Principal's Weekly Update
September 13, 2023
Upcoming Dates
Friday, September 22 - No School
Friday, September 29 - Hispanic Heritage Celebration - 3:30 - 6:00pm
St. Thomas More School News
"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ."
(Colossians 3:23-24)
Unique STM Dates
We are excited to share that STM students will be receiving a few extra hours this school year! The following dates will be FULL SCHOOL DAYS (8:15 - 3:15) for St. Thomas More Students:
- Friday, October 13th - 8:15 - 3:15
- Friday, November 17 - 8:15 - 3:15
Please note these dates and times in your calendars! The GRACE schedule lists them as Early Release days, however they are FULL SCHOOL DAYS for STM students!
Family Handbook
Many thanks to the families who participated in our orientation! The Family Handbook that you received is a wonderful tool and resource for you to become familiar with our schools policies and procedures. Please take some time to review the family handbook together as a family. The electronic version can be found by clicking the link below. If you were unable to attend orientation, the office will be happy to provide you with a paper version.
Class Dojo
1. STM teachers are communicating through ClassDojo already. Please make sure you are signed in. Middle School students' parents have to sign in too.
2. ClassDojo is a free app. You will get notifications for you to pay for extra services. We don't need those services. Click on the X to skip those messages.
3. If you need any assistance installing CassDojo on your device or if you need the code to log in please contact Mrs. Beals at abeals@gracesystem.org or 920-432-8242
GRACE Summer Newsletter
The 2023 Summer Newsletter is now live and can be found here: https://gracesystem.org/about-us/newsletter/.
STAR Assessment
STAR Assessments are short tests that provide teachers with personalized learning data for each student. Students may take a STAR test for early literacy, math, or reading. Teachers analyze the data they receive from STAR Assessments to learn what students already know and what they are ready to learn next, to monitor student growth, and to determine which students may need additional help. These tests are research-based and scientifically proven to help teachers guide each student on their unique path to proficiency.
More information can be found here: Guide to STAR Assessments
Notre Dame Academy News
Notre Dame Academy News
Please click the LINK HERE to view the Notre Dame Academy News.
St. Peter & St. Paul Parish News
News from Other Organizations
Boys & Girls Club
Family Night - September 20
Click Here to see the flyer in English and Spanish for the September 20th family night at the Boys and Girls Club.