Trevitt Elementary-Tigers
February & March Edition
From the Desk of Dr. Bates - Principal
Our Black history Program was a huge success! Trevitt Elementary students celebrated Black History Month with Columbus Chief of Police Elaine Bryant. Students presented information on Health Sciences related to police work, sang and recited poetry, then presented Chief Bryant with a video honoring her career and a Community Excellence Award. Bryant is the first African American female to serve as Columbus' Chief of Police. The program concluded with dancing, hugs, and cupcakes. Thank you, Chief Bryant of the Columbus Division of Police, for spending your afternoon with our Trevitt scholars!
Our after school tutoring program starts on Tuesday, March 1st from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM. Tutoring will occur on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week. All students will need to have a completed application on file in order to participate. Please email with all questions or concerns. Please read the letter directly below with details. You can complete the online application using this link:
Trevitt Scholars will be recognized for their 2nd quarter Honors and Achievements on Monday, February 28th. Scholars will be recognized for academics, attendance, good citizenship and service! All parents are invited to attend the ceremonies virtually via zoom. Please use the following zoom information to join us:
Meeting ID: 979 9723 3929
Students in grades PreK-2 Recognition Ceremony Time:
- 9:45 AM -10:30 AM
Students in grades 3-5 Recognition Ceremony Time:
- 1:45 PM-2:30PM
Guide To Student Success
Parents, if you haven't reviewed the 2021-2022 Guide to Student Success, please us the link below to access. Important information is included such as:
1. House Bill 410 which removes the definition of “chronic truant.” The definition of “habitual truant” changes from days to hours (p.15).
2. Our Acceptable Use Policy, its purpose is to provide Internet and network access in
schools (p. 17-19).
3. Behaviors and Intervention Strategies (Level 1-3)
4. Parent and Student Sign Off Forms
5. So much more!
Chief Bryant & Dr. Bates
Chief Bryant received the Community Excellence Award
Balloons for Chief Bryant
From Your School Psychologist-Mrs. Glen
As the School Psychologist, I get asked a lot of questions about Special Education services. Special education is a term that describes a wide variety of services that are based on the needs of a child with a disability. Special education is NOT a place or a class. Children have the right to receive education in the ‘‘least restrictive environment.’’ That means that children should remain included with students without disabilities to as much as they can while still getting services that allow the child to make progress toward his or her individual goals. The strategies developed to achieve these goals determine the most appropriate type of placement for each student. Special education can include a variety of instructional arrangements such as:
• Inclusion in the general education classroom full time, with special education support (such as consultation between specialists and the classroom teacher or provision of special materials and modifications). This is often called “inclusion” or “push-in” services.
• Placement in a class or school for part or all of the school day, where specific interventions and instructional techniques can be provided by special education personnel. We often call this “resource room services.”
• Small group instruction from special education personnel for relatively short periods of time (an hour per day) within or outside the regular education classroom
• Individual or group specialized therapy (such as speech therapy or occupational therapy)
• Combination of settings and services
If you have questions about the special education process, you can reach me directly at 380-997-3265, or by email at I am happy to answer any questions you have!
Special Education Teacher--Ms. Denning
Hi there! My name is Madelyn Denning and I am the High Incidence Intervention Specialist here at Trevitt Elementary School. This is my fifth year at Trevitt. I obtained my bachelor's degree in Special Education from The Ohio State University. Here at Trevitt, I support our students who have unique learning needs and facilitate inclusion in the general education classroom. My favorite thing about working at Trevitt is the wonderful relationships I have formed with the students and their families. While I do work with a specific caseload of students, I am in most classrooms daily. I also do breakfast, lunch, and dismissal duty so I get to spend some time with all of our wonderful scholars there as well. I wouldn't change it for the world. Go Tigers!
Special Education Teacher-Mr. Featherstone
Hello, my name is Mr. Featherstone,
I am a graduate of Columbus City Schools (East High Tiger) where I ran track, played baseball, basketball, and football. After graduating I attended Central State University (HBCU) "Marauder Land", while attending Central I met Ervin "Magic" Johnson (Lakers Basketball). I received my Master's Degree in Special Education (Magna Cum Laude), I am passionate about teaching youth and seeing them excel. My favorite things to do is spending time with family and friends and working out.
Ms. Wise-Fourth Grade Teacher
Ms. Tomlinson-Fifth Grade Teacher
Hello Trevitt families. Just wanted to send out a quick covid update. Here are some important updates you need to know from the Ohio Department of Health.
What if my child tests positive? Anyone with COVID-19 should isolate for 5 days. If your student tests positive promptly report this to your student’s school so that a contact tracer or the school nurse can provide guidance and a return-to-school date. Before they return to school students must be fever free for 24 hours and their symptoms must be improving. When they return to school, they must be able to wear a well-fitting mask.
What if someone in my student’s household tests positive for COVID-19 or if my student is exposed outside of school? New guidance from ODH recommends that if a student is exposed to COVID-19 in their household or out in the community, they no longer have to quarantine at home and may continue to attend school and extra-curricular activities, if they have no signs or symptoms of illness and are able to wear a well-fitting mask.
What if my child is not feeling well? Please keep your child home if they are experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19 and notify your school.
Counselor's Corner
National School Counseling Week 2022 (#NSCW22) is Feb. 7-11, 2022, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. National School Counseling Week, sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. National School Counseling Week is always celebrated the first full week in February.
The 2022 theme is School Counseling: Better Together.
Ms. Hill-School Counselor
Don't let the children miss out on furthering their education due to current situations, we here at Trevitt Elementary School care. Families are more than welcome to contact me with ideas, experiences, and sharable moments. You can email me or call the school 614-365-6137.
Free Covid Tests
U.S. Postal Service is providing FREE Covid tests to every household. Each shipment contains 4 tests. Limit, one shipment per household. Complete the form provided in the link below to receive your free tests.
Upcoming events
February 2nd- Professional Development Day (Teacher Meetings)
February 2nd-Parent/Teacher Conference-4:00-7:30
February 21st- Presidents Day--No School
February 28th - Awards Assembly (PreK-2 Grade: 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM,
Grades 3-5: 1:45 PM -2:30PM)
March 1st - After School Tutoring Begins (3:30-4:30 PM)
March 9th - PD Day for Staff (No School for Students)
March 22nd - End of Third Quarter
March 23rd - Records Day (No School for Students)
March 31st - Elementary Lottery Application Deadline
Elementary School Lottery Applications: Accepted via the Parent Portal Tuesday, February 1, 2022 through Thursday, March 31, 2022. The last date for the acceptance of late lottery applications for students who completed the 2021-22 school year with CCS is July 29, 2022. New students enrolling into Columbus City Schools can submit a lottery application for two weeks after their enrollment date until December 9, 2022.
Online Registration for Columbus City Schools Pre-K will open at 8:00a.m on February 1, 2022 with the first appointments taking place on April 1, 2022. Students who are not old enough for kindergarten, but are 4 by September 30, 2022 are eligible for Pre-K in the 2022/2023 school year.
If you have any questions, please contact Alicia Maynard at 614-365-5134 or email at
Please check the Enrollment page of the district website for documents needed to enroll.
If you are interested in early childhood resources we've been compiling, please click here.
2022/2023 CCS Kindergarten Enrollment
Click here to start the enrollment process for your kindergarten student for the 2022/2023 school year. Incoming kindergarten students must turn 5 by September 30, 2022 to be eligible for kindergarten within Columbus City Schools' 2022/2023 school year.
Translation assistance is available upon request.
For questions regarding Enrollment, please email or you still have additional questions please call Central Enrollment at (614) 365-4011, or contact the FACTLine at 614-221-3228 or
Trevitt Elementary
Location: 519 Trevitt Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (614) 365-6137