Queen of Apostles School
Term 2 Week 4 - Thursday 19 May 2022
2022 Professional Development Days
The following dates are the remaining pupil free days for 2022. Please ensure you have them in your diaries.
Monday 6th June - WA Day Holiday
Monday 18th July - Staff Professional Development Day
Friday 23rd September - Catholic Day Holiday
Monday 7th November - Staff Professional Development Day
Rapid Antigen Tests
We have now received our full allocation of RAT tests from the WA Government. There are 20 tests per student. These tests can be picked up from the office by an adult (we are not allowed to send them home with the students) and we will mark you off the list.
Families that have already received some RATs from the school can also pick up their remaining allocation from the office. Thank you for helping our school minimise the spread of COVID throughout the community.
Year 1 Mass
On Tuesday, our Year 1’s (with some help from Year 5) led us in our first Whole School Mass of the term. They did a wonderful job with their readings and should be very proud of themselves. I thank Mrs Salvia for organising the Mass and Fr Paul for celebrating. It was a great way to start the day.
Wellness Week
Next week is Wellness Week. Wellness Week is where students and families have a break from homework and instead focus on using that time to play some games, go for a walk, read together or watch a movie.
Staff too share in this week by limiting the number of meetings and making sure that they also spend quality time with family and friends. The benefits (especially in terms of mental health) we reap from ensuring that we have some time to rest are countless!
Wellness Week in Term Two will take place next week (May 23 to May 27).
Merit Awards
As a way of ensuring we don’t have a high volume of parents/carers and grandparents at assemblies (COVID mitigation strategy) we have decided to hand out merit awards at our Gathering sessions in the Undercover Area.
Gatherings will happen on selected Friday mornings at 8.50am and families will be informed earlier in the week if their child is receiving an award so they can attend. Our first Merit Award Gathering is happening tomorrow. Receiving merit awards in front of the community is a special occasion and we are thankful it is able to happen.
Cross Country
Tomorrow afternoon (20th May) we are holding the Faction Cross Country Carnival here at school for our Year 3 to 6 students. Spectators are welcome but we ask you to observe social distancing guidelines.
Students need to wear their faction-coloured polo shirts, sports shorts and sports shoes. Yr 3’s and 4’s run 1.0km, and the Yr 5’s and 6’s run 1.5km.
The carnival will also Include a parents, toddlers and teachers’ ‘Fun Run/Walk’ (500m) that will earn points for their faction. The fun begins at 12.50pm! We hope to see you there.
Littlies Lap-a-thon
The Littlies Lap-a-thon for our Kindy to Year 2’s will be held on Wednesday 25th May from 2.00pm to 3.00pm on the Annexe Oval. Parents are welcome to attend. We hope the weather is kind and everyone has a fun afternoon.
The P&F will be selling icy poles for $1 at the lap-a-thon. So bring your gold coins so the students can have a nice treat to finish the day.
Best Wishes
Mark Ryan
ICAS Assessments Year 3-6
We are delighted to inform you that we will be participating in the world-renowned ICAS competitions this year.
What is ICAS?
ICAS is an online academic competition that is designed to assess students’ higher order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling Bee and Digital Technologies.
Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition and development. Every student who participates will receive a printed certificate and an online results report. Top performers will be eligible for medals.
We encourage you to consider entering your child into ICAS this year.
Learn more about ICAS here. (https://www.icasassessments.com/products-icas)
How to participate in ICAS
If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:
1. read about ICAS subjects and prices here: (https://www.icasassessments.com/products-icas)
2. go to Parent Portal here: (https://shop.icasassessments.com/pages/pps)
3. enter our school’s access code – LIN732
4. enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment.
Please note that the ICAS tests shown for selection are at the school’s discretion.
After payment is made via the Parent Payment System, you will receive an order confirmation email, please keep this for your records.
The ICAS date(s) are on the school website. You and your child can access the results once released via the Reports Portal using the TAP ID and pin found on the back of the ICAS certificate.
Jennifer Anderson
Assistant Principal
Premier's Reading Challenge
We encourage you to join us in unlocking the wonderful world of reading for your children. Help them to join the Premier’s Reading Challenge.
All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are challenged to read 12 books by 9 September 2022. You can help your children sign up via the website, choose their own avatar and log all the books they read over the course of the Challenge. Weekly prizes will be awarded to students who log a book that week, with major prizes drawn when the challenge ends. Books don’t have to be in English – children are encouraged to read books in their first language.
There are fantastic tourism prizes to be won. Sign up your children on the website to begin their magical journey.
School Uniforms
One World Uniforms is now using the Shopify on-Line ordering program to order and pay for uniforms direct. Ordering via email to the school is no longer available.
The link is : www.qoauniformshop.com.au and can still be found on the school website.
If you have any issues please contact One World Uniforms on 9227 7977.
Please note that all children should now be wearing the winter uniform.
Semester 1 Reports - Are You Report Ready?
It is important that you check your log in for SEQTA Engage as early as possible so that you will be able to access your child's report at the end of this term.
To do this you need to go to the following site:
https://qoa.coneqt-p.cathednet.wa.edu.au/ and use your current username and password credentials.
If you have have forgotten your password, please click on the “Forgot your password?” link and an email will be sent to you immediately. The email will expire within one hour, so please action this immediately.
If you are new to using SEQTA Engage, you should have received an email to set up a login to your account.
If you have any issues, please contact Mrs Healey in the school office.
From our Community Health Nurse
Anxiety – how to help your child
All children experience anxious feelings as part of their normal childhood development. Some anxious feelings include fear, agitation, nervousness, worry and apprehension. Some children find it harder to get these feelings under control and may experience anxiety more intensely and more often than others.
Anxiety is when the level of fear or worry about something is out of proportion to the level of risk or danger. Thinking about the situation makes them more worried and tense.
If your child is experiencing anxiety try to:
· Acknowledge your child’s fear – don’t dismiss or ignore it.
· Gently encourage them to do things they’re anxious about, but don’t push them to face
situations they’re not yet ready to face.
· Wait until they actually get anxious before you step in to help
· Praise him for doing something they’re anxious about, rather than criticising them for being
· Avoid labelling your child as ‘shy’ or ‘anxious’.
Your child might need some extra support if their anxiety stops them from doing the things they want to do or interferes with their friendships, school work or family life.
If you are worried about your child, contact your local Community Health Nurse, School Psychologist or General Practitioner. For more information about anxiety in children go to www.raisingchildren.net.au or www.healthyfamilies.beyondblue.org.au
The link below outlines the services provided by Community Nurses in schools in WA
Mercedes College - A College for every girl in the heart of your city!
We have limited places available in all year groups for 2023 and are currently interviewing for 2024 & 2025. If you are considering enrolling your daughter at Mercedes College, please visit our website at www.mercedes.wa.edu.au to request a prospectus, to enrol online or book a tour of our campus. Please contact our Enrolments Officer, Mrs Nicole Kirk on 9323 1323 if you require further information.