Washington County School District
Impacting Literacy-February 2024
Community Readers at Ridge Road Primary for Kindness Week
Mainstreet Director Carson Daley reading to our kids
Some of our great community readers and a Cardinal too!
Ms. Holley Davis from the Chamber reading to Ms. Hodges' class
Super Readers Recognition
Super Readers from Ridge Road Elementary and Ridge Road Primary school in December had a surprise waiting for them when they got home one day. This sign had been placed in their yards letting the neighbors know what a great reader they were.
Raising a Reader at Ridge Road Parent Session for January
January's parent session focus was a discussion about the importance of learning sounds and letters. This is foundational for learning how to read. Students learn about sounds, using pictures of images then the symbol or letter knowledge is taught. This teaches the child that a sound is represented by a symbol or letter. One fun activity to practice writing letters is to use shaving cream on a flat surface to write out letters.
WACO Reads and Wash. Co. Regional Medical Center Working Together for Literacy
Recently, the Washington County School District partnered with WCRMC to provide iPads to WCRMC for children to use while at the Emergency Department. The iPads are loaded with a variety of reading and educational games to play while being seen as a patient or waiting with a parent. This collaboration between the school district and WCRMC is part of a community effort to promote the importance of early childhood literacy through a community team called WACO Reads. Pictured are Jennifer Tatum, Washington County School District Director of Digital Learning, Shelley Kitchens, WCRMC Emer. Dept. Manager, and Leah Clark, Washington County School District Director of Literacy.