The Fence Post
The Month of December on the Ranch
December Details
Sandbrock Ranch families,
As we approach the festive month of December, we are filled with joy and anticipation about all the month has to offer! It is packed with exciting events and opportunities for your children to engage in meaningful learning experiences. Our classrooms will be adorned with festive decorations, and students will have the chance to participate in various holiday-themed activities that promote creativity and collaboration. We hope you will join us for our annual 5th grade Winter Concert, where the talents of our young musicians will shine brightly on December 7th at 6 PM. Next up, we will host our annual Cocoa & Carrols on December 14th at 5:30 PM. We hope you will bring your families and neighbors out to the memorable float show and enjoy a cup of cocoa. Additionally, we'll be emphasizing the importance of giving back through various charitable initiatives. Stables will be collecting toys to donate to a local shelter for families in need. Please send in an unwrapped toy anytime the next couple of weeks.
Winter Party Extravaganza
December 21st
PreK-2nd Grade: 10:30-11:15 AM
3rd-5th Grade: 11:00-11:45 AM
Early Release
December 20th at noon
December 21st at noon
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to celebrating the holiday season together as a school community.
On the horizon:
In January, our students will have a unique opportunity to SKATE in PE. We are super excited to offer this to our students; be on the lookout for a permission slip and more information in the coming weeks.
January 23rd is our next Parent Pony Up guided building tour. If you are interested in seeing what a day in the life of a SRE student is like, please sign up below. We have a limited number of spots!
January 25th (5:30-7:30 PM) is SRE's Multicultural Night. We are excited to highlight and honor the different cultures of our SRE families. In order to pull this evening off, we need your help!!! Please click here for the flyer to show interest in participating.
Friendly Reminders:
Car line is expected to be over by 3:20 PM each day. Please arrive prior to this time to ensure a swift pick up. If you are running late, we understand; however, please call the front office to inform us.
- Student jackets and sweatshirts should be labeled with your child's name. We like to find the owners before we make our monthly donations of items left unclaimed.
- Lunch accounts need to be to a $0 balance by winter break. If you need assistance, please reach out to the front office. We will be making contact with all families who have an unpaid balance. Thank you for your prompt attention to this!
Important Dates:
Dec 7…5th Grade Showcase & Winter Concert | 6 PM
Dec 11-15…Holiday Shop
Dec 14...Cocoa & Carols | 5:30 PM
Dec 19…Polar Express Day | Wear Jammies
Dec 20-21...Early Release Day at Noon
Dec 21…Winter Parties
Dec 22...No school
Dec 22-Jan 7...Winter Break
Jan 8...Return to school
Jan 25...SRE Multicultural Night
Take a moment to read through our Parent Handbook. We have captured some important nuts & bolts below.
For Kids,
Claire Springer
Sandbrock Ranch Elementary
If you'd like to donate for 12 Days, please see sign up below!
Early Release Days - December
Dear Families,
Denton ISD will provide engagement for students on the upcoming early release days, December 20th and 21st, 2023, from 12:00 pm until 3:00 pm for elementary children. The Extended School Day program will coordinate with each campus to provide engaging activities for students while teachers are participating in Professional Learning Communities. In addition, Denton ISD transportation will be provided at both the early release time (12:00pm) and the regular release time (3:00 pm) for all eligible elementary bus students.
Parents must sign up each month to participate. If your student currently attends ESD, you do not need to sign up.
If you have any questions regarding this, please contact the Extended School Day office at 940-369-0080.
Participation in this opportunity will require completion of the form below. All forms must be submitted no later than December 14th, 2023 to participate.
Career Day 2024
We need your help!
Hello! We are so excited to host our 2nd Annual College & Career Week during the last week of March. Our week will culminate in a Career Day on Thursday, March 28th. We would love to have as much family participation as possible in this event. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins... all are welcome!
If you or someone in your family has a career or business that you think our students would love to learn about, please fill out the interest form linked below. This is just a preliminary interest survey. More detailed information will be sent out closer to the actual date of the event.
Thank you for partnering with us in your children's education and being willing to offer your talents and gifts with our students!
Please reach out to Mrs. Applewhite with any questions!
Goal Getters
Denton ISD Outcomes - "Super Six"
All members of the Denton ISD family, will collaborate to accomplish the following “Super Six” outcomes:
- Students will graduate college, career, and/or military ready.
- Students will be engaged in extra/co-curricular activities.
- Students will demonstrate evidence of mastery of Algebra I by the end of 9th grade.
- Students will demonstrate evidence of reading on grade level by the end of 3rd grade.
- Staff members are highly engaged.
- Families and our communities are highly engaged.
Campus Improvement Plan Goals
Our campus leadership team meets regularly to monitor our campus goals. These goals were created by a group of teachers, staff, parents, and community members based on our campus needs assessment and align to our District Outcomes. We use a variety of data points to monitor these goals. We appreciate your partnership as we work together to reach campus goals.
By May 2024, all students will make, at minimum, one-year growth in reading for any student on level and one and a half years for any student below level, as measured by the DRA3 and running records.
By May 2024, 80% of students can communicate their mathematical thinking in problem solving at mastery level 3, measured by the problem solving rubric.
By May 2024, 90% of students in grades 1st-3rd grade and students of concern in 4th and 5th grade will be able to use appropriate grade-level strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems.
By May 2024, SRE will increase student-to-student respect from 63% to 80% 'agree' or 'strongly agree' on the Parent Survey.
By May 2024, 80% of staff will strongly agree that they have received feedback in the last seven days by using the data on Question 4 on Q12 survey.
Coffee with the Counselor
SRE Nuts & Bolts
Communication Nuts & Bolts
You will receive a weekly email from your child's teacher with classroom updates, reminders, and logistics. This email will include a grade level newsletter with curriculum updates, learning targets, exemplar work, etc...
We keep our schoolwide Facebook page, school website, and Instagram updated with upcoming events.
Our 23-24 events calendar is planned for the year. Go ahead and mark these dates now!
Students will come home each day with a schoolwide take home folder, agenda, and guided reading baggie. Please help us keep these items neat throughout the school year.
Every classroom will have a way to share pictures, fun happenings, celebrations, etc... Be on the lookout for how your child's teacher will be sharing this information.
Student Agendas
- Teachers and students will use to communicate between home & school.
- We ask that parents sign their child's agenda weekly, every Friday, at minimum.
- We included a guided reading book log to help us keep track of books checked out to your child throughout the year.
Take Home Folders
- These folders will be used for school communication, flyers, student work, etc...
Guided Reading Baggies
- Every student will receive a zipper bag with their name on it to carry their guided reading books back and forth.
- All students should read for a minimum of 20 minutes per night.
- This zipper bag will travel with your child to the next grade level.
- We ask parents to kindly send in a $5 fee if the baggie is damaged or lost for a replacement.
Birthday Nuts & Bolts
Birthday Celebrations
There will be no in-class birthday parties at any grade level. In efforts to promote health conscious activity, we are eliminating sugar treats for birthdays. Students will be recognized during a special birthday announcement. They will be invited to the office to receive a special gift.
Children should not bring invitations for a private party to school, unless the invitations include everyone in the student’s class. Children who do not receive invitations do not always understand why they are being excluded. We will not deliver cupcakes, balloons, flowers, birthday baskets, etc. to the classroom as not to disrupt the learning environment.
Parents can purchase a birthday slide on the school-wide slideshow for $5.00. The slide show is displayed in the office and main hallway of our school. Slides will be displayed for the week of your student’s birthday. To purchase a slide, please contact the school secretary at
Cafeteria Nuts & Bolts
Our cafeteria serves breakfast & lunch each day. Breakfast starts serving at 7:10 AM each morning, you will drop your child off in the back circle drive (by the horses) at this time. It is important that our students get to school before 7:30 AM to ensure they have enough time to eat before school starts at 7:40 AM.
The cafeteria will open for lunch visitors on September 5th. We want to spend the first few weeks getting our students acclimated to schoolwide expectations and lunchroom procedures before we invite guests into our building. Thank you for understanding! This year there will NOT be assigned days to eat with your child. After September 5th, you may have lunch with your child Tuesday-Friday. This year we will have a designated visitor table for lunch. You and your child are invited to sit at this designated table, you may not include other children with you.
Ice cream & snacks are sold each day at lunch and are an option for students with money on their lunch account. If you would like to monitor this, please go into your child's SchoolCafe account to put limits on days they are able to purchase. We recommend students buying ice cream 1-2x/week. Thank you for helping us help kiddos make healthy choices!
If you would like to apply for school meal assistance (lunch/breakfast at a free or reduced price), please use the link below. You will be able to complete an application here beginning July 22nd. Please note that families must reapply each school year.
It will prompt you to sign up for a SchoolCafe account first (or sign in if you already have an account from last year), then you may click on the benefits link within. This is also the place to add funds to your child's breakfast/lunch account if they will be eating in the cafeteria this school year.
For questions, please refer to the Denton ISD Child Nutrition website below or call (940) 369-0230.
Dress Code Nuts & Bolts
No hoodies or hats are allowed at school, unless it is a designated school wide hat day.
All students are encouraged to keep a change of clothes in their backpacks in case of emergencies. Please help your child’s teacher by keeping a change of clothing available. These messes can happen unexpected by accidents, spills, water, mud, etc…
Athletic shoes are a must on the days that your child attends PE classes. We also recommend that girls wear shorts under their skirt/dresses on these days.
Please keep in mind that all students play on the playground for recess each day. Backless shoes or flip flops are not recommended.
If a student is improperly dressed, he or she can call home for a change of clothes. If a change of clothes is not available, the school office will provide a change of clothes when possible.
Nuts & Bolts
7:10 AM…Cafeteria opens for breakfast
Enter through the back circle drive
7:20 AM…Doors open for arrival
Students enter the building by hallways or through the front doors
7:40 AM…Tardy bell rings & Announcements/Morning Circle starts
If your student arrives after 7:40 AM, the doors are locked. We ask that parents bring their student to the front office for a safe check in.
1:30 PM…Deadline to inform the front office for the ‘day of’ dismissal changes.
2:30 PM…Students will not be dismissed from the front office past 2:30 PM each day. If you need to pick up your student for an early dismissal, please do so prior to 2:30 PM.
3:00 PM…All students are dismissed from the building
To drop off lunch, water bottles, snacks, student items, etc… please use the cubbies in the front foyer. Email your child’s teacher to let them know you left something for your child. Teachers will send students to grab their item out of the cubbies.
Volunteers are welcomed & valued! All volunteers will need to be processed through the district volunteer form prior to being on campus. This includes a completed background check.
Lunch visitors will check in at the front desk prior to their child’s lunch.
Campus closed to lunch visitors on Mondays
Lunch visitors will sit at the designated lunch table with their child only.
Sandbrock Ranch Elementary
Location: 3690 Hunter Street Aubrey St 76227
Phone: 940-304-3500
Twitter: @SRE3C