THE's Weekly Eblast Message
November 15, 2015
Principal Message
We had a very successful week! Our Veterans Day Parade was a big hit while honoring 91 Veterans for their service. Thank you to all of our veterans, students, families, staff, and PTA for making this an event to remember. We are so grateful for the freedom we have because of our brave men and women. You can find pictures on our school webpage and facebook as well as the district facebook page. It was a pleasure to be part of such a great event.
We also had a very successful and chilly Field Day! Thank you to our specials teachers and parent volunteers for making this an event the kids will remember. It was great fun and made for an exciting Friday!
This is our final week before we take some time off for family and gratitude. We have big plans this week, so please tune into the calendar events for more information below.
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
Monday, Nov. 16th- Sister School Toy Drive STARTS (See PTA News for more info)
Tuesday, Nov. 17th- 5th Grade Science Benchmark, Closed Campus until 10:40a.m.
Covey Leadership Informal Visit; EAT for a CAUSE at Beefy's Backyard 5-8pm
Wednesday, Nov. 18th- Learning Labs
Thursday, Nov. 19th- Trash Free Lunch Day- Grade level with the least amount of trash earns extra recess time
Friday, Nov. 20th- PTA Presents Drum Cafe
Monday, Nov. 23rd- Friday, Nov. 27th- No School, Thankful Break
Monday, Nov. 30th- Return to School
PTA News
T.H.E. PTA ONLINE STORE IS STILL OPEN! – You can still go online donate to Greenbacks and help us reach our goal of $10,000 and join PTA! Go to www.TuscanyHeightsPTA.org
Winter Spirit Items – Check out the PTA website for our new Winter Spirit Wear. These items are available by pre-order only - orders due by November 20, and will be delivered to students in time for our Winter Break.
Eat for a Cause - Tuesday Nov. 17 from 5-8pm
Bring the family to Beefy’s Backyard and enjoy a night out while supporting THE PTA.
Let’s Treat our Sweet Staff - We would love to send our staff off on their Thanksgiving Break with some delicious holiday desserts. Check out the specific needs at www.volunteerspot.com/group/35885320036.
If you have any questions please contact Kelly Evans at kmschwing@yahoo.com.
Trash Free Lunch – Our Tigers will be promoting a better environment through a trash free lunch on Thursday, Nov. 19. Tray lunches are automatic – but if you bring your lunch, please have recyclable or reusable containers. Our cafeteria, custodians, administrations, and students have worked toward greatly reducing the amount of trash produced in our cafeteria daily. Show them and the earth that you care and let’s go TRASH FREE!!!
Toy Drive - Starting November 16 we will begin our toy drive for East Terrell Hills Elementary. This will run till December 4th. This is a great way for all of us to synergize and help out the kids at our sister school. Please turn in new, unwrapped toys to our collection box in the entryway foyer. Appropriate gifts should be for the elementary school age, for boys or girls. Some examples- books (English and Spanish), stuffed animals and board games. We know that anything from the heart will be a wonderful treat for these sweet kids. Thanks so much for helping us with this fun drive! -Partners in PTA chairs, Ana Warmke and Sara Holliday
Check out THE's LOST and FOUND! We have MANY items waiting to be claimed. Please help us find their homes. At the end of the semester, all unclaimed items will be donated.
Also, please label your child's clothing and other items so if they find their way to the LOST and FOUND, we can try to get them back to you. Thank you!!!
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website www.tuscanyheightspta.org
Run for the Heights Website www.runfortheheights.tuscanyheightspta.org
Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link www.volunteerspot.com/group/35885320036