ESA Weekly Parent Update
November 18, 2022
Parent Teacher Conferences!!! Final Call!!!
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Monday, November 21st from 8:00 am - 6:00 pm. If you have not signed up for a conference with your child's teacher, please email the teacher for an available time slot. If you are unable to make it, phone conferences or Zoom conferences are also available. The partnership between home and school are immeasurable in a child's educational career.
New First and Second Grade Teachers!!!!
We have hired for the two vacancies that were left due to the departure of Ms. Macrone and Ms. Cooper. The two new teachers will be available to meet during the Parent Teacher Conferences.
PTO Update!!!
The Parent Caregiver Council executive board
President - Ms. Chavon Hodges
Vice President - Ms. Shana Young
Secretary - Ms. Barbara Friend
Treasurer - Ms. Trina Johnson
We are still seeking additional parent invovlement for the Parent Caregiver Council!!! If you have interest, please contact Dr. Whittaker at
Middle School Basketball Tryouts!!!!!
When: November 29-December 1, 2022
Where: Girls - Edgmont Scholars Academy
Boys- STEM Academy
Time: 4:00pm-5:30pm
Additional Information: Buses will take students to designated places
You will need your PIAA Forms completed before you can practice!!!
Volunteer opportunities at ESA
If you have your clearances and some free time, we would love to have you volunteer. We could use extra help in the cafeteria, monitoring the bathrooms and hallways, and helping out in the front office. If you are interested, please complete the survey below.
Arrival and Dismissal
Dear parents/guardians,
As the weather becomes colder, I want to reiterate that parents/guardians that school does not open until 8:30am. Also, we will not let students be dismissed between 2:30pm and 3:30pm unless you have an emergency that is documented (e.g., a letter or text regarding a doctor's appointment at 3:30). No early dismissal past 2:30pm without documentation. In addition, please be sure to communicate any dismissal changes (e.g., from bus rider to pick up student) prior to 2:30 pm directly to the homeroom teacher through Class Dojo. Please ensure that you have received a response from the teacher and don't assume that they saw the message. We want to make sure that all students are safe! This information will also be communicated to parents.
In addition, students are considered late to school after 9:00 am. Parents must walk late students into the building to sign them in and get a late pass. Frequent latenesses result in the loss of instructional time as well as interrupt the instructional time of other students.
Upcoming Dates
11/21 Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
11/21- 11/27 - Thanksgiving Break / No School for students
12/7 - Class Picture Day
From Nurse Howie
If your student has any medical conditions or issues that need to be communicated, please contact Nurse Howie at: