We are Warriors 23-24
SGP Counseling Services: Q1
SGPHS Counseling Services Mission and Vision Statement
Our Mission
We deliver an all-inclusive counseling program that offers every student the opportunity to attain optimal results in academia, supports their social and emotional development, and shepherds them on a path towards college and career exploration.
Our Vision
To equip students with the tools necessary to navigate an ever-changing global society by fostering their desire to pursue lifelong academic, cultural, social-emotional, and technological awareness that extends far beyond the high school experience.
Welcome Back Warriors!
Let's Go Warriors....
The 2023-2024 school year is off to an exciting start! The counseling department would like to wish all Warriors a successful school year. We take pride in serving you and look forward to a positive and productive school year. Our goal is to do all we can to ensure that your experience at SGPHS is one that you will cherish and reflect on positively for the rest of your life. Go Warriors!
GPISD Social Work Hub
Chats with the Counselor
Important information for Seniors is included in the senior packet below. Please click on the link for access to information pertaining to scholarships, college applications, career exploration, and more. We would like for students to review this information prior to meeting with counselors.
Class of 2024 Fall Checklist
- Take standardized tests (if applicable)-- Re-take the SAT/ACT, SAT subject tests, or consider test optional colleges
- Start college applications early-- Most early decision/action deadlines are fast approaching. Apply Texas; Common Application ; SendEDU/Parchment; Black College Common Application
- Complete scholarship applications-- Scholarship opportunities are out there but takes time to research and apply. Visit the GPISD College & Career HUB Website for the latest scholarship updates. GPISD Website
- Request Transcripts using XELLO or Green Light--
Instructions for requesting on XELLO.
Paying for College
How do I get financial aid and scholarships?
FAFSA will be available December 2023!
To apply for financial aid, the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) will need to be completed. The new application opens in December. See below for the changes to the 2024-2025 FAFSA form. Please visit the FAFSA website, FAFSA to apply.
Changes on the 2024–25 FAFSA® Form
The 2024–25 FAFSA changes include the following:
- Every contributor—anyone (student,the student's spouse, a biological or adoptive parent, or the parent's spouse) who's required to provide information on the FAFSA form—will need an FSA ID to access and complete their section of the online form.
- All contributors must provide consent and approval to have their federal tax information transferred directly into the student's FAFSA form via direct data exchange with the IRS. If any contributor doesn't provide consent and approval, submission of the FAFSA form will still be allowed. However, a Student Aid Index, which replaces the Expected Family Contribution, will not be calculated and the student won't be eligible for federal student aid.
- Students will be able to list up to 20 colleges on their online FAFSA form and 10 colleges on the FAFSA PDF.
- Users can start or access the FAFSA form by visiting StudentAid.gov and logging in, where they'll see the link to the FAFSA form on their Dashboard.
Preparing for College Checklists
StopBullying.gov defines bullying as
unwanted, aggressive behavior among
school-aged children that involves a real
or perceived power imbalance. Behavior is
considered bullying if it materially and
substantially disrupts the education
environment and/or infringes on the rights
of another student at school.
If a student is a victim of bullying, or
if they witness acts of bullying in our
school, all students are encouraged to
immediately report this inappropriate
behavior to any staff member. Students
are given the option of reporting bullying
anonymously or in person. Students may
report it using theStop It app found on
their iPads and on the GPISD Website.
October is bullying prevention month
and South Grand Prairie High School will
be promoting acts of kindness not only
during the month of October, but
throughout the school year.
Suicide Prevention Resources
- The 988 Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States. Click here to access the 988-partner toolkit
Upcoming dates to remember:
- October 3, 2023: ACT School Day for all 11th graders and 12th graders (12th graders must register)
- October 9, 2023: Indigenous Peoples' Day- No School
- October 13, 2023: End of Quarter 1
- October 16, 2023: Teacher work day- No School
- October 24, 2023: PSAT Testing for all 10th. 9th & 11th graders must register
SGP Counseling Services
Website: https://www.gpisd.org/Domain/12062
Location: 301 West Warrior Trail, Grand Prairie, TX, USA
Phone: 9723431500
Twitter: @SGPHSCounselors