Citizen Voice and Action
World Vision's Approach To Social Accountability
Citizen Voice and Action equips communities to hold their own governments accountable for the promises they make.
Citizen Voice and Action works by educating citizens about their rights and equipping them with a simple set of tools designed to empower them to protect and enforce those rights.
First, communities learn about basic human rights, and how these rights are articulated under local law. Next, communities work collaboratively with government and service providers to compare reality against government’s own commitments using an adaptation of the “social audit” tool. Communities also have the opportunity to rate government’s performance against subjective criteria that they themselves generate, using an adaptation of the “community score card”.
Finally, communities work with other stakeholders to influence decision-makers to improve services, using a simple set of advocacy tools.
External evaluations of approaches like Citizen Voice and Action have shown that social accountability can generate significant development outcomes. One randomized control trial documented a 33% drop in child mortality; another showed a 9% rise in primary school test scores.
But "Citizen Voice and Action" isn't just good for children, it's good for governments too.
And that's not all - social accountability can also empower communities to aggregate their voices and evidence to influence policy.
Download Our Resources:
A Detailed Look? CVA Guidance Notes
In Practice: CVA Case Study
Looking for more?
website: www.wvi.org
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/WVCVA
crowdmap: https://casestudiescva.crowdmap.com/