Panui / Newsletter
Rāmere Friday 26th August Here-turi-kōkā 2022 (T3: W5 of 10)
Our Tumuaki / Principal
We are continually looking into the future and planning. Some of the things we are firming up and looking into include...
- Term Four Team Kea Support: We have established a plan of support for Team Kea, as its numbers grow, so that there are two adults in the room each morning for the whole term of Term Four. This will give our young children a strong start to their time with us. Caroline Blackmore and Belinda Knapp will share this supporting role.
- 2023 Class structures: We are working on what our class structures could be for 2023. We await our final confirmation of staffing for 2023 from the Ministry of Education, which comes in mid to late September. Once we get that we will confirm our class structures and then communicate it with you, our parents. This will give you some time to share with us any information that we need to consider as we then go to build class lists from this structure. We then lock down our class lists mid-Term Four and in Week 6 of Term Four (interviews), we share with you and the children what this looks like. Keep an eye out for our newsletter in the coming weeks.
- Whanau Picnic: On the last day of Term Three, Friday 30th of September, we are having a Whanau Picnic. We will provide all the children (including parents and grandparents) with a BBQ sausage, and families can also bring some lunch. We would be grateful to have at least five parents to run the BBQ. Contact the office if you can help.
- Relief Cleaner: We are looking for a person to be a relief cleaner to assist our current cleaner on an on-call basis. If you are interested please ring 206 6959.
It has been an actioned-packed week for the staff and children at Edendale Primary School including Jump Jam, Polyfest and LMV Speech Finals.
- Jump Jam: What an awesome time our children had at the Jump Jam competition last Saturday. The children did really well coming away with first place (Purple Princesses), Merit (Edendale Boxers) and a real crowd pleaser was the Edendale Dynamites. Thanks again to the teachers and parents who worked so hard with the children. There are many videos and photos on our Facebook page.
- Polyfest 2022: A big thank you to Hayley Clarke for her organisation of Polyfest 2022. Thank you Sanne den Boon, Sharne Parkinson and Kim Nicol (our Kapahaka tutors) for their work and support of our Kapa Haka group. Thank you to the teaching staff for all their work in supporting our children to learn the waiata. Thank you to all the parents that came along to support us on Tuesday. The children were fantastic! Check out our Facebook page for photos and links to the video recording. Polyfest 2022 - ka pai!
- Lower Mataura Valley Speech Contest: On Wednesday we hosted the Lower Mataura Valley Speech Contest. Thank you to Sanne den Boon for all her organisational work in putting this together. Thank you to our judges Mrs Alison Ure and Mrs Belinda Knapp. Top effort to Mya McKelvie for taking out first place and Fleur Blackmore for getting second. Both girls move onto the next round.
Acknowledging - Team Edendale
- Sanne den Boon: Sanne has had an extra busy the past few weeks working to support a range of activities and events within the school. There are lots of details to pin down and get sorted and Sanne does this so well. She is a good example of what excellence looks like (our Term Three value) and also of our vision statement of being a confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learner. Thank you, Sanne, for all your work done on behalf of the school and for the children. You are a real professional!
Our Events Coming Up
Term Three 2022
Week 7 (of 10)
- Friday 9th September - Student Council Mufti Day, Celebrate Your Family Origins
Week 9 (of 10)
- Monday 19th September - New School Board Induction, 6.00pm, staffroom.
- Tuesday 20th September - School Board AGM and General Meeting 7pm, staffroom
- Thursday 22nd September - Senior Production 1pm, 7pm
Week 10 (of 10)
- Tuesday 27th - 29th September - Life Education
- Friday 30th September - School Picnic
Term Three: Principal's Challenge - Lego Masters Edendale 2022
This year's theme is THINGS WE EAT. What will you create? An apple? A hamburger? A cake? A carrot? A plate with dinner on it? Fish and chips? A chocolate bar? Lollies? A doughnut?
How delicious can you make your Lego creation?
Age Groups:
- New Entrants
- Year One
- Year Two
- Year Three
- Year Four
- Year Five
- Year Six
- Open Section: Parents, grandparents, past students, community members.
Judging Criteria:
- Attention to detail - did you think of everything in your build?
Use of colour - is the colour scheme consistent and thought through?
The originality of design - you cannot build from an instruction kit. It must be all your ideas, from scratch. This is about you being creative.
Technical building skills - How do you use the blocks? Are there ways that you use them that are different to what they were intended?
A strong story - Can you create a story around your creation?
Entry Instructions:
- Please have your creation in a sturdy container.
- Clearly name your container.
- Include your year level.
- Have your entry in by Thursday 8th September.
Our Kura News and Information
School Photos - Update
We are now waiting for the school photo proofs to be sent from the photographer. Once these arrive, they will be sent home with instructions about ordering.
Speed Limits Past a Stationary Bus - 20km
If a school bus has stopped you must slow down and drive at 20km/h or less until you are well past the bus (no matter what direction you are coming from) if:
- the bus displays a school bus sign on which the lights are flashing, or
- the bus displays a school bus sign (with or without flashing lights) and has stopped for the purpose of picking up or dropping off school children.
Ice Skating - 2nd September 2022
Reminder that Ice Skating permission slips are due back for Team Kea, Kiwi, Pukeko and Tui students by Monday 29th August
Parent/Grandparent - Classroom Helps
We would love regular (e.g. weekly) parent (or grandparent, community grandparent) help, especially in Teams Kea, Kiwi and Pukeko (our younger classrooms) for reading, writing and mathematics, which are taught in the mornings. Please contact the school (03) 206 6959 or by email on if you can help out. (A reminder that an up-to-date police vetting verification is essential when working with our children.)
Book Club - Issue 6
Scholastic Book Club Issue 6 has gone home.
All orders need to be returned to the office by Friday 9th September. You can also order online.
Our Team for this Week - Team Tui
This term has been another busy term already in Team Tui. A lot of us have been busy with Kapa Haka, Jump Jam, music and finishing up our winter sports.
In Team Tui we have been looking at a variety of creatures to research and discover. We have been very busy at creating creature brochures to go with our dioramas that we will start making next week. The children have loved this DRIVE with it being a lot of hands-on work and working together in pairs.
For PE, we have been working through the Move Well resource and going out exploring the contexts of communicating and cooperating through Invasion Games. While playing, the children have to be aware of how they can work as a team through positive communication and encouragement.
All three groups are ticking along nicely with PR1ME Mathematics. Groups have been looking at place value, fractions, time and measurement. The children really enjoy writing their answers down in their own individual practice book.
What is your favourite thing about Maths?
- “I like the extra work in maths because I learn more and it is fun.” - Emma
- “ I like playing on Studyladder and doing all the activitie.” - Cooper
- “ I like maths because it helps me learn.” - Robson
- “ I like maths because I like a good challenge.” - Simone
At the start of the term we also dived into the Commonwealth Games through our reading, writing, and maths warm up. The children looked at the variety of sports and then picked one they would like to write about, either as them watching that sport or being the person competing. Their challenge for that piece of writing was to start their writing with an "ing" (action verb) word. Along with their writing they created an art piece of their chosen sport that was done with pastel crayon.
We are all looking forward to the ice skating trip, Kamahi Reserve visit and starting our athletics practice in the afternoons soon.
Team Tui wishes everyone a happy and safe rest of the term and hope calving and lambing season is going well for everyone.
Team Tui and Miss Mineur
Character Values Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L): Term Three Excellence Tohungatanga
Excellence means we aim for a high standard and continuous improvement and is shown through reliability, consistency, flexibility, reflection, change, innovation, accuracy, completion, dedication, practice, effort and attitude.
Work hard, have a go and do our best.
Leave everything how we would want to find it.
Wear our uniform with pride.
This week's Principal's Values Award goes to: Piper Johnstone
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kea
Luke Cupido is a lovely young man who shows many of our school values. This week he is Team Kea’s MVP for Tohungatanga - Excellence.
Luke walks into school wearing his uniform with pride. He arrives with a smile and quietly gets organised for the day by unpacking his bag and getting his desk ready.
Since starting school Luke’s interest in learning has grown. He works hard with his learning and this is shown through the progress he is already making in all learning areas. Luke gives new things a go and is keen to take on extra learning.
Luke has a fantastic attitude towards school. I can trust him to be doing the right thing in class and during play times. He knows our class routines and rules and follows them well. He is often spotted first to be doing the right thing. This has made him an excellent role model to have in Team Kea.
Luke is a valued Team Kea member. He shows respect to all the peers and adults around him by being honest, trustworthy and using excellent manners.
Luke, your sense of humour and character make myself and others smile every day. You have a bright future ahead of you and I look forward to seeing all your future achievements. You rock!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Tui
MVP for Excellence - Tohungatanga in Team Tui this week is Robson!
Robson constantly shows excellence and is a respectful member of Team Tui.
Robson has a positive mindset when it comes to his learning; he will put his best foot forward and try his best even when he finds it challenging. Robson is a reliable trustworthy student who can be trusted inside and outside the classroom. He is a great role model for the younger students in our room.
Robson willingly accepts and follows advice and reflects on his learning, so he can improve next time. He is an eager learner.
In Team Tui you can often see Robson tidying up our class equipment or other equipment. Robson always does his class duty and once he has completed it he uses his initiative to help others to get the job done faster. He is a real team player and is always looking for ways he can help.
It is a pleasure to teach Robson. He always puts a smile on my face when he greets me with a big smile, along with a loud, but polite "Good morning!"
Keep working hard Robson and you will go far! Tino pai!
Writer of the Week - Wyatt Sell (Team Tui)
There once was a rugby player called Wyatt. Yes, Wyatt was his name. He lived in a brick house with pretty flowers and a lot of dogs. He loved to sing very loud in the shower. His favourite colour was green like a zombie.
Wyatt loved food and every night his tummy would rumble with excitement that soon his tummy would be fed. He especially loved munching away on hot-dogs and chicken nuggets.
Well one night the hot dog that he was about to eat thought to himself, “I’ve had enough…. He’s always eating my family, so why should I be the next one? Yes I’ve had enough!"
So Mike the hot dog leapt from the plate onto the floor and opened the door, running down the footpath. “Come back here,” said Wyatt.
Mike and the hot dogs ran down the hill to the park while Wyatt was chasing after them with his fork…. To be continued.
Our Kaitiaki School Board
Board Election - Timeframe
- Voting Closes: Wednesday 7th September at 4.00 pm
- New Board Takes Office: Wednesday 14th September
- New Board Induction: Monday 19th of September starting at 6.00 pm. Tea is provided.
- New Board AGM and General Meeting: Tuesday 20th of September at 7.00 pm. The meeting pack goes out a week prior to this meeting.
Our Home and School
Next Meeting - Term Four 2022
The Term Four 2022 meeting of the Home and School is scheduled for Monday 31st of October at 7.30 pm in the school staffroom.
Our Community - News
Edendale Community Pool Society (ECPS) - AGM and General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting, followed by the first General Meeting of the new season, will be held on Monday 29th August, at 7.30pm, in the Edendale School staffroom.
All current and intending members welcome to attend. We have a valuable asset here for our community and our volunteers appreciate your support.
Apologies or inquiries to Secretary, Jenny Coyle, via
Eastern Southland Basketball Association - Miniball
The new miniball season will start on 19th September.
Get your teams together.
- Year 5 & 6 boys will play on Monday
- Year 5 & 6 girls will play on Tuesday
- Year 3 & 4 mixed will play on Thursdays
Subs are $45 pp
We will be in touch in the next few weeks with detailed information about how the players register into their teams through our Gameday system. At the same time, we will let you know when the deadline is for registration and to finalise the teams into Gameday.
Eastern Southland Basketball Association
Wyndham Athletic Club
The Wyndham Athletic Clubs AGM will be held at the Pioneer Tavern on Tuesday 13th September at 7pm.
All wellcome. Any apologies or queries to Jane Muir 027 626 5467 or Abby Duffy 027 262 4422
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool