Kindergarten News
January 20, 2023
Please turn in the permission slips for our field trip to see Aladdin by next Friday. Thank you!
Word Wall Words
Pictured above are next week’s words. A special thanks goes out to Nasir for coloring the page. Below, Nasir is build Word Wall Words using magnets.
Literacy Workstations
In workstations Zamora enjoyed reading BIG books!
Word Work
We generated lists of “ch” words on Tuesday and “sh” words on Thursday. We also enjoyed a fun video of “sh” words.
Writers Workshop
In Writer’s Workshop we are focusing on stories that have clear beginnings, middles, and ends. Bennett wrote about making waffles!
Matthew enjoyed reading with his Book Buddies! As readers we are focusing on who, what, where, and when in the story. We also ask if there was a problem and how was it solved.
Shared Reading
When reading, make sure your child taps once under the first letter of each word.
During the math lesson students were shown cubes in two different colors. They were tasked to write the equations, using dots to model the problem.
Math Workstations
Matteo practiced addition equations by rolling dice to determine the numbers to add together.
Social Studies
The students found images in magazines, cut them out, and decided whether the item was a want or need. During snack the kiddos were excited to declare their snacks as nutritious or a treat!
Technology Time
Mrs. Rollison came to our classroom. She brought Iceman, the robot. We programmed him to move in a certain direction on a mat and recorded our voices.
Happy 6th Birthday, Zechariah!
January Challenge
This month each child should focus on writing their first and last name. This includes leaving a space between the names, using capital and lowercase letters appropriately, and using correct letter formation.
Just for Fun!
Londan’s family had dinner at Texas Roadhouse last Tuesday. DFES had a fundraiser night where we received 10% of the proceeds that evening.
Laila and Braelyn were surprised to see each other at a DFMS basketball game!
Contact Information
Mrs. Poston (
Mrs. Meade (
Dutch Fork Elementary: Academy of Environmental Sciences
Proud to be a Title One School