Weekly Wildcat
December 1, 2023
Hello Sundance Families!
It was wonderful to welcome back our students this week! We wrapped up the week with a wonderful Friday Flag! Thank you for joining us as we recognized TK and Kindergarten students who received Em"PAW"thy cards, discussed our character pillar of the month (Respect), and even played a fun Minute to Win It game. Looking ahead, we are anticipating the excitement of celebrating an Hour of Code with our Wildcats next week. Check out hourofcode.org for coding activities you can do at home!
Please continue to keep our students, staff, and families safe before and after school:
- Please share procedures with extended family who assist with pick up an drop off
- Please do not leave your car unattended in the drop-off lane
- Drop off lane: Ensure that you remain in the line under all cars move forward; please do not circle around cars if you see an opening in the drop off lane
- If your child needs assistance, please park in a parking spot and use the crosswalk
- Watch for Pedestrians: Look forward while driving
- Crosswalks: Encourage your children to use designated crosswalks when crossing the parking lot for their safety
Action Items (New Section!!):
- Mindful Monday: Check out our Mindful Monday featuring our 2nd graders linked here 😀
- November Edition: Don't miss our 2nd graders featuring in our November Edition (Click Here)
Principal's Coffee: Don't miss out! Click the link to review topics discussed during our Principal's Coffee this morning. Thanks for continuing to stay informed and engaged!
Kid Inventor's Day: Celebrate Kid Inventor's Day by clicking this link to learn more about how Caine's Arcade is inspiring us to be creative and innovative. All projects are due on January 16th!
SDCOE COMPUTERS2KIDS EVENT: The San Diego County Office of Education and Computers2Kids are hosting an event for families to purchase affordable computers on Saturday, December 2nd, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at Cesar Chavez Middle School @ 202 Oleander Drive, Oceanside CA 92057 (Drive thru event). See attached flier for details.
Raquel Katz
Sundance Elementary
Minute to Win It!
Congrats on earning an Em"PAW"thy card!
Minute to Win It!
Next Week:
12/7: Dine Out Night @ Rubio’s
12/7: School Safety Meeting (Zoom link in agenda) @ 1:30pm
12/7: 2nd grade performance at 8:00am
- 12/8: Xploration
12/8: December Parent Coffee @ 8:30 am (see details below)
- 12/11: December Foundation Meeting in the Library & Zoom
- 12/11: 5th Grade band concert @ 8:15am
12/12: Butter Braids pick up @ 2 pm
12/14: Winterfest, 5-8am
12/21: 1st Grade Performance for parents @8am
- 1/15: No School Due to MLK Day
- 1/16: Kid Inventor's Day Projects are due!
- 1/26: STEAM Showcase Proposals Due - information will be shared on 1/19
- 1/29: Non Student Day (Professional Development Day for Staff)
- 2/26: STEAM Projects Due to the classroom teacher - information will be shared on 1/19
- 2/29: STEAM Showcase from 12:30-2:30pm
Helpful Info/Links
- Music Schedule
- Library Schedule
- PE Schedule
- 2023/2024 Bell Schedule
- Counseling Referral Form linked here. Our counselor will hold group sessions on the following topics: Coping With Anxiety, Friendships, Social Skills, and Self-Control.
- Twitter: Sundance is now on Twitter - handle @SundancePUSD
- Instagram: Find us at SundanceElementary
Foundation/PAC Updates
Reminder: Request for Copy Paper!
Our Front Office is in need of copy paper, so if you can drop by a ream of white copy paper anytime this month, that would be a HUGE help for all our Staff! Thank you for considering!
Family Dine Out on Thursday, Dec. 7th @ Rubio’s (ALL DAY)
Dine in or grab take-out, give yourself a break from cooking and support Sundance! Visit Rubio’s at the Torrey Highlands location off Camino Del Sur. Funds raised support the Sundance Parent Activities Committee (PAC)! Check out the flyer below for full details.
December Parent Coffee - Fri. Dec 8th @ 8:30 am
Join us for the last Parent Coffee of 2023 on Fri., Dec. 8th @ 8:30 am. Get to know more Sundance parents and help build our school community! This event will be hosted in a Sundance parent’s home. Email michellesbegley@yahoo.com for more info and the location.
Foundation Monthly Meeting - Monday, Dec. 11th at 7 pm in the Library & on Zoom
Join us for the December Foundation meeting - whether on Zoom or in-person at the Sundance Library. All community members are welcome!
Butter Braids - Pick up on Dec. 12th @ 2 pm!
Reminder, if you ordered Butter Braids please pick them up on Dec. 12th at 2 pm on campus. The 5th Grade class raised $3,100 to support their 5th Grade Promotion, BizTown field trip and more end of year activities! Thank you to EVERYONE for the support of our 5th graders! Please email noellemartin0923@outlook.com or jessi.brezy@gmail.com if you have any questions about pick up.
WINTERFEST - Thursday, Dec. 14th - 5pm-8pm
Let’s get into the holiday spirit and celebrate December! Join us for a night of singing, a hot cocoa bar, food and concessions, arts and crafts, games, and shopping! The choir will start off the event with a performance at 5:15. We will also have vendors on site, selling goods, starting at 5:30. If you are interested in becoming a vendor for this event, please email Rose Meloney at arroz1127@aol.com and fill out this Winterfest vendor form: https://forms.gle/n2j8KjPUHEXWvRnv5.
Want to volunteer, sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B49ACAB2CA3FE3-46515974-2023
Sundance Spirit Wear
Need a GREAT gift for your Wildcat? Surprise them with the NEW & COOL Sundance Spirit Wear, you can browse and purchase online here - youth & adult sizes available in all styles. You can also visit the Spirit Wear booth at Winterfest on Dec. 14th! Email Jen Landau at jenlandau@aol.com with any questions.