Queens Creek Elementary School
Parent Newsletter - October 24, 2020
Important Dates
- October 27: 5th Grade Cohort A Science Benchmark
- October 30: 5th Grade Cohort B Science Benchmark
- October 30: Trashion Fashion Show
- November 2: 4th and 5th grade transition to four days a week (M, Tu, Th, F)
- November 17: Interim Reports
- November 25-27: Thanksgiving Break
- November 30: All students transition to five days a week
New Screening Protocols and Flow Charts
- Do you know if you have been around anyone diagnosed with COVID-19?
- Since you were last at school, have you had a fever, chills, had trouble breathing, been coughing, or lost your sense of taste or smell?
- Since you were last at school, has anyone in your household developed a fever, chills, had trouble breathing, been coughing, or lost your sense of taste or smell?
- Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19?
Testing Information
Cohort A - October 27
Cohort B - October 30.
Swansboro Area Pink Out Day!!
School Picture Packets
Make up pictures will be the morning of December 1st.
Report Cards!!!!!!
It is important that you sign the Report Card envelope and return it to school.
Trashion Fashion Show
Thank you to all the students and families that submitted outfits for the Trashion Fashion Show. The outfits all look amazing. The actual show will take place on October 30. The show will be recorded and posted online for parents to view.
Mrs. Ryan needs your empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls!!!
Please send these in next week.
Fun Recycling Fact - Ms. Dailey
Aluminum cans have one of the fastest recycling turnaround times and are a
great example of recycling power in action. The EPA says cans can be recycled
into new cans and end up back on your grocer's shelf in 4-8 weeks!!
Recycle today for a better tomorrow -
Transition to Plan A - Schedule for Students Return
- October 19, 2020: 2nd & 3rd Grades transition to all students four days a week (M,T, Th, F)
- November 2, 2020: 4th & 5th Grades transition to all students four days a week (M,T, Th, F)
- November 30, 2020: All Grades transition to five days a week.
Red Ribbon Week! - November 2-6
Red Ribbon Week is coming up! It would typically be next week, but we are going to push it back to the week of November 2-6 when our 4th/5th graders return to a 4-day schedule so all the students can participate on every day. The dress up days will be as followed:
Monday-Too Bright for Drugs-Wear neon clothes and sunglasses
Tuesday-Voting for my Future to be Drug-Free-Wear Red, White, and Blue
Wednesday-Virtual Learning Day
Thursday-Wear Red Day-Students will receive a red ribbon and should wear a red shirt
Friday-From Head to Toe, I'm Drug Free-Crazy Hair and Socks Day
"Hall of Heroes" - Veterans Day Observance
School Dismissal Manager
All parents need access to SMD. All afternoon transportation changes will happen within the system. This eliminates the need for notes that don't always reach the teachers or emails to the front office that might not be seen until after dismissal. All changes need to happen before 2:00pm. At 2:15pm each teacher is sent an email with a list of all his/her students and how each one is getting home.
It is important that all parents log into the program and update the students' weekday default settings. The school has created one parent per student. That parent will need to create the accounts for the other adults that my need access. Every adult that may pick up the student needs to have a separate account. These added adults will be "View Only", which means that can pick up the student from school, but cannot make changes in the system. If you need one or more of these adults to have editing rights or need help with they system, please email Mrs. Staley at michelle.staley@onslow.k12.nc.us or Mrs. Yager at jill.yager@onslow.k12.nc.us.
This past week we moved away from calling every student on the walkie talkies. Adults picking up students in the afternoon car rider line will need to access the SDM system via a mobile device in order to check in. If you have an Apple or Android mobile device, there is a free app. If you have another brand of mobile device you will need to access the the systems at www.schooldismissalmanager.com from the internet browser on your mobile device. If this is the case, I strongly suggest you create a shortcut to the website on your homescreen for ease of access. Either way you will need to allow access to the camera of your device to scan the QR code that will be at the Check-In location. The system will also give each driver a PIN to use if the QR code doesn't work. When the drive checks in, a message is sent to the teacher to send your child out and marks your place in line. The staff member checking in drivers will still have a walkie talkie in case there are technical issues.