Carman Paw Print
October 11, 2020
Carman Trails Town Hall Meeting - Tuesday, October 13
Join Zoom Meeting https://parkwayschools-net.zoom.us/j/94319282649 Meeting ID: 943 1928 2649
Virtual Campus
You will notice few, if any, changes to the virtual learning model. At this time, we anticipate minor changes to some of the blocks of time based on rearranging our interventionists and specialists' schedules to be able to serve our virtual and in-person students. We are finalizing these details this week. The hours will remain 8:30 -3:30 for our VIRTUAL CAMPUS. (Our in-person will return to the normal Carman school hours of 9:05 -4:00. Students can enter the building beginning at 8:45 am.)
Return to Elementary School Calendar
Questions and Answers - IMPORTANT INFORMATION
We have answered many of your questions regarding health and safety, transportation, technology and more on our updated Return to Learn webpage.
View the second quarter plan here.
View the District FAQ here.
View the Health and Safety FAQ here.
View the Mask FAQ here.
View the Technology and Transportation FAQ here.
Carman Trails Medication Drop Off - PLEASE READ
Dear Carman Trails Parents/ Guardians,
The nurse will be available for curbside medication drop off on Wednesday, 10/14 and Thursday, 10/15 from 9am -5pm. Please fill out the google form to indicate a time for medication pick up. When you arrive at school, please call the nurse at 314-415-6110 and she will come out to meet you at the school entrance to pick up your child’s medication.
In a ziplock bag labeled with the student's name and grade please include the medication with the prescription label, medication authorization form, and any emergency action plans if your child has asthma, food allergies, or a seizure diagnosis. Emergency action plans must be made for the 20-21 school year and signed by a physician. If your child receives any daily or as needed medication to be given at school you will need to have a 20-21 school year medication authorization form completed and signed by your child’s physician.
Students should not bring medications to school in their backpacks. If you need to drop off a medication and cannot attend at either of these times, please email the nurse at cconnelly2@parkwayschools.net.
Please click on the links below to view the documents:
Emergency Action Plans: Asthma, Food Allergies, and Seizures
Nurse Connelly
PTO's Pumpkin Carving Contest
Please be sure to view the PTO Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/CarmanTrailsPTO to participate in a Virtual Pumpkin Carving Contest that is meant to help students feel connected to the school community. Each pumpkin photo or comment on the thread will equal 1 raffle entry. The PTO intends to have similar activities on their page each month this school year so check back often
PTO Trunk or Treat Registration Link
5th Grade Boys Basketball Opportunity
Hello parents,
My name is Mike Shanfeld and I am the director of the Jr Patriots Boys Basketball Program. In a usual year we have tryouts for our two competitive feeder teams. With the COVID-19 pandemic we will not have tryouts and we will open the teams up to all boys in fifth grade that are interested in playing at a high level of basketball. We will enter the CNR league that is currently playing games St. Charles and Jefferson Counties and they hope to have more gyms available in St. Louis County from January thru March. We usually practice two to three times a week at Parkway South High School, however this year we will not be able to be in the gyms till January at the earliest and we might not be able to get in then either.
We will enter 12 games from January thru March and if we can practice starting in January we will, if we can not practice then….we will play games only. We would normally enter three tournaments, this year we are not sure if we will offer tournaments. We understand that this is not an ideal situation, however with the uncertainty of the times this is the best we can do for this season. If you would like to have your son play, please click on the link below.
Additional information:
Cost: Approximately $100 for 12 league games (depends on how many kids participate), plus a uniform for $60. Total of approximately $160. Additional fees may be added if we are able to practice and have tournaments.
Season: January-March
Teams: The number of teams for fifth grade will be determined by how many kids sign up. Our goal is to keep the players with other kids from their home schools as best we can.
Coaches: We will need parent volunteers to help coach, please check the appropriate box on the Google form if interested.
Refunds: If no games are played, a full refund will be given with the exclusion of the uniform.
Website: www.psjrpatriotsbasketball.com
Registration form: https://forms.gle/goxWGh6bt9VdRmiv8
* If anything changes we will let you know as soon as we know.
Deadline to register: Saturday, October 31th
Mike Shanfeld
Parkway South Boys Basketball Assistant Varsity Coach
Parkway South Jr Patriots Basketball Director
Parkway Community Health Dashboard
A message shared from the district earlier this month.
Our ultimate goal is to return to school as soon as possible and safely provide in-person instruction for families who prefer this option. Here are some important things to know right now:
If we are able to return to school with an in-person option for the second quarter, significant staffing changes will be needed to provide both in-person and virtual learning options for families. This will require time and planning.
You can follow our key metrics on the new Parkway Community Health Dashboard which includes detailed information for all Parkway zip codes. As new data becomes available we will update it and also share a weekly update with you.
We will share frequent updates with you in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we will continue to focus on high-quality distance learning for our students and celebrate what our teachers, students and parents are achieving together every day.
Counselors' Corner
With the exciting news that the updated Return to Learn plan was approved by our Parkway School board, some parents may be concerned with their child's ability to wear a mask at school. Here are a couple of short stories from Tara Tuchel for children that may help. We would also encourage families to practice at home for short periods of time. You can set timers, let children decorate a mask, wear them as a family for a short time together, etc.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you would like to talk about your concerns.
Wearing A Mask - A Story for Children
Counselor Newsletters
Counselor Connection Newsletter
"I would like to share the link to my virtual office where students/families will be able to access everything counseling related so that it can be in the newsletter as well. Through my virtual office they can click to enter my calming room, resources room, lesson classroom and my counselor's cafe. Below is the link to my office. Thank you!"
-Grant Steward, Counselor
Coffee with the Counselors (A VIRTUAL Experience)
We will have an Arabic interpreter at the 9:00 am session and a Spanish interpreter at the 6:30 pm session.
Here are the details to join the VIRTUAL meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 948 2153 7052
Passcode: 291899
Meals for Children
Parkway will provide "grab and go" meal boxes for children ages 18 and under at Parkway Central High School. The meal boxes will be available for curbside pickup every Wednesday from 4:30-5:30 pm at the front entrance of Parkway Central High School at 369 N. Woods Mill Rd., Chesterfield, MO 63017.
A box includes five lunches and five breakfast meals for the week. Under the guidelines from the USDA, meals will be provided to Parkway families based on their meal program status.
To request meals, click here.
Online Tutoring-St. Louis Public Library
St. Louis County Library wants to support your students and their educational success in a virtual learning environment. As part of the Digital Equity Initiative we have acquired Tutor.com, a service offering online live tutoring for all ages on over one hundred K-12 topics. Free, unlimited one-on-one virtual tutoring is now available from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day of the week. Anyone with a valid SLCL library card can use Tutor.com.
Other features of Tutor.com include:
24/7 drop off for review of writing assignments and resumes
Over 400 video lessons for math and language including AP classes
Princeton Review SAT/ACT Essentials with practice tests, drills, video lessons, and full score reports
100+ practice quizzes
Tutor.com has a 50 minute training video on how to use their services. You may access that video here. I have also attached three flyers on how to use the Tutor.com classroom as well as Top 10 Facts for Educators and for Parents. I encourage you to share these resources with students and parents in your district and school
We have librarians at SLCL who are happy to give virtual presentations to any group about using Tutor.com and other resources for school. Educators, students, and caregivers are always encouraged to reach out to us by chat, email, or phone call for assistance using Tutor.com or any other of our resources. We will even meet via Zoom appointment.
To get started using Tutor.com, simply go to www.slcl.org/tutor. All you need is your library card!
Parkway 2020-2021 Academic Calendar Update
Parkway’s Board of Education voted to revise the calendar for the 2020-21 school year as a result of Distance Learning for the first quarter of this school year. This shift requires us to adjust our calendar with new dates that align with the end of each quarter grading term.
These updates include the removal of all 2-Hour Early Release Days to maximize instructional time as well as other changes.
Learn more.
Nurse's Notes
Parkway Nurse's October Newsletter
Coronavirus-Evaluation of Symptoms
All students and staff should complete a daily health screening before coming to school.
If your child has any symptoms, including known exposure to COVID-19, flu, or cold symptoms, they should stay home and call your school.
When will your child be sent home from school?
- If your child has 1 low risk symptom they will be sent home and may return to school in 24 hours after symptom resolution if there is no known COVID-19 exposure
- If you child has 2 low risk symptoms OR 1 high risk symptom they will be sent home and require a medical evaluation
When will we need a doctor's note?
- Healthcare provider confirms alternative diagnosis for symptoms
- Medical clearance required from your healthcare provider or Department of Health for student to return to school after medical evaluation
When can my child return to school after COVID testing?
- If negative, the student may return after 24 hours without fever and symptoms improving
- If positive, the student may return to school after 10 days since symptoms onset, 24 hours without fever, and symptoms improving
When can my child return if they are found to be a close contact?
- The student may return after 14 days from last contact with COVID positive individual, unless symptoms develop
- If symptoms appear the student should receive a SARS-CoV-2 PCR test
Please check out the Parkway Nurse's October Newsletter. This is a great source for health information, resources, and safety tips!
Girl Scouts - A Message from Stephanie Ponder
Hi Families of Kindergarten and First grade girls at Carman Trails!
We have several kindergarteners wanting to do Girl Scouts . If we haven’t already spoken and your daughter is interested, please contact me. We have several adults, including myself who are willing to help but no one to be the head leader. If anyone would be willing to take on the troop, I can walk you through the set up and would be happy to be a co-leader. You have plenty of volunteer parents ready to support you!
K and 1: Everyone prefers a separate K group from first grade but, if we can’t get a head leader, then the kindergartners are being invited to join our first grade troop.
First grade: If any first grade girls who are not already participating want to join, contact me. We would love to have you! Another option, if we can not find a kindergarten leader but have a first grade mom wanting to lead is they can take over first grade and I will do K. No matter what, we will make sure all K and First grade girls will have the option to join a troop and participate if they wish.
Stephanie Ponder
Tech Support
During the school year, Parkway’s Technology Help Desk will be available to support students, parents, and teachers from 7 am to 5 pm, Monday-Friday. The Help Desk can be contacted at helpdesk@parkwayschools.net or (314) 415-8181.
You can also find answers to common questions at the Technology Help Desk self-help webpage. You'll find help with Chromebook troubleshooting, Infinite Campus, Google sign-in, Schoology, blocked websites or videos, WeVideo, accessing Schoology as a parent and more.
How do I set up a Schoology account?
Parents will receive an email with directions for accessing Schoology to support their students in accessing instructional resources.
How do students log into Google?
Parents of students entering Kindergarten will receive an email with the student's login information. Parents of students in grades 1 - 12 will use the same login information they used in the spring. Any parent who needs assistance logging into a Chromebook can contact our Technology Help Desk, 314-415-8181, or helpdesk@parkwayschools.net.
Stay Connected with These Updates!
October 5-8: Conference Week
October 9: No School-Fall Break
October 12: No School-Fall Break
October 13: Group 1 and Group 2 Assignment shared (in-person only)
October 13: Carman VIRTUAL Parent Town Hall Meeting 6:30-7:30 pm
October 14 &15: Carman Medication Drop Off 9:00 -5:00pm (see info above)
October 19: Teacher Assignments shared
October 22: Virtual Academy continues
October 22 & 23: Hybrid Learning starts
October 23: PTO Trunk or Treat at Carman Trails
October 26: No School - Records Day
October 27: Second Quarter Begins
Connect with Us!
Email: alove@parkwayschools.net
Website: parkwayschools.net/carmantrails
Location: 555 South Weidman Road, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6100
Facebook: http://facebook.com/CarmanTrails
Twitter: @trailscarman