From District 41
June 29, 2021
Calendar Reminders
Summer Board of Education Meetings
Regular Board meetings are not scheduled in July. Board meetings will resume at Hadley Junior High on Monday, August 16th.
First Day of student attendance for the 2021-22 School year is Wednesday, August 18.
COVID News and Vaccine Clinic Information
The Illinois Department of Public Health has updated their recommendations regarding quarantine on their IDPH FAQ document (see #2) stating that vaccinated asymptomatic close contacts to a covid case will NOT have to quarantine and only be required to symptom monitor for 14 days post exposure.
IMPORTANT NOTE ON MASKS: Governor Pritzker has extended the executive order requiring masks in schools through July 24, 2021. This means that if students are present then everyone in the school is still required to mask. We will monitor the status of this executive order as July 24th approaches.
District 41 is partnering with AMITA Health to host a vaccine clinic for students ages 12 and up, family members and staff. We have a tentative date of July 14th and August 4th for doses one and two. The clinic will very likely be 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Hadley Junior High. AMITA will be offering the Pfizer vaccine. The event is free of charge. Anyone under 18 will need a parent/guardian present. These dates will allow those who get vaccinated to be considered "fully vaccinated" by the start of the 2021-2022 school year. This event is being offered as a courtesy to our families as the vaccine is not mandated. In order to host this event, we need to have 50 participants.
Please watch for a separate email on June 30th which will have the Google commitment form from our community vaccine clinic partner, AMITA Health. They will be asking for an email address on that form to send appointment confirmations. Please do not schedule yourself/your child if you will not be available to attend both the 7/14 and 8/4 clinic dates. All interested participants should have a conversation and get their questions answered regarding the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine with their own and their child's primary healthcare provider.
Free Summer Meals
Free meals throughout the summer are available to District 41 students every Wednesday through July 28, 7 a.m. - 8 a.m. OR 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. at Marquardt Middle School, 1912 Glen Ellyn Road in Glendale Heights.
Summer Sessions with the Board of Education
Thank you to the community members who stopped by to visit with Board members at the first summer session last week.There are three more opportunities this summer!
Stop by and meet District 41 Board members at the following times and locations this summer:
Thursday, July 22, 9 - 10 a.m., Outside the Lake Ellyn Boat House Area (bring a bag chair and coffee to this one!)
Thursday, July 22, 7 - 8 p.m., Portillos in Glendale Heights
Saturday, August 14, 9 - 10 a.m., Blackberry Market in downtown Glen Ellyn
District 41 Accepted for AASA’s Learning 2025 Network
District 41 has been accepted as one of AASA’s (the school superintendent’s association) Learning 2025 Network of demonstration districts aspiring to become more student-centered, equity-focused, and future-driven. The Board of Education approved the funds to participate at the Monday, June 28 regular Board meeting. The letter of acceptance from AASA included this statement: “On behalf of the Thought Leader reviewers, kudos to you and your team for stretching toward system redesign to benefit your students’ growth. We are committed to supporting you and your team as critical and essential friends.” Participation in this program will go hand in hand with the upcoming Strategic Planning process in District 41.
Message from the Illinois State Board of Education
The ISBE, has asked school districts to share the following information:
Please be aware of the newly expanded Child Tax Credit -- the highest credit ever, providing $3,000 per child ages 6-17 years and $3,600 per child under age 6. Families who filed taxes in the last two years or who used the IRS “Non-Filer Portal” to get a stimulus check last year do not need to do anything. The IRS will automatically send them a monthly payment by direct deposit or check starting on July 15. Families that are not automatically enrolled, such as low-income families that have not made enough money to be required to file taxes, need to sign up at ChildTaxCredit.gov. Find a Spanish-language guide here.
In addition, federal aid is now available specifically to help families pay for high-speed internet service, plus a computer or tablet. It’s called the Emergency Broadband Benefit, and it provides discounts of up to $50 a month for high-speed internet along with a one time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet purchased through a participating provider. Households qualify if anyone in the household is eligible for the free and reduced-price school lunch or breakfast programs; participates in SNAP, Medicaid, or Lifeline; received a Federal Pell Grant this year; or lost significant income due to furlough or job loss since Feb. 29, 2020. See this FAQ for more information.
D41 Kids Foundation Partners with the Imagination Library Program
The D41 Kids Foundation is pleased to announce that it has partnered with the world-renowned Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to bring a local affiliate program to incoming District 41 children. Imagination Library books are specially-selected, age-appropriate, high-quality books delivered to registered children each month from birth to age five. These books are personalized with the child's name and mailed directly to the child to create a gifting experience that makes books exciting and to help each child begin the building of their very own home library.
WHO: Any child who lives within the District 41 boundaries between birth and age five can register.
WHAT: Free books are mailed to each qualified program registrant each month. The program is funded by the D41Kids Foundation’s generous donors. (If you would like to become one of those donors, we are holding a special raffle of a one of a kind quilt – perfect for curling up with a good book. Click here to learn more: https://rafflecreator.com/pages/49990/d41-imagination-library-quilt-raffle
WHEN and WHERE: Register here now: https://imaginationlibrary.com/usa/affiliate/ILGLENELLYN/
WHY: Dolly Parton’s vision is to create a lifelong love of reading, prepare children for school and inspire them to dream. The presence of books in the home supports the child’s academic, social, and emotional development and by reading together, children develop a special bond with their parents and caregivers. At no cost to families, there is absolutely no downside to registering your child!
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Dr. Lynn Bruno, Vice Chairperson of D41 Kids Foundation, lqbruno@mac.com
Summer Spanish Online Activities 2021
Hola! To add to a fun summer, our teachers have created a matrix of fun Spanish activities for students to select and complete as they wish. The activities will be appropriate for elementary Dual Language and FLES students. Students will be able to choose one or multiple activities any time they feel like interacting in español. Get started by CLICKING HERE! ¡Buenas vacaciones! Para español.
2021-22 School Year Supply Lists
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 18, 2021. Preparing your child with the right supplies is a great first step to ensure student success. Find your school supply list below.
- Abraham Lincoln- Ben Franklin
- Churchill
- Forest Glen
- Hadley Junior High
GECRC Summer In-Person Program
The Glen Ellyn Children’s Resource Center (GECRC) Summer Program 2021 is back in person this summer!
Who: Students from District 41 and 89.
When: June 15 to July 23, from 9 - 11:30 a.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Where: Abraham Lincoln Elementary School, 380 Greenfield Ave, Glen Ellyn IL
For Registration Information Contact: Lizzy Doty, GECRC Summer Program Coordinator, 630.899.9919 or edoty@gecrc.comWear and We Will Share!
Find us and like us on social media
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 493 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41