Willow Parent Bulletin #8
October 8, 2021
It's good to be a wildcat!
Things with which you can help:
- Please make sure your child's mask fits well and covers both nose and mouth.
- We could use clothing donations for underwear and pants/sweats. If your child gets a loaner outfit from us, please wash and return it.
- Please check the signs when you park for pick up after school. When you disregard the posted warnings, you create both a traffic jam and unsafe conditions for our students.
- Please pull all the way down on the parking pads.
- If you are running late and arrive after 8:05AM, your child needs to be escorted to the office and signed in for the day.
- If your child will not be participating in the Halloween parade/party, please make sure you communicate this to his/her teacher.
We are always available to help and answer questions.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
If you decide to come in person, you will need to show proof of vaccination in order to enter the building.
Erin's Law presentation- part 1
In Illinois, Erin's Law requires that all public schools implement child-focused sexual abuse prevention education that: provides parents and guardians with information on the warning signs of child sexual abuse, plus any needed assistance, referrals or resources to support victims and their families.
We use the Child Protection Unit from Second Step so that it best aligns with the Social Emotional curriculum your child already learns each week. Their program is described as:
The Child Protection Unit student lessons encourage help seeking behavior and positive student norms by teaching students to recognize, refuse, and report unsafe or abusive situations. The Child Protection Unit includes an array of teaching modes and gives students multiple opportunities to practice skills.
Specifically, the lessons aim to help children protect themselves by teaching them skills in three areas:
1. Recognizing unsafe and sexually abusive situations and touches
2. Immediately reporting these situations to adults
3. Assertively refusing these situations whenever possible.
Each lesson also includes an activity children can do with a parent or caregiver at home to practice the skills. You can see an overview at: https://www.secondstep.org/child-protection
These presentations will take place the week of November 8, 2021.
Book Blurb: " Run, Mo, Run"
Happy birthday to the Homewood Fire Department!
HFD is celebrating its 125th birthday at the fire department open house tomorrow, Oct. 9, 11am - 2pm.
The annual open house is a great opportunity for children, families, and other community members to meet firefighters, check out the facility and firefighting equipment, and learn about fire safety. The University of Chicago UCAN medical evacuation helicopter is scheduled to drop in around 11:15. And Homewood Science Center's own Dominique Barksdale will be there to talk about fire forensics!
Oct. 11: NO SCHOOL- Indigenous Peoples' Day
Oct 12-13: Fire Department Safety Days
Oct. 29: Halloween Parade outside at 8:30 AM
Nov. 7: Daylight saving time ends- change your clocks back
Nov. 11: Veterans' Day- we do have school
Nov. 12: End of 1st trimester
Nov. 22: Parent-Teacher conferences- NO SCHOOL for students
Nov. 23: Parent-Teacher conferences- NO SCHOOL for students
Nov. 24-26: Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL for students
Dec. 17: 1:35 PM EARLY RELEASE
Dec. 20- Jan. 3: Winter break
Jan. 4: Students return to school
Willow Wildcats
Email: melissa.lawson@hsd15.org
Website: www.hsd153.org
Location: 1804 Willow Road, Homewood, IL, USA
Phone: 708-798-3720
Facebook: facebook.com/homewoodschooldistrict153