Green Meadow Weekly Update
January 25, 2024
Contact Us
Principal, Robert Rouleau - rrouleau@maynard.k12.ma.us
Assistant Principal, Karen Lindquist - klindquist@maynard.k12.ma.us
School Nurse, Maria Bourgeios - mbourgeios@maynard.k12.ma.us
Absentee Phone Line - (978)897-0310
Important Dates
1/26 - MPS Early Release Day, GM dismissal 11:45 AM
2/8 - Kindergarten Open House for New Families (more information below)
2/19 - 2/23 - February Vacation, No school
3/5 - Presidential Primary, No School
3/15 - Early Release Day for Conferences
3/16 - ELPAC Meeting, Maynard Public Library, 10:00 - 11:00 AM
3/26 - Report cards accessible via Aspen parent portal
4/2 - 4/3 - Grade 3 MCAS, ELA
4/29 - 5/3 - Green Meadow Book Fair
5/7 - 5/8 - Grade 3 MCAS, Math
We celebrated the 90th day of school on Tuesday, January 23. We are officially more than halfway through the year.
Celebrating Cindy Blanchard
Cindy Blanchard has been with the Maynard Public Schools for almost 27 years. Prior to working in Maynard, Cindy worked in the Cape teaching Music and directing multiple plays.
During her time in the Maynard Public Schools, Cindy taught in all three schools. She helped develop and grow the district Band and Choral programs. Several of Cindy’s best memories during her time in the district have been organizing the performances of the Maynard High School Chorus in both Disney World and Washington D.C..
This year Cindy brought back to the Green Meadow Elementary School a winter performance for grades 1-3 which has been nonexistent for the past 7 years. Over 300 parents attended the two day performance. She also invited Kindergarten families in to join the student's music class during the Kindergarten Music Open House series.
Cindy will be retiring as of January 31, 2024. We wish her all the best as she pursues new adventures.
We are excited to welcome Heather Stewart to Green Meadow Elementary School as our new music teacher. Ms. Stewart has taught in Colorado, Switzerland, and Massachussets. Most recently, she taught music at the Waldorf High School of Massachusetts Bay, in Belmont, and the Shady Hill School, in Cambridge. She has also been an educational coordinator for the Handel and Haydn Society, in Boston. She has taught private piano lessons locally. Ms. Stewart will work with Mrs. Blanchard to transition the Green Meadow music program.
Curriculum and Assessment Updates
Math Curriculum Update - Resources for Families
Math is EVERYWHERE and students mindset about math actually starts at home. The Maynard Public Schools knows that math is fundamental to learnng and can be a predictor of success in school and careers. Here are some ways you can help your child develop a positive math mindset:
Be positive! Parent’s positive messages are an indicator of student success. Parent’s math ability is not. Let your child know that they can do this, that you believe in them. Your words have a great impact on student’s attitudes about mathematics.
Link mathematics with daily life - Every day, people face situations that involve math. These can be as simple as getting enough spoons for family dinner to estimating how much money you will spend at the grocery store. Help your children notice and wonder about the math in our daily lives.
Make mathematics fun - Play board games, play card games, solve puzzles, and ponder brain teasers, cook, build, grow, with your child. Point out the math involved, and have your child discuss the strategies they use to solve problems and figure things out. Ideas for Math Fun
Learn about math related careers and share ways that you use math daily in your work and home. Math is everywhere.
Have high expectations - Research shows that all students can learn math. There is no such thing as a “math person”. We all can learn math!
(From the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)
Have questions? Email the Green Meadow Math Coach, Terri Morrison at tmorrison@maynard.k12.ma.us
A Note from the Green Meadow School Nurse's Office
Recently, there has been an increase in confirmed cases of Covid at Green Meadow. With it also being cold and flu season, it’s important to take proper precautions to ensure your family’s health and wellness.
Early symptoms of Covid, strep throat, and the flu can look similar for many children, including congestion, cough, runny nose, muscle aches, fever, and headache. Since each virus typically begins as an upper respiratory infection, it can be difficult to know which one you are dealing with when your child gets sick. We recommend having your child tested should they present with these symptoms. Please note that for Covid, testing more than once is recommended as it may take time for the virus to show on a home test. If your child continues to have symptoms but tests negative, reach out to your health provider. Testing for all viruses can be done by health care providers and sometimes treatment may be needed for ongoing or concerning symptoms.
It is important that sick individuals continue to follow the Green Meadow illness guidelines and stay home to reduce the spread of illness to others.
We are still following the Mass.gov guidelines regarding Covid precautions, which you can find here: Covid Policy
Please contact the Green Meadow nurse’s office should you have any questions or concerns. If you would like Covid test kits for your family, we have a limited supply and can provide them to you if available.
Thank you and stay healthy!
Welcome to the Counselor's Corner!
Did you know that the manner in which you manage your own stress significantly impacts your child? Kids notice (and often ultimately imitate) everything we do. Whenever possible, we want to model productive coping strategies, hoping that they will begin to internalize and practice them. Here are some tips on how to model healthy coping skills and use co-regulation to build self-regulation in kids. Check out the updated Green Meadow Social Emotional Learning Resources website for additional information.
Questions or feedback? Please contact Julie Danforth at jdanforth@maynard.k12.ma.us
Preschool and Kindergarten Registration
Do you have a rising Preschool or Kindergartener? We are still accepting applications for our 2024-2025 Preschool program. Application packets are available in our main office.
Kindergarten registration is open. Registration packets are available in our main office. You can also register online using the link below.
If you have registered for Kindergarten online and would like to be part of the Spanish Immersion Lottery, you can find the form here:
You must complete a Kindergarten registration packet online or in person to be considered for the Spanish Immersion Program.
Kindergarten Open House for New Families Please join us for an Open House on Thursday, February 8, from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM. Meet our Kindergarten team, visit classrooms, and learn about our programming.
District Resources
SEPAC Maynard Presents
Raising Nuerodivergent Learners: Understanding and Supporting Neurodivergent Youth
Are you raising a neurodivergent child (ASD, ADHD, dyslexia)? Join us for a discussion with Sara Rodrigues on Tuesday, January 23rd, 7:00 PM. For more information, please checkout the SEPAC Facebook page.
Leaders of Change Coat Drive
The Leaders of Change Club is holding a coat drive for Cradles to Crayons. A donation box will be in the lobby of Green Meadow from Tuesday, February 6th through Friday, February 16th.
Many thanks to the community for helping with other community service projects. In total, Leaders of Change has collected:
- 50+ lbs in food for the Maynard Food Pantry
- Over 30 Halloween costumes for kids who can use them
- 30 pints of Blood for Mass General Hospital.
Maynard High School DECA Fundraiser
PTO Updates
Get caught up on all the latest PTO news by visiting the Green Meadow PTO website! https://greenmeadowpto.membershiptoolkit.com/
This month the PTO meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13, at 7:00 PM.
Parents Night Out!
We are so excited for our Parents Night Out event!
We have also partnered with the Boys and Girls Club to provide a babysitting option for those that need it. See details below.
CLICK HERE to Purchase Tickets for Parents Night Out!
Due to the Pleasant Cafe's capacity rules, there are a limited number of tickets.
Tickets are first come first serve.
Community Resources
BASEC Program Opportunities
Maynard Cultural District Winter Celebration
Come celebrate winter and the Maynard community on Saturday, January 27th, from 1 PM - 3PM, in Veterans Memorial Park.
Local Fundraiser
Join other community members at a fundraiser for the Rio Road Playground Rebuild Project! View the movie, Won't You Be My Neighbor?, on Tuesday, Febraury 13, at 7:00 PM, at the Maynard Fine Arts Theatre. Tickets are free but please register using the link below. Donations will be accepted at the door.
Maynard Public Library Program
Looking to practice your English speaking skills this spring? Maynard Public Library is partnering with a group called English at Large to offer free conversation groups for intermediate and higher adult English learners to build skills and confidence in speaking English. Conversation groups are free and meet once per week for 90 minutes. Groups are available at the Maynard and Acton Libraries. Learners practice speaking and listening skills with trained facilitators. The spring semester is enrolling now and will begin the first week of February.
To register, visit http://www.englishatlarge.org/conversation-groups.
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth Resources
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) is pleased to announce its new, free MPY Parenting Solutions Library. To date, over 2,200 videos have been borrowed. MPY is offering the MPY Parenting Solutions Library in partnership with Peace At Home Parenting Solutions, a non-profit located in Mansfield, Connecticut. Peace At Home Parenting Solutions is a dynamic hub of trusted knowledge and compassionate support that inspires parents to create positive change for their children, their families and themselves. Through this new partnership, MPY is pleased to offer proven resources to help students’ families thrive.
Peace At Home Parenting Solutions specializes in empowering parents with evidence-based strategies to foster nurturing connections that safeguard their children's mental well-being. When parents grasp the interconnection between the brain, body, and behavior, they experience reduced stress levels, resulting in less stress for their children.
The Peace At Home Parenting Solutions team, comprised of experts with advanced degrees, stays abreast of the latest advancements in child development. With more than 30 specialists focused on child and adolescent development, including specific issues such as difficulties in school, mental health challenges, neurodiversity, LGBTQ+ identity formation, handling racism, navigating grief, and other matters parents and our partners identify. These experts present easy-to-use strategies for long-lasting change.
Parents can watch or just listen to experts who get right to the point solving big and small challenges. The 24 library presentations focus on the topics below. Each presentation includes a 10-minute videos and handouts.
- ·Inspire School Success for Elementary, Middle and High School Students
- ·Parenting Principles for Progress Not Perfection
- ·Mental Health Knowledge and Skills
- ·Support Your Anxious Child Library
- ·ADHD and Autism: How to Help Your Child Thrive
The Home Parenting Library may easily be accessed using the link on MPY’s home page (www.mpyinc.org). No log in or passcode is needed.
Community Food Pantries
The Open Table Food Pantry (www.opentable.org; 33 Main St, Maynard) is open on Tuesdays, 3:30 - 6:30 PM and Thursdays, 1 - 4:30 PM and offers free bags of groceries 1x/week. Open Table also allows families to pick up frozen meals for family members weekly.
The Maynard Food Pantry (www.maynardfoodpantry.com; 82 Main St., Maynard) is open on Mondays from 10 AM - 12 noon 1-2x/month
Maynard Advantage
Interested in learning more about the Maynard community and the many wonderful things happening around town? Check out the monthly Maynard Advantage Newsletters by subscribing at maynardadvantage.org