Chief's Report
Mr. Lester
As the old saying goes, “April showers will bring May flowers.” We have seen our fair share of rain and clouds for this month, however, the sun remains bright on the inside of the EMPIRE even in the face of loss. I cannot say enough about the good hard working people of this school and the community. We lost our long time PE/Health teacher Mr. Larry Lester, who spent over 38 years in the Piscataway Public School district. He may be gone but he will never be forgotten for he has had a tremendous impact on the students of Piscataway. His seeds of inspiration can be seen throughout the community in police officers, teachers, administrators, NFL players, as well as those in the private sector of business; all former students who have a story about the coach who inspired them to be great. We are GRATEFUL for his service to all of us and we honor his memory in our continued service to the community and the school.
We also want to honor people when they are here with us. I want to give a HUGE shout out to Ms. Anita Sharma, the President of AttachAvi Autism Foundation. She has been a STRONG advocate for students and parents for a number of years. The AttachAvi foundation has just celebrated the 5th anniversary of doing GREAT work for our family members on the autism spectrum. Ms. Sharma has proven that she will do everything in her power to ensure the success of the students as well as the teachers and the PHS family. We say THANK YOU, WE LOVE YOU for ALL that you do for everyone in the Piscataway Community.
Please read on about the special events and accomplishments by students, teachers, and coaches in this very exciting issue of the Chief’s report.
Strength & Honor
Piscataway Reads
On April 10th, 2019 Piscataway High School celebrated our district initiative and commitment to promote literacy and literacy practices with PiscatawayREADS. This year's featured novel at the high school level was The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo. Our students were able to have discussions, contests and performances , all around the concept that we are all on a journey and must find our voice in order to tell our stories. Special thanks to Robert Coleman for his dedication to literacy and Cathline Tanis and the PHS English department for their collective efforts to make this night a success.
PWAY Film Students Finalists
Congratulations PWAY! Two short films produced by Piscataway HS film students made it into the top 30 films (out of 150 from 40 different schools) in New Jersey!
- THE BEGINNING OF THE END - directed by Savion Davenport (Junior)
- TEN THINGS I REMEMBER ABOUT YOU - directed by Robby Armas and Darshni Patel (seniors)
The films will premiere on May 23 at the Burlington Regal Cinema and then we will post them on YouTube (links to follow).
Piscataway Choral Collective Concert | Megan Suozzo & Rebekah Sterlacci
The Piscataway Choral Collective gave their spring concert in the PHS PAC! The concert was conducted by Megan Suozzo and Rebekah Sterlacci and featured a diverse repertoire that the collective has been working on throughout the year. The concert also featured a community sing – engaging the audience and collective members in song and making the whole experience participatory. Thank you to all of our members and those that stepped up to act as accompanists: Liz Harrington, Hannah Aberin, and Matt Worden.
Ocean County Camera Club Directors Choice Award | Daniela Solano | Lisa Lentini-Pombrio
Congratulations to PHS Artist Daniela Solano! Daniela has received a Director’s Choice Award from the Ocean County Camera Club for the NJ Youth Photography Competition. Daniela’s photo will move on to the national level Photographic Society of America Competition.
Broadway Cabaret | PHS Choir | Megan Suozzo, Jessica Taylor, Michael Yoson
The PHS Choir sponsored their second annual Broadway Cabaret. Students sang, acted, and danced providing a beautiful evening of musical theater! Thank you to Megan Suozzo, Jessica Taylor, and Michael Yoson for your guidance and direction. Thank you to the CCPA for coordinating and sponsoring the event!
Livingston Jazz Festival | PHS Jazz Ensemble | Ken Zampella
The PHS Jazz Ensemble performed at the Livingston High School Jazz Festival. They had an opportunity to perform for adjudicators and were part of a clinic and feedback session. The Ensemble received a Silver rating, Koleby Royston received a best soloist award, and Christian Aguillon received an Honorable Mention soloist award. Thanks to Ken Zampella for your leadership and for providing this opportunity!
All State Choir | PHS Choir | Megan Suozzo
Congratulations to PHS Choir Members who were selected for All State Choir! Judith Alegun, James Kandathil, Izabella Lopez, Jade Scharnikow, Carlos Viveros, and Reidyn Wingate will rehearse and perform with the NJ All State Choir for performances in the 19-20 school year! PHS will be hosting one of these rehearsals! Thanks to Megan Suozzo for providing these opportunities for our students!
PHS Band Disney Trip | Chris Sumner & Ken Zampella
The PHS Band traveled to Walt Disney World and had opportunities to attend workshops with Disney Arts Programming. Additionally, the Jazz Ensemble gave a performance at Disney Springs and the Marching Band marched in a parade right down Main Street U.S.A. in the Magic Kingdom. The groups received praise and compliments from the Disney Arts representatives throughout their trip on their musicianship and professionalism! Thank you to Chris Sumner and Ken Zampella for organizing this huge trip! Thank you to the Band Parents Association and parent chaperones for making the trip such a success!
Piscataway Choir Alumni | PHS Choir
Piscataway Alum Joseph Ahn is finishing his degree in music education at The College of New Jersey and gave his senior recital! Piscataway Alum Hannah Aberin just performed at Carnegie Hall (and even accompanied one of the pieces on piano) with the Rutgers University Voorhees Choir! Joe and Hannah were members of the T. Schor Choir and the PHS Choir while students in Piscataway!
Tri-M Music Honor Society | PHS | Megan Suozzo
The Tri-M Music Honor Society inducted new members at PHS. Students must demonstrate exceptional musicianship, leadership, citizenship, and service to be inducted into this honor society. The induction was organized and lead by current Tri-M leadership: Darin Mak, Joanne Plaras, Ryen Hagg, and Brian Jesus – and featured performances from PHS Jazz Ensemble members and the PHS string quartet. Thank you to Megan Suozzo for advising the group!
PHS Jazz Festival | Ken Zampella
We held our first annual PHS Jazz Festival at Piscataway High School! This Festival featured three world-class clinicians: Joe Mosello, Dennis DiBlasio, and David Gibson. Our own Conackamack Middle School Jazz Band and PHS Jazz Ensemble performed as well as Jazz Bands from Immaculata High School, Christian Brothers Academy, and Matawan High School. Each group performed a set and then had an opportunity to receive feedback and workshop from the clinicians. Thank you to Ken Zampella for his vision, Shamie Royston for her support, and to the Band Parents and volunteers that helped everything to run smoothly! PHS received a gold rating and Conackamack received a silver rating! Congratulations to everyone!
Shakespeare comes to PHS PAC
The freshmen were treated to a rare performance of Romeo and Juliet as our PAC was transformed into a street in Verona. The Shakespeare Theater of New Jersey put on an amazing show that brought Romeo and Juliet to life for our students. The troupe constructed a set, devised clever costume changes, and the dramatics left our students cheering, laughing, and sometimes crying. Many thanks to Dawne Dionisio for bringing the Shakespeare Theater of New Jersey to Piscataway High School and all of the English teachers for bringing their classes to the event and participating.
Congressional Art Awards | PHS Visual Arts | Dorothy Amme and Lisa Lentini-Pombrio
VPA 5K Wellness Team | Pway 5K
Over the past two months, members of our VPA department have met to run on Green Acres and train for the Pway 5K. We put in some time for wellness and community building. We successfully completed the run and had a really great time! We might not be able to walk, but we did it!
Arts at Pway Reads | Jessica Taylor, Megan Suozzo, and Rebekah Sterlacci
We provided some arts performance and sessions at this year’s Pway Reads event: Journeys! Advanced Dance students, under the direction of Jessica Taylor, performed their own choreography, Megan Suozzo and Rebekah Sterlacci performed a song with PHS English teacher Sean Horan, and we offered an opportunities for parents to reflect and use artistic means to create 6-word memoirs as they thought about their own personal journey. It was an awesome evening! Thanks to Bob Coleman and the Pway Reads Committee for organizing an inspiring event!
NJ Youth Photography Competition | PHS Visual Arts | Lisa Lentini-Pombrio
Congratulations to our PHS artists who are winners in the NJ Youth Photography Competition! Thank you to their teacher Lisa Lentini-Pombrio for providing these opportunities!
Laila Andrews - Honorable Mentions, High Medal – will go on to a National Competition
Daniela Solano - Honorable Mention, Director’s Choice Award – will go on to a National Competition
Kathy Romero - High Awards – will go on to a National Competition
Kelly Gillhooly - High Award
Jenna Stickel - Honorable Mention, High Award
Sophia Nguyen - Honorable Mention
Alumna Janet Mrotek and students visit Rutgers University to experience the wonders of MSE
On April 23 Dr. Janet Mrotek, an alumni of Rutgers University along with 27 students had the opportunity to visit Materials Science and Engineering Department at Rutgers University. During their visit, Piscataway students were introduced to ceramic and glass science. Students participated in several stages of glass making activities. They cut pieces of glass to be melted in a flower pot, decorated glass, held discussions regarding the properties of glass in terms of its composition, color and internal stresses caused by heating cycles. Students were introduced to an active research environment with Dr. Richard Haber's additive manufacturing labs, and explored basic principles of high end materials characterization instruments. Students toured the campus and the School of Engineering facilities and participated in discussion regarding transition of life from high school to college.
The trip was organized by Rutgers students (Mikio LaCapra, Ethan Benderly-Kremen, and Katie Sun) and hosted by Rutgers Keramos, a chapter of National Professional Ceramic Engineering Fraternity emphasizes scholarship and character in ceramic education. Rutgers Keramos was awarded a grant by The Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation to sponsor the event in their mission of engaging the next generation of materials scientists.
Congratulations Joseph Bellamy!!
Joseph Bellamy is the definition of a scholar-athlete. He used his work ethic, discipline, and determination on the football field and in the classroom to achieve success. Joseph always worked to his full potential every day to help us win a state section championship, north bowl championship and earn the most wins in program history with a 13 - 0 record. His unselfishness provided leadership to the rest of the team. He went from a role player to a dominating force on offense and special teams. He also made our defense one of the best we've ever had, because of his outstanding efforts on scout offense, taking the role of the opponent's best receiver every week. These core values helped him become an all-division player as well as an academic stand out. His two punt return touchdowns in the same game versus Perth Amboy broke a School record and earned him the Home News athlete of the week. Joe's passion for success is evident in all aspects of his life. He also prides himself in giving back to the school and his community by volunteering to coach in youth sports, Pop Warner and Little league, participating in mentoring programs like 50 Strong, Read Across America and helping with Gifted Hands of Athletes, shelter service. Joe also earned three varsity letters in track and field as well. Joe challenges himself to get better in every aspect of his life. He was highly recruited by colleges and decided to continue his football and academic career at TCNJ to study criminology. Good luck Joseph!
S.P.O.R.T. Conference
On Monday, April 1, 2019, Piscataway High School hosted The New Jersey Department of Education’s first-ever Student Preparation on Realistic Transitions (S.P.O.R.T.) Conference. S.P.O.R.T.’s mission is to educate, empower, and prepare students athletes transitioning from high school to college athleticism, so they can walk away with increased knowledge and tools to meet their future goals.
Congratulations Coach Higgins
Piscataway head coach Dan Higgins was feted as Middlesex County Coach of the Year. This year Coach Dan Higgins completed his 15th season as Head Coach of Piscataway High School Football Program.
Congratulations Coach on yet another great season.
PHS Student Athletes
PISCATAWAY, N.J. -- Nine more Piscataway High School senior student-athletes signed on the dotted line to play their sport in college during a ceremony inside the library on Tuesday, April 23rd.
Track and field’s Lorenzo Bowers (Holy Family University) and Jadyn Terry (Rider), field hockey’s Zharria John (University of New Haven), boys soccer’s Juwan Ash (Rutgers-Newark), girls basketball’s Saniya Myers (Montclair State University), and football’s Nick Recine (East Stroudsburg), Nasir Best (Millersville University), and David Greene (Wilkes University) are all moving on to compete at the next level.
“This is another great day for our student-athletes. It makes me proud as an athletic director,” PHS athletic director Rob Harmer said. “We now have had 25 this year who have signed to go play at the next level. Congratulations to all!
Piscataway 5K Race
in remembrance of Coach Lester or Coach L who recently passed away on April 2, 2019.
The 5K is a community fundraising event that raises funds for Project Graduation. This year's proceeds will benefit the class of 2019. A special thank you to Sean Horan, the Coordinator of the PWAY 5K Student Committee for their leadership and professionalism.
In Loving Memory of Lawrence Lester March 23, 1955 - April 2, 2019
On Tuesday, April 2, 2019 we lost a great colleague, friend, and coach. His teaching career began in 1978. He took on many roles coaching various teams, including track and field, football and wrestling. He served as a mentor and counselor to numerous students over his 40 years at Piscataway High School.
"A Life Well Lived"
A life well lived is a precious gift,
of hope and strength and grace,
from someone who has made our world
a brighter, better place.
It's filled with moments, sweet and sad
with smiles and sometimes tears,
with friendships formed and good times shared,
and laughter through the years.
A life well lived is a legacy,
of joy and pride and pleasure,
a living, lasting memory
our grateful heart's will treasure.
PWAY AFJROTC Competition
AFJROTC had a huge win on Saturday, April 6, 2019 in West Orange. The first Ever Drill Competition. Our usual competitors, field of 10. Next competition is April 27th in Bridgeton, NJ.
Unarmed Inspection
Second Place
Unarmed Dual Exhibition
Second Place
Unarmed Team Exhibition
Third Place
Academic Testing
First Place
New Cadet Basic
First Place
Armed Inspection
First Place
Armed Color Guard
Third Place
Armed Dual
Third Place
Overall Unarmed Division
First Place
Proud Sponsors of Piscataway High School
Chiefs Nation Membership
Cullen Family Foundation
Inglesino, Webster, Wyciskala, & Taylor, LLC.
Piscataway Municipal Alliance
Tribe Members
Tequila & Tacos
Bellamy & Sons
Royce Brook Golf Course
Neshanic Valley Golf Course
Pete Falco’s
The Max of Piscataway
Robert Williams Esq.
Cedar Grove Café & Pizza
Ricochet Club
Black & Gold Members
Piscataway Soccer Club
Hand & Stone Massage
Piscataway Pizza
Stelton Lumber
Paul Schoeb
Wine Chateau
George Thomas Jr.
Thai Basil
Important Dates for May
May 4 - Dance Concert at 7:00 pm in PAC
May 6 - PTSO Meeting at 7:00 pm in Commons
May 15 - PHS Spring Choir Concert 7:00 pm in PAC
May 17 - ROTC Dining Out/Military Ball 5:30 pm PWAY Senior Center
May 21 - PHS Spring Band Concert 7:00 pm in PAC
May 22 - Writer's Guild 6:00 pm in PAC
May 23 - PHS Spring Orchestra Concert 7:00 pm in PAC
May 23 - PHS Art Show 6:00 pm in Media Center
May 23 - 50 Strong Senior Dinner 6:00 pm
May 29 - PHS Spring Sports Awards Night 6:30 pm in PAC
May 30 - WLHS Induction Ceremony 6:00 pm in PAC
May 31 - ICCA Show 7:00 pm in PAC