Hastings Advanced Academics
November 2020
November is also Thanksgiving and a much needed break for students! I hope you all have the time to use the holiday week to decompress, destress, and spend quality time with one another. Although this year the holiday will look different for many of us, I am thankful to have a few days at home to rest and refocus. We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel for this fall semester and I hope that you are feeling at least a smidge more comfortable and confident in your routines.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!
Student Recognition
Final Exam Announcement
Last Month's Parent Information Meeting
College Planning - Actions this month
Save for college.
It’s not too late to put money aside for college. Every little bit helps! Learning about financial aid early on can also help you down the road.
Tour college campuses.
If possible, take advantage of vacation or other family travel time to visit colleges and see what they’re like. Even if you have no interest in attending the college you are visiting, it will help you learn what to look for in a college.
Sign up to take the SAT® in the spring.
You can register online or through your school. SAT fee waivers are available to eligible students. To prepare for the SAT, you can access free, personalized SAT practice tools at satpractice.org, including thousands of interactive questions, video lessons, practice tests, and more.
School day SAT® for juniors is scheduled for the week of March 8. Start preparing now!
Ask a counselor or teacher for recommendations if you need them.
Give each teacher or counselor an outline of your academic record and your extracurricular activities.
For each recommendation, provide a stamped, addressed envelope and any college forms required.
Write first drafts and ask teachers and others to read them if you’re submitting essays. If you’re applying for early decision, finish the essays for that application now.
Complete at least one college application by Thanksgiving.
Ask counselors to send your transcripts to colleges. Give counselors the proper forms at least two weeks before the colleges require them.
Teacher Spotlight
Mr. Lee
My love for math, logic and puzzles have led me to graduate with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from UT in Austin. Abstract understanding, logic and critical thinking are the keys to success in AP Calculus AB.
Ms. Wiley
My name is Radhiya S. Wiley. I was born in Topeka, KS. I was raised in Tyler, TX and currently reside in Houston, TX. I graduated from Dillard University in New Orleans, La with a Bachelor's of Science in chemistry with a minor in mathematics. I received my secondary teacher certification in mathematics through the University of Houston at Clear Lake and Region IV. In addition, I have my Master's of Education in Education Administration from Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, AZ. I have been teaching for 21 years. I enjoy teaching, learning, family, playing cards, shooting pool, writing poems, playing strategy games, monopoly and learning more about financial literacy. I am a person of good character and integrity.
Mr. Parmar
Ms. Bennett
I am originally from Nebraska, and this is my 8th year at Hastings High School and my 2nd year with AP World History.
We are working hard in this hybrid universe, and through all the ups and downs and many challenges, these AP kiddos continue to amaze me!
Ms. Bey
This is my 12th year teaching art, and my 5th year at Hastings. I am a product of Alief as I went to Petrosky, Albright, Kerr, & Hastings. My only son went to schools in Katy ISD all his life, but I made him graduate from Hastings last school year.
I love spending time with my son, family, friends, and God. I also enjoy going to the park to enjoy nature, painting, meditating, traveling (pre-covid), cooking, and promoting self-care.
Study Tip
Give yourself enough time - don't leave it to the last minute. Despite what you may feel, studies show 'last-minute cramming' is the least effective way to study
Organize your space - minimize distractions, get comfy, make sure sure you have the space to stay tidy and organized in order to stay focused.
Take regular breaks - for long term retention of knowledge (so you don't have to cram for exams!), figure out how long you can stay focused at one time and build in brain breaks for a refresh and renewed productivity.
Snack on brain foods - stay away from junk food. Try instead nuts, yogurt, or fresh fruit as these have proven to aid concentration and memory. The day before a big exam, eat a good meal and get plenty of rest. Stay hydrated!
Email: alredmon@ga.aliefisd.net
Website: https://www.aliefisd.net/site/Default.aspx?PageID=8161
Location: 4410 Cook Road, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 281.988.3110 27065