contest will be featured in the Spring 2023 edition of ISBA's SLATE magazine. The theme for this year's contest is Hometown Idaho. Entries must be submitted via email to ISBA's Mika Milette by March 1, 2023.
D93 Get Help Line
Students, parents, and employees can reach out for help with bullying, harassment, suicidal tendencies, self-harm, threats, or to report weapons at school by going to d93.org/gethelp or sending the text @gethelp to 855-528-0074.
Thank you to our community partners at EIRMC for supporting our D93 Family Update.