St. Anthony News
A community of learning on a foundation of faith
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Hay una opción de traducción en el boletín informativo. W biuletynie znajduje się opcja tłumaczenia. هناك خيار ترجمه في النشرة الاخباريه
The Virtue for the month of January is Self-Control
Let us Pray for Self-Control
I need your help
That I may control my
Thoughts and words today.
I want to be a blessing to others,
to lift them up that they might
see your goodness
God has given us the ability to choose how we react to what happens around us. Through prayer and concentration we can get better at controlling our reactions.
You are practicing the Virtue of Self-Control when you…
~ Are patient
~ Know how to wait your turn, can calm him/ herself down & think before reacting to situations
~ Know how to avoid physical aggression (hitting, kicking, pushing, fighting, etc.)
~ Can think things through and do what is best for everyone
Remote Learning
We recognize that access to technology may be difficult. Paper learning packages will be made available for your child should you require it. Please contact your child's teacher on Monday January 4, 2021 if you would like to pick up hard copies of learning material.
Thank you to the many parents that continue to support St. Anthony. If you are interested, please join us for our next Catholic School Council meeting. Our next meeting will take place virtually on Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 6:00 pm. Zoom meeting details will be shared in the February newsletter.
Students need to learn to tell time on both analogue and digital clocks. The world is increasingly digital but there are still analogue clocks in use. Telling time helps develop skills in proportional reasoning, fractions, skip counting, and understanding elapsed time. Use everyday activities to make it fun!
Make it a practice to use timers as a tool to teach your child the length of a minute or group of minutes (“You have ___ minutes to get ready for ___.”)
Grades 4-6
Discuss with your child how much time has passed (“You started school at 8:30 and you finished at 3. How long were you at school today?”), or how much longer it will take (“How much longer did it take a shower than brush your teeth?”).
TVO Mathify Provides Free 1:1 Tutoring for Grade 7 - 10 Students!
TVOMathify provides students with a safe learning environment to develop their math skills and deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts by Ontario certified teachers. TVOMathify offers free on-line tutoring Math support for students on Sunday to Thursday from 3:30-9:30 pm.
Register: https://www.tvomathify.com/students
Why healthy snacks are good for you
You can enjoy snacks as part of your day. If you make healthy choices, snacks can:
- keep you energized
- help support good health
- provide important nutrients
- be an important part of daily eating habits
- help satisfy your hunger between mealtimes
Young children can benefit from snacks as they:
- have small stomachs
- may have trouble eating all of the foods they need at meal time
3 ways to practice healthy snacking
Keep these behaviours in mind to practice healthy snacking.
- Choose healthy snack foods
Follow the healthy eating recommendation to make it a habit to choose a variety of healthy foods for your snacks.
Follow the healthy eating recommendation to limit highly processed snacks.
- Eat your snacks mindfully
Eat your snacks slowly and without distractions, such as watching TV.
Choose small portions. Serve a small amount for your snack and try not to eat directly from large containers.
Eat snacks when you feel hungry, and not just out of routine or when you feel:
- tired
- bored
- emotional
Too much snacking can lead you to eat more than you need.
- Think about your snacks ahead of time
Think about healthy snacks when planning your meals and add them to your grocery list. Follow the healthy eating recommendation to help make it easier to plan ahead.
PD Day
Term One Report Cards and Parent Teacher Interviews
On Tuesday February 9, 2021 students will bring home their 1st term report card. The Report Card emphasizes and gives examples of the learning skills and work habits required to be successful in school and for the future. Information pertaining to Parent/Student Interview Conferences is forthcoming.
On Monday, January 18th, there will be a P.A Day. This day is set aside for assessment and evaluation. While teachers will be present, there will be no classes for students on this day and the main office will be closed.
Kindergarten Registration 2021-2022 School Year
Kindergarten registration for the 2021-2022 school year will take place January 11-15, 2021.
Parents/guardians are invited to register their kindergarten-aged children online. The online application process applies to all elementary schools, with the exception of St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre which has its own process and timeline. The online registration portal will be open December 8th should any family wish to register before the official registration week.
Once the online registration has been entered, the original copies of the required documentation can be uploaded and emailed to your school’s info box. This address can be found on the school website.
If parents/guardians are unable to register online, they may register during school hours by appointment only, where a registration package can be provided and returned through the school mail slot.
Weather Conditions
Personal Electronic Devices (P.E.D.s)
BYOD– Bring Your Own Devices
Our vision of education in Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools is rooted in the gospel values of faith, hope and love. All sectors of society, including the education sector, must work to keep pace with our rapidly changing world. Our teaching and learning environments - our schools and classrooms - must continue to change and adapt to ensure that our students continue to succeed. Our students and staff are already engaged as 21st century learners, living and shaping ways of being, becoming and belonging in our world. St. Anthony School is a PED ready school. DPCDSB Personal Electronic Device Use form with Wi-Fi Network Student Agreement will be signed for all new registrations. It is also be available on our website for download. Please read it over and have yourself and your child sign it so that they may bring their devices to school to be used for educational purposes as directed by staff.
Personal Electronic Devices on Board Premises and/or Board Sanctioned Events for Educational Purposes:
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board acknowledges the value of the use of technology for learning. Students are permitted to register and use personal electronic devices (PEDs) on board premises and/or board sanctioned events for educational purposes, under the direction of staff and only with parent/guardian permission (GF 066, Network User Application and Agreement). Students may register their PED for the purpose of connecting to the board wireless network. Students are required to adhere to the student “Personal Electronic Device Used with WI-FI Network Student Agreement” and the “Network User Application and Agreement.” Please be advised that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will not be responsible for any cost incurred through the use of personal data plans.
PEDs are to be used responsibly and should not interfere with learning; their use must comply with the Catholic Code of Conduct, board policies and procedures. Any personal communications (i.e., phone calls, text messages, etc.) will continue to be directed through the main office. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in a loss of PED privileges and/or any other consequences deemed necessary by school administration.
The school principal may authorize limited acceptable uses of personal electronic devices during school-sanctioned activities for a specific designated purpose outside of instructional spaces and/or in common areas.
Students are responsible for the safety and security of PEDs at all times and the Board assumes no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen devices.
MOVING to School CashOnline
You will need your child’s name and date of birth. Use of student number is optional.
Should you encounter any difficulties, you can use the parent help desk at 1 (866) 961-1803 or the support link on the school cash online website.
PAY WITH: Credit Card or Debit Card
1. Create Your Profile:
Go to https://dpcdsb.schoolcashonline.com/ and click on "Get Started Today".
2. Confirm Your Email:
Check your inbox for the email confirmation and click on the link inside. Sign in with your new login details.
3. Add a Student
Click "Add Student" and fill in the required fields with your child’s details:
1. School Board name
2. Select a school
3. Legal First Name
4. Legal Last Name
5. Birth Date (Month/Day/Year)