January 2023 Newsletter
Counseling Department
"Winter is coming..."
Important Dates
January 12 - Club Picture Day
January 16 - Martin Luther King Jr Day *NO SCHOOL*
January 17 - Freshmen Transition Night *see below for details*
January 18 - "Talont" Show: Interest Meeting *see below for details*
Your counselors will be calling you down starting at the end of January to discuss next year and course requests.
Transcript Requests
For any transcript requests, please reach out to Ms. Waltman at waltmanee@staffordschools.net.
Mid-year transcripts will not be available until the end of next week. Until then, transcripts will have current classes as "work in progress" and GPA's will be based off of the end of last year.
"Talont" Show
We'd love to see our students here!
SAT Prep Classes
Session 4 and 5 of the SAT Prep Classes will include a pizza day on the last day of the sessions!
Rising Freshmen Night
Counselor's Email Addresses
A-Bro Jacob Palyo palyojd@staffordschools.net
Bru-E Shawn Addo bryantsb@staffordschools.net
F-H Tisha Henderson hendersontl@staffordschools.net
I-McC Miranda Todd toddml@staffordschools.net
McD-P Teresa Chambers chamberstn@staffordschools.net
Q-S Camillia Smith-Nickarz smithcj1@staffordschools.net
T-Z Rebecca Shay shayrl@staffordschools.net