The Lion's Den: Week at a Glance
Parent and Community Week at a Glance 1/16 - 1/20
PreK-Learning Stations
PreK-Learning Stations
PreK-Learning Stations
Grade Level "Community Meetings"
Grade Level "Community Meetings"
Grade Level "Community Meetings"
Lemira Elementary School Updates:
Thanks for being a part of our village as we continue to motivate, inspire, and educate all students to be college and career ready. We are the Lions, and we'll have it no other way!!!!!!
School Announcements
1.Monday, January 16th: Martin Luther King Birthday (Holiday): There will be no school for students or staff.
2. Flyers for our Valentine's Family Dance will go home Monday, Jan. 9th. Tickets will go on sale beginning Tuesday, Jan. 10th.
- Please see flyer for additional details.
3. Mark your calendars for our title one "Technology Workshop" and Step Team Pre-Showcase:
- Informative Session presented on Tech Resources, in which parents are able to use to support their learners.
- Thursday, January 19th @ 6:00pm
- The Step Team will also present their "Pre-showcase"!
4. Report Cards will be issued Thursday, January 26th.
5. Awards Day: February 1st and 3rd
- Please see grade level dates below.
6. Title One Tidbits: Title I T & T
(Being Responsible)
Megan keeps up with her homework and is always ready for soccer practice on time.
The reason? She has learned about responsibility from a young age.
Consider these hands-on ways to help your youngster be responsible, too.
A. Part of the Team
Show your child that everyone’s responsibilities matter. Have him/her cut bookmark-sized strips of paper and write a family activity on one (eating dinner). On the others, he/she should write jobs that make it happen (plan the meal, buy groceries, cook, set the table). Now let him/her link the strips to make a chain. They'll see that dinner relies on everyone doing their job!
B. Around the Clock
Help your youngster get in the habit of handling him/her responsibilities on time. Let your child draw a clock on paper or poster board and add sticky notes labeled with daily tasks. He/She might put “Homework” at 4 p.m. and “Walk the dog” at 7 p.m. Have him/her post the clock in a visible spot as a reminder.
C. Caught in the Act
“Catch” your child being responsible, and tell him/her you noticed. (“That was responsible of you to throw away your trash.”) You could even snap photos of your child
responsible behavior (say, making their bed) and hang them on the refrigerator. Seeing
the photos will inspire him/her to continue being responsible.♥
7. EXACT Path: Students are encouraged to log into EXACT Path daily while at home. They have a dedicated time during the school day to work on their learning paths. However, we do encourage students to continue practicing their "Leveled" skills in their "Reading and Math" learning pathways. Students are recognized bi-weekly for their mastery progress and usage minutes.
8. Want to become a Volunteer?
We would love your assistance as a volunteer at Lemira. Please see the website for details.
9. Spirit Fridays:
* Please mark on your calendars the following Days
- 2nd Fridays (Spirit Fridays) - Lemira T-shirts or "Blue and White" colors
- 4th Fridays (Creating College and Career Ready Leaders, the AVID Way) - Wear your favorite college T-shirt
Important Dates
January 12
Last Day of 2nd Qtr (1st Semester)
January 13
In-Service Work Day for Staff
No School for students
January 16th
MLK Holiday / No School for Students or Staff
January 17th
First Day of 3rd Qtr.
January 19th
Title One Tech Workshop / STEP Team "Pre-Show"
January 26th
Report Cards Issued
January 27th
SIC Meeting (Parent Invite) 9:30am
Wellness Half Day (11am Dismissal)
February 1st
Awards Day
8:15am - 1st and 2nd Grades
9:30am - PreK and K Grades
February 3rd
Awards Day
8:15am - 3rd and 4th Grades
9:30am - 5th Grade
February 9th
"Guys in Ties and Girls in Pearls" Family Valentine's Dance
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and our School Website for the latest updates. The links are in the box below.
Mrs. Stephanie Gregg, Ed.S
Proud Principal of Lemira Elementary School
Lemira Elementary School
Location: 952 Fulton Street, Sumter, SC, USA
Phone: 803-775-0658
Twitter: @LemiraSchool