Parent Connection
December 2023 Issue
December Wellness Wednesday Lunch & Learn
Social Media: Protecting Your Child by Staying Aware & Involved
When: Wednesday, December 13, 2023, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Where: Online (Zoom)
Register: http://cookcenter.info/Dec13Harford
November Lunch & Learn Recording Now Available
Bullying - Stop the Cycle
Highlighting HOPE
Creating Positive Childhood Experiences for Your Child at all Stages
Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE): Positive experiences can ease toxic stress, helping children and youth to grow into more resilient, healthier adults. HOPE identifies ways that parents/caregivers and can better ensure that all children have more positive experiences and that all families have support to nurture and celebrate their strengths.
Toddler or Preschooler
School-aged Child
Coming Soon... Spring Workshops
HCPS Parent Academy and HCPS Student Support Services are excited to announce a new parenting series to be offered this Winter/Spring 2024 throughout the county.
The following topics will be covered; stay tuned for more details.
- Internet Safety
- Being an active participant in your child's IEP - before, during, and after the meetings
- Supporting the Social Emotional Learning of Your Young Child
- Effective Communication Between Home & School
- Understanding Behavior to Build Your Parent Toolbox
- Transition to Middle & High School
- Student Attendance: Parent Challenges, Student Progress, and School Performance
- Cannabis Use
- Navigating for Student Success and College/Career Readiness
- Emotional Regulation & How to Access Mental Health Supports
- Parent Expectations Before, During, and After: Keys to building strong home/school connections!
Real Talk: Partners for Success
In this Real Talk, Mary Beth Stapleton talks with new Partners for Success (P4S) Centers Coordinator Megan Fitzgerald and Director of Special Education Colleen Sasdelli about supporting parental involvement in the special education decision making process by sharing information and community services and assisting families in resolving concerns.
Top Tip from Mary Beth
Mary Beth Stapleton founded the HCPS Parent Academy and has over 30 years experience working on behalf of children and families. Mary Beth and her family live in northern Harford County.
Resources to Support My Child's Academic Progress
When parents and teachers communicate with each other, each can share important information to help HCPS students succeed.
Here are some talking points that you can use when reaching out to your child’s teacher:
- Is my child performing at grade level?
- What is the school doing to support my child’s progress?
- What are his/her strengths?
- How can my child improve?
Assignments and assessments?
- Ask for examples of your child’s work.
- How are my child’s attendance, grades, and test scores. Are they meeting expectations?
- How are test results used to help my child make progress?
Support for Learning?
- If my child needs extra support, what are the resources available to help?
- What can I do at home to help my child?
- Are there any programs or services in the community that could help my child?
Remember, if you have a question or need support you can always reach out to parentacademy@hcps.org or askhcps@hcps.org
YOU are your child’s first and best teacher!
Family Friendly School Award Program
Vote Now to Help Name the December Winner!
The voting window to name the December Family Friendly School Award winner is NOW OPEN!
Click here to vote once before 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, December 17, to let us know which nominated school should win the coveted title of “Family Friendly School” and a staff Chick-fil-A luncheon!
If “your” school isn’t in the running this month and you feel it should be, nominate it next month! One winning school will be named each month through May, and schools may win multiple times. Reminders about nominating and voting windows are shared on the Parent Academy Facebook page throughout the school year.
We look forward to announcing the December winner later this month!
Congratulations to November's Family Friendly School Winner!
Old Post Road Elementary School
Community Partner Highlight
Parks and Recreation at Eden Mill
Harford County Public Library Events
Check out what's happening in December!
The Harford County Public Library offers so many educational, fun, and FREE events at each of its branches year-round. Be sure to visit the events page of their website to see what's happening in November!
Community Resources
- Harford County Public Library
- Harford County Parks and Recreation
- Boys and Girls Clubs of Harford & Cecil Counties
Additional resources may be found in the Harford County Community Services Resource Guide.
Stay Connected!
Also, bookmark the Parent Academy webpage on hcps.org where all workshops and Real Talks are archived, and where you can find information on other Parent Academy sponsored programs, like Family Friendly Schools.
Parent Connection Archive
HCPS Parent Academy
HCPS parents are students’ first and best teachers.
Email: ParentAcademy@hcps.org
Website: https://www.hcps.org/parents/ParentAcademy/Default.aspx
Location: 102 South Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, MD, USA
Phone: 410-588-5263
Facebook: facebook.com/HCPSParentAcademy