Hickory Ridge Highlights
October 2, 2023
Dear Hickory Ridge Families,
This week students will be able to shop at our Literati book fair. Parents can also shop during the Breakfast with a Buddy PTG events Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
On Friday morning we conducted our second safety drill of the school year. The students participated in two different drills and scenarios, which included a lockdown, barricade, and evacuation. This was the first time students experienced this type of drill this school year and walked toward the rally points in the event of an evacuation. Everyone did a great job during the drill.
If a cell phone, smart watch or any other personal device is found to be causing a disruption to the academic day the device will be confiscated and turned into the principal. The student’s family member will be contacted to retrieve the device. A student who is in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of the principal.
Brunswick City Schools is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal electronic devices.
I know many of you are ready to start Halloween costume shopping, so please keep in mind the following while doing so:
Costumes should be fun, positive and in good taste.
Gory or bloody costumes are not permissible. Absolutely no weapons of any kind.
Please bring costumes and masks in book bags. Do not wear masks on the bus. Masks may only be worn during the parade. Students must be able to independently put their costume on and will change into costumes right before the parade - do not send them to school in their costumes.
Faces may be painted, however not beyond recognition and not completely.
Your body must be respectfully covered.
Additional information about our Oct. 27th class parties/Halloween parade will be coming home next week.
Jamie Bailey
Hickory Ridge Elementary
10/3 - 4th Gr. InView Testing
10/3 - PTG Breakfast with a Buddy
10/4 - 5th Gr. InView Testing
10/4 - PTG Breakfast with a Buddy
10/5 - PTG Breakfast with a Buddy
10/6 - PTG Popcorn Day ($0.50)
10/9-10/12 - Bully Prevention Spirit Week
10/13 - NEOEA Day- No School
10/18 - Staff In-service/ Workday- No School
10/20 - End of 1st Quarter
10/26 - Picture Retake Day
10/26 - Fire Drill
Counselor’s Corner -- October 2023
Happy Fall!! I hope everyone has had a great first month of school!! Please continue to use the counselor referral request form on the principal’s newsletter if you would like me to meet with your child. Or you can call or email me directly at the contact information listed below. I will be beginning SEL small groups in my office in October so your child may be part of a group if recommended by his/her teacher for this. Some topics include, but are not limited to: emotion management-anger, emotion management-anxiety, social skills, focusing, problem solving and empathy.
October is Bullying Prevention month so we will be focusing on that with our Second Step classroom lessons this month. Again, I will be going to each classroom to talk about recognizing, refusing, and reporting bullying behavior as well as learning what to do if you are a bystander of bullying actions. Please remember there are activities and explanations of the Second Step lessons online. See the parent links (listed below in this newsletter) for more information and how you can work with your child on these concepts at home to help with their social emotional learning.
In addition to my lessons on Bullying Prevention, we will have a school-wide spirit week to recognize this important month. Please click here Bully Prevention Spirit Week 2023 for the daily themes for the week of October 9-12.
Definition of Bullying
In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Department of Education released the first federal definition of bullying. The definition includes three core elements:
unwanted aggressive behavior
observed or perceived power imbalance
repetition or high likelihood of repetition of bullying behaviors
This definition helps determine whether an incident is bullying or another type of aggressive behavior or both.
The Second Step Program has a link that parents can utilize to reinforce the skills that their children have learned for the week. All you need to do is the following:
Use this link www.SecondStep.org then enter the following Activation Key:
Kindergarten- SSPK FAMILY70 Look for Lessons under Home Link
1st Grade-SSP1 FAMILY71 Look for Lessons under Home Link
2nd Grade-SSP2 FAMILY72 Look for Lessons under Home Link
3rd Grade-SSP3 FAMILY73 Look for Lessons under Home Link
4th Grade-SSP4 FAMILY74 Look for Lessons under Home Link
5th Grade-SSP5 FAMILY75 Look for Lessons under Home Link
Families, at times, struggle to make ends meet. See links below for local food distribution centers and food banks.
Please contact me via the Mach Form attached to the Principal’s newsletter if you have any questions or concerns about your child. In addition here is a link to outside counseling services.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me:
Leanne Lalos
School Counselor
Brunswick City Schools
Hickory Ridge Elementary School
330-225-7731 ext. 1518
Photos from the Week
PTG News
We hope your year is off to a great start! We have so many FUN things coming up. Read on for details!
We're looking for helping hands to continue to make amazing things happen at our school! Check out our Google form for some volunteer opportunities available this school year! https://forms.gle/aTFq9LCspRhv1cFa7
Our next meeting is on Wednesday, November 8th beginning at 6:30 pm in the pit at school. The remainder of our meetings take place on January 10th, March 6th, April 3rd, & May 1st.
Thank you to all of our families that RSVP'd to join us for our annual Breakfast Buddies tradition! We're looking forward to seeing you!
Tuesday, October 3rd - students with last names starting with letters A - H
Wednesday, October 4th - students with last names starting with letters I - R
Thursday, October 5th - students with last names starting with letters S - Z
Breakfast Buddies is from 8 - 8:40 am each date. Bring a camp chair or a blanket to sit on. Should the weather not cooperate, we'll move inside to the cafeteria. The Book Fair will be open during this time to allow students to shop with their buddy if they choose.
Each student is encouraged to invite ONE buddy to join them for a donut on the playground at school on their designated date.
RSVP closed on SEPTEMBER 28th. Email PTG at hrptg@bcsoh.org with any questions.
Our spirit wear sale is going on NOW until October 8th. This sale is online only & can be found at https://hickoryridge2023.itemorder.com/shop/home/.
Our annual skate night is always a fun time out with our school family! Brunswick Skate Station gives back a percentage of admission, too! We encourage all to come on out on Thursday, October 12th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm to celebrate no school for NEOEA day the following day! Pre-register RSVP online!
The first Friday of every month is POPCORN FRIDAY! PTG pops up this yummy, crunchy treat for just $.50 per box.
These are easy opportunities to support our school while also supporting a local business. We all need to eat, right? And some nights it needs to be quick or maybe we just don't feel like cooking ourselves.
Our Dairy Queen Celebrity Scooper night must be rescheduled due to a remodel currently underway at DQ. We are all bummed about this but can't wait to see the changes when we have our rescheduled date later in the year!
If you wish to be included in any communication from hrptg@bcsoh.org, please complete the form even if you previously filled it out last year. We do NOT retain information from year to year. https://forms.gle/9o3hR4AgBsXqnJNx8
Please reach out to us via our email hrptg@bcsoh.org with any questions, comments, suggestions you may have!
Like us on Facebook @HickoryRidgePTG & Follow us on Twitter @HickoryRidgeOH!
Birthday Sign Recognition
Right at School
Food Service Information
Brunswick City Schools offers healthy meals every school day. Students are encouraged to have accounts set up for any breakfast/lunch purchases. For your convenience, deposits may be made by credit/debit card by setting up an account for your student on www.myschoolbucks.com. You may view your student's lunch account, and set up a lunch account balance reminder as well. Charging will not be permitted for breakfast. It is strongly recommended that parents/guardians make meal payments in advance. Personal checks and cash deposits are accepted daily.
Your children may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals. If you think your children qualify after reading the parent letter and guidelines found in the link below, please complete the application and return to your child's school. We cannot approve an application that is not complete, so be sure to fill out all required information. You may submit one Free and Reduced Price School Meals Application for all students in your household.
Newsletters From the Superintendent
In case you missed an email message from our school Superintendent Mr. Niedermeyer. Click here to view all previously sent notifications.
School Fees
If you pick up your child early, please email the teacher and the secretary, Mrs. Hovanec, at thovanec@bcsoh.org.
Student Handbook
Nurse- Mrs. Venere
School Bucks
Student Grades
See Something Say Something
Parent Mentors
Kim Hawkins khawkins@bcsoh.org 330-225-7731 ext. 1533
Click here for more information
B for Excellence
Free & Reduced Lunch
Transportation Links
- CAR RIDER - Fill this out
- WALKER- please email the teacher and Mrs. McIntosh at jmcintosh@bcsoh.or if your child will be a walker
Chromebook HELP
Parent Volunteers
Hickory Ridge Elementary
Website: https://www.bcsoh.org/Domain/12
Location: 4628 Hickory Ridge Avenue, Brunswick, OH, USA
Phone: (330) 273-0483
Twitter: @BCSDHRidge