St Cecilia's News
July 2023
End of the School Year
We are almost at the end of term and this is the last newsletter of the academic year. It's been a wonderful year in school with lots of hard work and tremendous success within our curriculum.
Thank you parents for all your support for the school, it really helps the school community to thrive. We have had a busy week in school this week with two performances of our Y6 play, Pantastic. What a great show the children put on for us, more details and some photos below, well done Y6. They have a lovely week away next week in Dorset, the school will be very quiet! A lot of staff are with the children in Dorset next week, please pray for good weather for us all.
We say goodbye to Mrs Gardiner in Nursery (after 8 years) and Mrs Gavin in Year 5 (after just a year), both of whom leave us at the end of term. Mrs Gardiner has settled many children in to their school lives with her encouraging nature in the Nursery. The children grow and change so much in just a year, it takes a lot of preparation and support, thank you Mrs Gardiner - good luck in your new school. We wish Mrs Gavin well with her move as she leaves Sutton and thank her for all her work in Year 5.
The children will be saying goodbye to Mrs Kolendo next week, it has been lovely to celebrate her final play, Pantastic with Year 6 and their parents this week. Thank you Mrs Kolendo for your dedication to the school and the musical lives of the children for the last 30 years.
Thanks to our Governing Body for all their support and advice this year. We said goodbye this week to two governors. Brendan Ruddle, our Chair of Governors has left after 9 years of service to the school. Minka Bonnage, Parent Governor, reached the end of her term of office of four years. We thank them both for their dedication, knowledge and skills and wish them a good rest after quite a challenging year in education.
Thanks to all our staff for your continued drive to make our curriculum, learning and the pupil experience the best it can be.
I am going on medical leave for surgery at the end of next week - nothing too serious - so will not be here for the last few days of term. It will give me a chance to get back on form over the holiday! So, may I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful summer holiday and a good break from school. It has been a wonderful but long term, I am sure that you are ready for the break too!
Best wishes for the holidays,
Vince Burke
Head Teacher
End of term arrangments
Monday 10th - Y4 St Catherine's Class assembly at 9.05am.
Tuesday 11th - Years 1&2 Year Ahead Meeting at 9.00am.
Wednesday 12th -Years 3&4 Week Ahead Meeting at 9.00am. (Mr Morris is in Dorset with Y6)
Friday 14th - Y6 return from Dorset
Monday 17th - Y1 have a Seaside day
Wednesday 19th - PTA pre loved uniform sale at the school gates at the end of the day
Wednesday 19th - Last day of term for Nursery, they have a stay and play event at 1.30pm.
Thursday 20th - We close at Midday
- Mass at 0915 for KS2 pupils and Y6 parents.
- Orange juice and doughnut reception for Y6 children at 1015
- Clapping Out ceremony for Y6 from 1115, all parents are most welcome to come along to clap our leavers out. Find your child's class along the route. Children will return to class to collect any belongings before leaving at Midday.
ECAs and other clubs
The following ECAs are continuing next week due to a cancellation earlier in the term.
Coding clubs will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Y5 Football on Tuesday will take place.
Multiskills will take place on Thursday and will finish at 4.30pm.
Y4 Football on Thursday will take place.
All early morning NESSY clubs are now finished for the year. Well done to all our NESSY monsters for their dedication in coming in to school early!
Fantastic Pantastic
Earlier this week we also received our ArtsMark Silver award in recognition of our creative curriculum, teaching strategies and our dedication to performing arts and music. More on that in our next newsletter! Well done to Mrs Scripps who leads our curriculum development work and has worked with ArtsMark to develop our application.
School Lunches in September
Parents will need to access Schoolgrid to order their child's meals. We will send you a reminder in August to do this, we need to work on the system over the holiday to ensure that it is ready for the new year.
Once you receive the go ahead, please order a few weeks ahead so that chef has an idea of what food to order.
Summer Reading - Ready, Set, Read!
Music in the new Year
Ms Miller will teach the full new national curriculum for music and we will update our music curriculum area on our website once the new term is under way. We will be following Sing Education's developed programme of study and the Kodaly teaching method for music.
Arbor Accounts
Please make sure to download any reports that you need from Pupil Asset before the system closes to parents at the end of August. Sadly, we cannot copy reports over to Arbor.
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
Phone: 020 8337 4566
Diary dates for the Autumn Term
Mon 4th - return to school, dates differ for Nursery and Reception classes.
Mon 18th Sept - Friday 6th October - Y6 Cycling Proficiency / Bikeability
Mon 18th - ECAs for Autumn term begin
Fri 29th - Y6 Young Shakespeare Company visit here at school.
Weds 11th - Y4 visit to Morden Hall Park
23rd - 27th Autumn Half Term
Thurs 9th - School Photographer
Weds 22nd - St Cecilia's Day
Weds 20th - Term ends for Nursery
Thurs 21st -Term ends for Years R to 6 at Midday.