Reardan Weekly
High School Updates
Thank you for attending parent-teacher conferences. We had a 96% attendance rate.
Student Attendance:
If your student is signing out of school we need a phone call or note ahead of time from parents. Your student will not be allowed to leave without that communication.
Please see student art, remembering a life gone too soon.
Maple Bar Breakfast
Chicken Patty with Mashed Potatoes
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
Middle School Update
With the weather and other recent events happening in our community, we have had to reschedule our First Semester Awards Assembly a third time. We will have our Recognition Assembly on Friday, March 10th at 2 pm in the Reardan Commons to recognize our students for academic excellence and improvement. We are recognizing 68 of 109 middle school students–that’s 62% of our middle school students earning awards for academic achievement! This assembly will be followed by our February PBIS activity chosen by our students: Their number one choice was snacks, games, and music in the commons. This will be a phone free event!
Mid-Quarter Grades will be coming home with students on Monday, March 6th. Please take time to review grades and make plans for achievement for third quarter. This is a great time to revisit the academic, personal and character goals all students set in the fall and shared with parents at November conferences. Oftentimes the best way to achieve goals is to share them outloud and check in with an accountability partner. We would like to see all of our students achieve their goals and be successful this year.
We celebrated Bus Driver Appreciation Day (February 22nd) last week by making signs and notes of appreciation for our awesome bus drivers! We really do have the best and most caring drivers ever, and we want them to know how much we appreciate them.
Ms. Vesneske’s seventh grade science class wrapped up their study of the human body systems by creating a group of volunteers to take the Blue Muffin Challenge. Students ate two very blue muffins made using food safe coloring and are tracking the movement through their digestive systems. They are taking notes about how long the food coloring takes to travel through their systems.
First Grade Reading Buddies was such a hit that we are continuing to meet during homeroom time. Students really enjoyed helping their first grade buddies practice their reading skills!
Elementary Updates
Read Across America Week kicks off next week. We will celebrate Dr. Seuss and his contribution to children’s literature with a week-long celebration of dress-up days.
Monday: Dress Up as Your Favorite Book Character
Tuesday: Wear Your PJ’s or comfy clothes
Wednesday: Dress in Your Favorite Color
Thursday: Bring Your Favorite Stuffed Animal to Read To
Friday: Dress in Maroon and Gray
5th Grade students read books to 1st Grade to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday on March 3.
The next PIE Movie Night is Saturday, March 11th at 6:00. They will be playing Space Jam. Parents come early to attend the PIE meeting at 5:00 in the Commons. During the meeting, they will discuss upcoming events that include the Spring Carnival and Mother-Son Activity.
Ms. Vincent’s Class has been working hard to memorize a song about the presidents. The song was taught to Mrs. Vincent in 3rd grade, who taught it to Ms. Vincent when she was in 3rd grade, who now taught it to her 3rd grade students. The students were able to sing every United States President in the order they served.
Security Update - Brad Eylar, Director of Security
Hi Parents,
This week’s security update is about a topic no parent wants to believe. Sextortion.
Sextortion: The practice of extorting money or sexual favors from someone by threatening to reveal evidence of their sexual activity.
In this day of smart phones, internet, and social media, sextortion is a sad but true reality. Sextortion among teens is becoming more prevalent, leading to more severe outcomes that ever before. It is important to know that being a victim of sextortion is never their fault. Mistakes happen, but no one should ever have this crime perpetrated against them. The trauma from this is very real, and in some cases can lead to thoughts of suicide. As a parent we want you to be as informed and prepared as possible. If something like this happens to your child, these tools will help you in your response.
If this has or is happening to anyone you know, please see myself, our School Resource Office, counselor or school administrator. No one deserves to ever have this happen to them, and they never have to go through it alone.
Please see the following links to learn more and a brief YouTube video.
Director of Security