Fairfield Panther Paw
August 25, 2023
From Mrs Tennenbaum
We really appreciate all of you who have downloaded the Talking Points app and the Pikmykid app that will enhance the communication between school and home. If you have not done so yet, please make sure to do this. We have some new processes this year that our students are quickly learning. We could use family assistance in helping the students memorize their lunch codes - it will be the same code through 12th grade. I have attached a practice sheet below.
Thank you again for a smooth start to the school year.
We don't do Average, we do Awesome!
We are all in this together!
Assistant Principal: Trent Miller
Secretary: Daniella Schmidt
Attendance Secretary: Jennifer Todd
School Counselor: Nikki Arnold
School Nurse: Liz Moody-Ganoom
School Nursing Assistant: Jayna Smith
Email: stacy_tennenbaum@plsd.us
Website: www.pickerington.k12.oh.us
Location: 13000 Coventry Avenue, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: 614-864-7600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PickeringtonSchools
Twitter: @ms_tennenbaum
Don't forget to register for the Pikmykid app. We only have 1/2 the school registered. Here are some links to get you started.
Pikmykid Parent App Registration Video
Pikmykid Academy: How to Manage Pickup with the Parent App
Pikmykid Academy: Using the Parent App to View Children Delegated to You
There can only be 2 guardians for each student and they must be listed in Infinite Campus and emergency contacts #1 and #2 and the email's have to match from Infinite campus. Both of these Guardians will be able to make changes to their students' dismissal.
To add a second Guardian, The guardian #1 can reach out to the PIKMYKID parent support team and get connected to their child, as long as they have their Student's PIKMYKID ID# from the car tag.
Delegates can be added to a student by the guardians . They include ( grandparents, babysitter, neighbors) these delegates can not make adjustments to the students dismissal process.
Dates to remember
September 12: Picture Day
September 20: PTO meeting 7:00 pm
Coming Soon -- School Store Fundraiser
You will find important information about a safe and easy way your family can help our school get the essential tools our students and teachers need to succeed. It will also let you know how your child can win fun prizes just for helping!
News from PTO
Welcome Back!
Thank you to all the families who stopped by the PTO table during Meet the Teacher night. We are excited to support all Fairfield students, teachers, and staff in a GREAT school year! In case you missed us, check out the PTO Calendar of Events and some welcome information for our families below. Be sure to connect with us to stay up to date on PTO events and volunteer opportunities all year!
· Sign up for our email newsletter for PTO volunteers: https://forms.gle/AGwDh5CuLNmDHF9x7
· Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FairfieldPTO43147/
· Questions? Send us an email: fairfieldelementarypto@gmail.com
Talking Points
School Transportation
Students are placed into two different categories for transportation to and from school.
If your child is a WALKER this means that they were not provided a bus route because they live in the walking vicinity of the school.
If your child lives outside the walking vicinity, they are assigned a bus.
If you would rather drop them off and/or pick them up in a vehicle you must use the designated Parent Pick up/ Drop off line only. Due to safety reasons we do not want students to be dropped off in any other area inside or outside of the school ground. We realize that our parent pick up line can get quite long but our team of staff members does a very efficient job of getting students dismissed. We kindly ask that you do not park on the side streets and identify your student as a walker. Parking on the side streets gets crowded and it makes it difficult for busses to get through and it is a concern from the residences.
Please use the Pikmykid app to make any changes.
From our District office regarding High School athletic event attendance
PLSD families, please note the updated football game expectations for students and adults. An adult must accompany all K-8 students to enter the game; once inside the game, the K-8 students must be supervised by the accompanying adult.
Junior high football players wearing their football jerseys and cheerleaders wearing their cheer shirts will be admitted without adult accompaniment; all other K-8 students must be accompanied and supervised by an adult to enter the game.
Any action that could cause mental or physical harm is deemed inappropriate behavior and may be subject to immediate exclusion from the game and all-season games. Let's continue to work together to support a safe environment for all attendees.