Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 21st April 2023
Fabulous Fund Raising
Blue Cross Champions
Learning about Rocks
Work begins on the wildlife area
The children in the Reception class were inspired to become courageous advocates for caring for the world following their reading of the story, Greta and the Giants. One of the suggestions the children had was to encourage wildlife to come to the school grounds by creating a wildlife area. A perfect area was located and the Reception children quickly got to work with the help of Mrs Mence. They worked brilliantly well together as a team to turn the soil and remove the weeds, and have made an excellent start on the area.
During our Friday worship we asked, 'Why is respect important?' We had some very thoughtful responses.
'It is important because it is about being kind.' Year 4
'If we didn't respect our world it wouldn't be cared for and would be polluted.' Year 4
'God wants us to be caring and understanding to others.' Year 4
'God wants us to show respect.' Reception
'If you give respect you get respect.' Year 2
'Showing respect speaks love.' Year 2
'It is a chance to appreciate and show kindness.' Year 5
'If you don't show respect, people won't respect you back.' Year6
'Show how loving and kind we can be.' Year 1
'We need to all function together and be kind and loving.' Year 5
'We need to respect our toys and look after them so that they don't get broken.' Nursery
School Update
Welcome back. We have lots of great experiences planned for the children over the summer term (see the dates for diaries below).
School Shoes
Please can we remind parents and carers that all children should be wearing black school shoes. They may bring trainers to change into for PE and the daily mile.
Evidence does show that poor attendance adversely impacts on pupils' social abilities and learning. Setting good attendance patterns from an early age, from nursery through primary school helps children later on in their life.
We regularly review school attendance and internal assessments do show that pupils with low attendance have learning gaps and make less progress across the curriculum.
As a school we have reviewed our school policy and procedures for attendance, taking into account the guidance and expectations within the DfE's document, 'Working together to improve attendance.' This can be access by clicking on the link below. We do hope you will find it a useful document.
Stars of the Week
At our Celebration Worship every Friday, we really enjoy 'zooming' around the classes to hear about the fabulous work and effort of our stars of the week.
Rory for excellent progress with his reading.
Ava for really working hard on her handwriting to make sure the letters are of an even size and sitting on the line.
Year 1
Alec for having a good attitude to his learning this week and challenging himself. Good work Alec!
Year 2
Elissa for showing love and support to others and for creating excellent pieces of writing.
Year 3
Nastya for her fantastic effort in her writing and working independently to write sentences.
Year 4
Iris for taking an active role in the classroom and for challenging herself in maths and geography.
Year 5
Ellie for her bright positive attitude to learning and willingness to improve her work and respect for her peers.
Year 6
Ollie for participating well in class and clearly explaining his understanding and helping his peers
Congratulations to Mrs Linkins
Parent Governor Vacancy
Mr Holmes has written to all parents to let you know that there is a parent governor vacancy for one parent governor on our governing board, and to ask for nominations. Please click the button below to access more information and links to electronic copies of the letter and nomination paper.
You do not need any specific qualifications. The most important thing is that you are interested in the success of the school and are prepared to play an active part in the work of the governing board. Parent governors are valued members of the team. An effective board will have a range of skills, and we would welcome nominations from parents with knowledge and experience of:
· Safeguarding;
· Children’s health and wellbeing including for those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities;
· Health and Safety.
Please provide feedback!
Dates for Diaries
Monday 24th April - Parent Governor Nominations Due
Tuesday 25th April - Bag2School Collection
Tue 25th - Fri 28th April - Book Fair
Wednesday 26th April - Year 2 Class Worship at 9am
Monday 1st May - Bank Holiday
Tuesday 2nd May - 5th May - Coronation Week
Wednesday 3rd May - Year 6 London Video (5.45pm)
Monday 8th May - Bank Holiday for the King's Coronation
Tuesday 9th May - 12th May - Year 6 Statutory Test Week
Thursday 11th May - Year 4 Visit Bradford
Wednesday 17th May - Year 5 visit St. Peter's School, Leeds
Wednesday 17th May - Duck Race 5pm Fisher Green
Thursday 18th May - Cricket Festival
Wednesday 24th May - Year 6 Class Worship at 9am
Friday 26th May - school closes at 3.10/3.15pm for the half term break
Monday 5th June - school re-opens
Friday 9th June - Times Tables Rock Star Day
Wednesday 14th June - Year 3 Visit to The Yorkshire Park
Thursday 15th June - Sports Day
Saturday 17th June - Friends Summer Fair
Monday 19th June - 23rd June - Arts Week
Wednesday 21st June - Year 2 Visit to Whitby
Friday 23rd June - School Disco
Monday 26th June - Year 1 Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Wednesday 28th June - 30th June - Year 5 Residential to Lindisfarne
Thursday 29th June and Friday 30th June - Year 6 Bikeability
Tuesday 4th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Production (Afternoon and Evening)
Wednesday 5th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Production (Afternoon)
Thursday 6th July - Year 4 Ripon Workhouse Visit
Friday 7th July - Year 6 Leavers' Service at the Cathedral
Tuesday 11th July and Wednesday 12th July - In School Transition Days Year R - Year 5
Wednesday 12th July - Year 6 Leavers Event
Wednesday 12th July - Annual Reports
Tuesday 18th July - Key Stage 2 Production (Afternoon and Evening)
Wednesday 19th July - Key Stage 2 Production (Evening)
Wednesday 19th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship (9am)
Thursday 20th July - Key Stage 2 Celebration Worship (9am)
Friday 21st July - School Closes for the Summer
We endeavour to provide dates with suitable notice, however there may be changes to timings etc, as the term progresses.
Friends of the School
Summer Term Events
Tuesday 25th April - Bag2School collection - bring bagged up unwanted clothing into the school car park by 9am - any bag will do.
Tue 25th - Fri 28th April - Book Fair after school - card or correct change please (card is preferred).
Wednesday 17th May - Duck Race 5pm Fisher Green
Saturday 17th June - Summer Fair
Friday 23rd June - Disco
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Phone: 01765 602355
Twitter: @riponcathschool