Full In Person to Begin Monday
Important information and videos
Spring 2021 Handbook
All District 41 schools are looking forward to starting the full in-person schedule next week. Click Here for the District 41 Spring Handbook featuring information about the new Full In-Person model.
Welcome Back Videos
Each school principal has put together a welcome back video to help prepare students and families for this Monday, April 19. Hadley has a special video produced with the help of students!
All students who are attending the full in-person school schedule starting next week will be required to submit a saliva sample for a COVID-19 screening each week.
All in-person students should bring their saliva sample to school with them on Monday, April 19. If your child forgets or there is an issue with the collection, the schools will also be collecting samples on Tuesday and Wednesday. If your child does not submit a sample, the school will be calling home to follow up.
If your child is new to saliva screening, please click here for more information on how to collect and submit the sample. If your child experiences difficulty in producing a saliva sample, please contact Katie Adduci to participate in BinaxNOW rapid antigen testing as an alternative at kadduci@d41.org.