January 21st AMSHS Weekly Update
Building independent lifelong learners.
Principal's Corner
Grade checks were yesterday and students who are on the ineligibility list were notified. Parents should also be receiving an email or phone call from your child's teacher updating you on their progress and ways they can improve their grade.
Each class takes a minimum of 2 grades per week. Grades are entered into Lumen by Friday. Please help us monitor your child's progress and continue to have conversations at home about working hard and getting assignments turned in on time.
To motivate student learning, we are implementing gym time on Tuesday for students who have As and Bs, no absences, no tardies, and no office referrals. Students can play in the gym or sit on the bleachers with their cell phones. See the poster below for more information.
North Star Advocacy Center will also be presenting to our student body on Feb 1st. They provide services for those who have domestic violence and sexual assault as well as help influence cultural change. If you have any questions about this please visit their website https://northstarac.org/.
Our staff member of the week was Becky Fine. One teacher wrote, “Mrs. Fine always goes above and beyond for both teachers as well as students. From checking on sick students to confirming substitutes, she puts a lot of heart into making Albany a great school district.” Thank you Becky for all that you do to support student learning at AMSHS.
We will begin Monday school in February for those who need to make up attendance. There are also multiple opportunities for tutoring morning or afternoons. Contact your child's teacher for more information.
Mrs. Barbara Terry
Middle School/ High School Principal
Albany R-3 School District
Counselor's Corner
Hey Warriors!
Updates for this week:
The Albany Elementary and Middle/High school will be participating in a Pennies for Patients fundraiser this March. We would also love to raise money by raffling off some items or gift cards from local businesses. If your business would like to donate an item or gift card, please reach out to Staci Freeman or Kristyn Carlock. Thank you!
The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri scholarships are now open through March 1st. Students may follow this link, select “ScholarLink” in the top right corner, select “get started” at the bottom, and answer the qualifying questions. Once they’ve answered the questions, it will pull scholarships they are eligible for. Then they will want to create an account so that it saves their progress. https://www.cfnwmo.org/
The Grace Foundation Scholarship interviews have been scheduled for the morning of March 30th, 2023. Anyone who applied for the Grace scholarship will want to be sure to come to school that day! There is no Vo-Tech that day so students involved in Vo-Tech and who applied are able to come to school that morning for the interviews.
A few more scholarships available, students may pick up the applications from Mrs. Carlock:
Gentry County Farm Bureau- available to students whose parent(s) are members. Three $500 scholarships will be awarded, the deadline is March 31st.
Charles E. Kruse Agricultural Scholarship: parents or guardians must hold a current Farm Bureau membership in MO. $1000; deadline of March 15th.
Vocational Scholarship: parents or guardians must hold a current Farm Bureau membership in MO, must be pursuing an applied science degree or certification in a trade related to agriculture such as Heavy Equipment Operations, Electronics, Welding, Diesel and Farm Machinery Repair. Students pursuing a 4 year degree are not eligible. Application is due March 31.
There is also a scholarship available for students whose parent(s) are active GRM members in good standing. This scholarship may range from $500 to $1,500, its deadline is February 24th.
Juniors/Seniors Dual Credit:
If a student received a 3.0 or above on their college course last semester, a reimbursement check is being mailed for half of the cost of the class. Students must have this semester’s course paid before the check will be mailed.
We have scheduled an ASVAB test score interpretation for January 31st, at 2:30pm. This will be helpful for students to understand their ASVAB scores and look at career options. Students will need to bring their chromebooks charged to the commons area.
Today was the final day to sign up for the district ACT test in March. If students are taking the test for the second time, they are responsible for payment. If students are testing for the first time, the fee is covered by the district.
Healthy Relationships Group for Girls:
This group is happening on Monday, Jan 23 at 2pm. Please see the poster below for more information and let me know if your child would like to join this group!
Kristyn Carlock
660-726-3911 ext. 2175
Please help us keep our gym and school clean by disposing of your trash properly at ballgames.
Entrepreneurship Class Opens a Coffee Shop
Jade Koch pours a cup of coffee for Andrew Wiles Friday morning. Jade is in the Entrepreneurship Class which has opened a Coffee and Cocoa bar on Friday mornings before school. Coffee and hot chocolate are available for only $1 and breakfast snacks can be purchased for 50 cents. Students and staff are welcome to stop by Mrs. Paul’s room on Friday mornings.
NHS Blood Drive Was A Huge Success!
Thanks to our generous community, NHS collected 78 units of blood for the Community Blood Center on Jan 19. This will help up to 234 patients that need blood or blood products. Thank you to all of our donors.
Biology Class Learning
Yearbook Class
4 State Invitational Honor Band
8th Graders Learn Ag Safety
AMSHS Drama Department Presents...
Performance will be on March 4th and 5th. More details on tickets sales coming soon!
Important Information About Student Academics
Official Grade check was Friday, January 20th.
Each student is allotted 7 days to be absent each semester without a doctor's note. If your child is absent, please contact the office and bring a doctors note upon return so their absence is excused and not counted towards these 7 days. If your child has more than 7 unexcused absences, they will need to attend Monday school to receive semester credit.
Students receive independent reading time daily in class so we have decided to incorporate the AR program into your child's classroom grade. Each teacher has a plan on how this will be accomplished. This information was shared with students. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher.
Students who have more than 3 missing assignments could serve lunch detention so they can work on missing assignments.
Absences start over at semester. We will have scheduled Monday school for those who need to make up time to receive credit. The handbook policy states students may have 7 absences per semester. Please make sure you turn in doctor's notes to the office.
Per our handbook policy, after the 6th tardy, students will serve an after school detention. Please see the disciplinary section of the handbook for more information about our tardy policy.
Important Upcoming Dates
1-21-2023 4 State Invitational Honor Band
1-30-2023 Weather Make-Up Day
1-31-2023 Winter Sports Senior Night
2-3-23 Winter Sports Homecoming
Don't forget about weekly Friday 7AM Booster Club meetings at Deb's Diner
Albany Middle and High School (AMSHS)
Email: bterry@albany.k12.mo.us
Website: https://www.albany.k12.mo.us/
Location: 101 West Jefferson Street, Albany, MO, USA
Phone: (660) 726-3911
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Albany-R-III-Warriors-1089316697861329/