🌊Dolphin Dispatch🌊
Principal's Message
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2/05- 2/09 Minimum Days for Winter conferences
2/08- 6:30pm- Community Input Forum (LCAP) NBMS PAC- please come : )
2/09 Wacky Hair Day, come with your hair all crazy!
2/09- SAGE Assembly 9:15AM
2/9 - Santa Cruz Warriors SCG Fundraiser Night (buy tickets here)
2/12- No School Lincoln Day
2/15 Thursday 3:30 pm- School Site Council
2/19- No School President's Day
2/21- 6-7:30 HSC Meeting
2/22 6-7:30 Pages 'n PJ's SCG event
2/28 Family University Night
3/12 Dance Classes begin
Home and School Club February Events
Greetings SCG Community,
Welcome to February!
A reminder that this week is short days with conferences in the afternoons. Conferences are by teacher invite, but you may also reach out to your teacher to ask for a time to check in if you choose.
The Community Build Day couldn't have been better! Lots of Parent volunteers, and so many smiling faces. Students were able to build tables and shelving to retrofit Room 32 into more of a school laboratory and makerspace. It will be completed and open this week!
We also welcomed our younger grade Green Team so we now have a whole school helping to make decisions about our SAGE program, and leading the way in our science programming and environmental projects!
Thank you to Soquel Water works for presenting at our last Friday assembly. Our character trait of the month is Honesty and Cooperation.
Lastly, please complete the LCAP Parent Survey. for us to continue to grow, make improvements and grow stronger with your input.
Important Dolphin Sonar Snap Shots below the pictures.
In partnership,
Carlo Albano
Snapshots and links
- Our School Parent University Night is coming soon! Kids will be helping to present and make strong home/ school connections to the work we do every day with Social-Emotional Learning- super important stuff for the well-being of your child, and the whole family, and school community!
Parent University Flyer English
Parent University Flyer Spanish
Santa Cruz Sentinel- See SCG and the SAGE program at work! Printed in this past Sunday's edition!
Free Science Posters that align to our SAGE Assemblies here! They're great!
Parent University SEL
Important Items and Links:
The District Academic School Year Calendar
The TK/ Kinder Academic School Calendar
When to drop off and pick up your kids! Our School’s Bell Schedule- the next conference week with minimum days will be in February 2/05- 2/09.
Please keep us all safe at drop off and pick up by following the SCG Parking Lot Flow and Rules
Up and Coming from your Home and School Club
Home & School Club News
HSC Calendar of Events- all here!
The Santa Cruz Warriors Santa Cruz Gardens Fundraiser Night will be on Friday, Feb. 9th. See the Santa Cruz Warriors vs. the Raptors 905. Enjoy an evening of family fun and Warriors basketball with our school community. We will have a special section reserved for our school, and a portion of all ticket sales will go back to the Home & School Club when you purchase tickets through this link - https://fevo.me/2324scgardens.
Please see the HSC Feb. calendar for upcoming HSC and school events!
We need parent help for events planned for the last half of the school year. Please view and complete this Volunteer Interest Survey if you are interested in supporting H&SC in these school events. Responses due by Friday, 2/9. We can't do these activities for our students without our wonderful parent volunteers!
We Need Your Photos To Make Our Yearbook Great! Please help us get a head start by sharing your photos. We need your best images from: the first day of school, back-to-school night, field trips, Fall Festival, Halloween, after-school enrichment, and more. Here is a video about how to add photos to Treering for the yearbook or download the Treering app to upload directly from your phone. Our school passcode for Treering is: 1014702421763121. Email Jamie Paratore at paratorej@gmail.com with any questions.