Weekly Update
School Wide Information
IUSD Annual Survey- the survey is open through Friday, February 2, 2024. please take a moment to complete this important survey. Your responses provide feedback about our school’s climate and where resources that benefit IVA and CHS are focused through the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) process. The Annual Survey tells us what is important to our families, students and staff. Your feedback is essential in helping identify areas where we are excelling and areas for improvement so that we continually improve how we serve our students and families. Survey topics include parent/guardian engagement, the teaching and learning environment, bullying, homework, student stress levels, school climate, and your child’s overall educational experience, among other topics. The survey is available in multiple languages. Responses are anonymous and it only takes a few minutes to participate. To take the annual survey , click here.
Singing Fest- Guys' Singing Fest will be on Friday January 26th, 4:00-8:00pm, at Woodbridge High School! Join 5th- 12th grade trebles, tenors, baritones and basses from across the district to sing together, with a focus on unchanged, changing and changed voices! You don't need to be enrolled in your school's chorus class to take part, and you don't have to audition or prepare anything in advance. $10 per student, which includes dinner and snacks. For more information, and to register, visit bit.ly/GuysSingingFest
Dine Out- Support PTSA by dining at Sal's Pizzeria on Jan. 25. Click HERE for the flyer and the QR code to scan.
School/ID Pictures- ID Cards: ID cards are now ready for pick-up! You can pick them up in the main Administration office at Creekside (3387 Barranca Parkway) Our office is open Mondays-Fridays from 8:00-4:15.
Live Tech Support Available Daily- Do you need help with Canvas or Zoom? Stop by our Live Tech Office Hours every Monday-Friday from 8:00-9:00am. Or email kylenecarter@iusd.org to make an appointment. Support Zoom Link
IUSD Family Counseling Center- Under the Department of Mental Health & Wellness, the IUSD Family Counseling Center offers a multidisciplinary approach to mental health and support and wellness for children, adolescents, and their families. Click HERE for more information.
High School Updates
Diversity in Design Scholarship- The LPA Diversity in Design Scholarship is aimed at improving diversity in the design professions (architecture, engineering, etc.) by offering financial and career support for students from underrepresented communities. Entries are due Jan. 31st. Click HERE for more information and to apply.
Financial Aid Workshop- January 19th at 6pm via zoom. Click HERE for more information and the QR code to register.
State Seal of Biliteracy- The California Seal of Biliteracy recognizes graduating high school seniors who have demonstrated a high level of biliteracy in English and one or more languages other than English. Click HERE for more information.
Clubs- Want to join a Club on Campus? Here is our IVA Club Directory! Clubs are now meeting! Please check slides for the dates and Zoom links!
College and Career Updates- Discover upcoming events, college and career resources, and special programs here: College and Career Newsletter