Neil C Twitchell Elementary
Timber Wolf Times - 9/16/22
Upcoming Events
9/1 - 9/24 - Three Square Peanut Butter Drive (see flyer below)
9/13 - 9/23 - PTA Costume Drive
9/19 - Be Kind Shirt Day
9/19 - SOT Member Parent Results
9/19 - 9/29 - Student Council Elections - Class Representative Grades 3-5
9/20 - Grade 4 Choir Rehearsal
9/20 - Cub Scouts
9/20 - Grade 5 Pizza Fundraiser - click HERE for details
9/22 - Grade 5 Choir Rehearsal
9/23 - Lobos Rehearsal
9/23 - PTA Family Game Night/Watch DOGS Kick Off - MPR
9/22 - Crazy Pita (No Cook) Fundraiser - All Day
9/23 - Family Game Night - 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
9/26 - Be Kind Shirt Day - SSA Bottoms
9/27 - Grade 4 Choir Rehearsal
9/29 - Grade 5 Choir Rehearsal
9/30 - Spirit Day - Free Dress (Vegas Strong Spirit Day)
Have you started saving for your child's college?
Nevada College Kick Start Program
Did you know that starting in 2013 the Nevada College Kick Start Program began opening $50 college savings accounts for EVERY child enrolled in kindergarten at a public school in Nevada? That means that if your child entered a public kindergarten any time since 2013, they already have a college savings account! To get more information and to claim your child's college savings account, go to https://collegekickstart.nv.gov/.
Free Tutoring for ALL Students
Empathy is our September Character Trait
PTA Saver's FUNDrive Fundraiser - October 14, 11, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27
Help us fundraise for the school without spending a penny! It’s time to go through your closets and cupboards and toss out all those items you never wear or use. Donate your clean, sellable condition clothing and small household items on specific collections dates and times at Twitchell and Savers will donate $.20/lb to the school!
Please see the flyer below for more information and PLEASE click the Sign Up Genius to help on Collection Days and Drop Day on 11/2/22.
Twitchell Elementary School
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NeilCTwitchellElementarySchool
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twitchelles/