Shawnee Heights Elementary Scoop
Monthly Update (October 1, 2023)
Upcoming Events at SHES
Monday, October 2
- Custodian & Maintenance Appreciation Day
- BOE meeting at 7:00pm
Tuesday, October 3
- PTO meeting at 6:30pm in the SHES library
Monday, October 9- Spirit Week
- Team Day! (dress in your favorite team colors/outfit)
Tuesday, October 10
- Crazy Hair/Hat Day! (show us your crazy hair or hat)
Wednesday, October 11
- Disney Day! (show us your favorite Disney outfit)
Thursday, October 12
- Throwback Thursday! (show us your favorite retro outfit)
Friday, October 13
- Color Day! (show your grade level pride)
*3rd -green * 4th-blue *5th-purple *6th-black
- End of First Quarter
Monday, October 16
- No School for students. Teacher Work Day
- BOE meeting at 7:00pm
Wednesday, October 18
- School Transportation Appreciation Day
- 1st Quarter Guth Assembly 2:00
Thursday, October 19
- 3rd Grade Music Program-6:30 @ SHHS
- 4th Grade Music Program-7:30 @ SHHS
Wednesday, October 25
- Parent Teacher Conferences 5:00-8:00pm
Thursday, October 26
- No School for students
- Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00am-8:00pm
Friday, October 27
- No School for students and staff
Monday, October 30
- No School for students; PD/CT for certified staff
Tuesday, October 31
- Happy Halloween
- All school parade at 9:30
- Classroom parties from 9:45-10:15
A Note from our Principal; Mrs. Shawnie Hays
Greetings SHES Families,
Fall is here and with that some cooler temperatures on the way (hopefully)! October is a very busy month. We will have a Teacher Workday on October 16th to prepare for Parent Teacher Conferences which are October 25th (5-8pm) and October 26th (8am-8pm). We look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress so far this school year. We also have our Halloween Parade and Parties on Tuesday, October 31st. Our parade will be from 9:30-9:45 and classroom parties from 9:45-10:15.
Thank you to all of the Grandparents and/or special visitors who came during our Grandparents Day. Our school was a busy place for those 3 days and it sure warmed my heart! We ended the week with a wonderful Family Dance sponsored by PTO. A great big "Thank you" to our PTO members for organizing such a fun event to get the school year off to a great start!
Thank you all for your support during our Smencils and Yummy Lix sales! We will have another sale prior to the winter holiday. All proceeds go towards our Shawnee Heights Pettit Scholarship recipients.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at
785-730-5345 or at hayss@usd450.net.
Shawnie Hays, Principal
Message from our Assistant Principal; Mr. Andrew Singleton
Thunderbolt Community,
We have lots of great things happening at SHES! Fall is my favorite time of year and I hope that you and your family will be able to enjoy the cooler weather and the events that take place both at school and in our community.
As the Assistant Principal I work with our transportation teams, and bus drivers to ensure our students make it to and from school safely. We all know that there have been some transportation challenges this school year including high temperatures and transportation staffing shortage. This month on October 18th we have the privilege of celebrating our drivers and transportation department. At school we will be surprising our drivers with some small thank you gifts that day. If you would like to participate by just saying thank you to our drivers, or having your child make a card for them I’m sure they would appreciate the support. In saying all of that I want to thank all of you for your flexibility and support as we have navigated transportation challenges this school year.
You are an amazing community to work with and serve!
Andrew Singleton, Assistant Principal
Phone: 785-730-5183
Email: singletona@usd450.net
Counselor Corner: From Miss Fleming
October is recognized nationally as Anti Bullying month. The theme this year is “Make Some Noise!”
The lessons related to bullying that I will be teaching in October center around the 3 R’s. They are:
Learning to recognize that bullying is mean or hurtful behavior that keeps happening, is unfair, or is one sided (or a combination of these), and understanding that bullying is different from conflict
Knowing how to report incidences of bullying, as adult intervention is often required to end bullying effectively
Understanding how to refuse bullying by being assertive--using specific words and actions to stop it
Parents play a key role in preventing and responding to bullying.
· Encourage your child to report bullying to a trusted adult, whether he or she is the target of bullying or if he or she sees others are being bullied.
· Talk about how to stand up to kids who bully. Give tips, like using humor and saying “stop” directly and confidently, and about what to do if those actions don’t work, like walking away.
· Discuss strategies for staying safe, such as staying near adults or groups of other kids.
· Urge your child to help kids who are bullied by showing kindness or getting help.
SHES Staff 2023-2024
SHES Care Closet
We will begin collecting non-perishable food items for our SHES Care Closet. If you would like to donate items, please send them to school with your child and they can take them to the office. We will also be collecting items at Parent Teacher Conferences. Thank you for helping those in need.