September 20, 2018
In this edition of the VanWeekly...
- NEW- Vanguard Leadership Team Application
- XP Forms now available
- NEW- First School Lead call
- NEW- Vanweekly day
- Vanchise Applications
- New Member Application Deadline Extended to September 21st
- NEW- Adventures of a Vanguardian Blog
- ACTION ITEM-GaETC Registration Information - Register by October 13th
- Coaching Essentials Update
- Vanguard Video Vault
- Microsoft Trainings (See Upcoming Professional Development Section)
- Upcoming Professional Development
Mark your calendar
Sept 27- School Lead call @ 7:00pm on Teams
Sept 29- New Member Interviews 9am-12pm
Oct 13- Registration deadline for GaETC
Nov 7-9- GaETC
Vanguard XP Forms Now Available!
Instead of having an individual, separate form for each event, there are instead just five forms that we will use throughout the entire year. One each for Transform, Innovate, and Support, and two for Mentor. Mentor has two because of the focus we place on it. One Mentor form will be specifically to track your mentoring cycles. The second is for other mentoring activities that you may engage in outside of your mentoring cycles. Feel free to save these links since they won’t be changing this year!
These links will soon find permanent homes on the fcsvanguard.org website, which is undergoing construction. We’ll let you know when that page goes live.
The XP Tracker spreadsheet is still under construction and should launch next week. I have heard loud and clear the feedback about readability, and am working to similarly increase the ease-of-use around the tracker. I look forward to rolling it out to you in the very near future! In the meantime, please contact Justin Evans at evansj@fultonschools.org (or one of your learning community leads) with any questions or concerns.
Vanguard Leadership Team Opportunities! Deadline Oct 5th
Earlier this year we shared with you that we would be expanding the leadership team, and I'm excited to announce today that the Leadership Team Application is now live!
This announcement does come with an important caveat though. We want to be thoughtful and intentional about how we grow the leadership team, and we want to take care that our new Leads are well-supported and are able to organically integrate into the team. As such, we are only bringing in two new leads at this time: one from the Northeast Learning Community, and one from the Central Learning Community. Those Learning Communities are our first priority as they are each currently supported by only one lead. I know this may be disappointing news for some of you in the South Learning Community/Achievement Zone and Northwest Learning Community, and for that I apologize. Keep an eye on the VanWeekly for new leadership opportunities to be posted as they become available (and some will be soon – the XP, Events, Communications and New Member Committees ).
Access it here: Leadership Team Application
Deadline is Oct 5th.
First School Lead Call – Thursday, September 27th, at 7:00pm!
School leads, this news is for you! We will have our first school lead meeting of the year next Thursday at 7:00pm. This year, we will be conducting our meeting in Microsoft Teams, and the link to join the meeting will appear in the Vanguard School Lead Team - General channel. We are still working on updating the membership of that Team, so if you are a school lead who is not a member of that Team yet, please be patient. You will receive your invitation by early next week.
During this meeting, we'll be rolling out some new initiatives, talking XP, answering some frequently asked questions, and more! Don't miss out!
Vanchise Applications & Renewals
Extend the reach of your Vanguard Team by starting a Vanchise! Vanchise teams have the latitude to tackle any tasks and challenges that are related to Vanguard's mission.
The perks?
Collaborating with an amazing group of educators + $1,000 as a team to spend subject to the same rules as the regular stipend.
We are asking all of our Vanchises, new and returning, to complete the Vanchise application and set for themselves a single SMART goal aligned to our four pillars... TIMS. See the application for more details.
New Member Applications Deadline extended until September 21st!
We are extending the application deadline to the end of Friday, September 21st, at 11:59pm. The interview event will remain Saturday, September 29th, at 9am.
Vanguardians, please communicate this extension to prospective members at your schools! You are our front-line in getting the word out about Vanguard, and we would be sad to miss out on quality candidates because they haven’t heard about us or because they didn’t know about the extension. Thanks for your assistance!
Directions to Share with Prospective Applicants
Create a 2-3 minute product (video, Sway, PowerPoint, presentation, etc.) that answers the following questions and expresses how you embody Vanguard's four pillars (TIMS: Transform, Innovate, Mentor, and Support). Have fun and be creative!
- Why do you want to join Vanguard?
- Describe how you have incorporated technology in innovative ways into instruction.
See the application itself for more details. The link can be found below.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to Justin Evans (evansj@fultonschools.org), or your Learning Community lead.
Did you miss out on a VanWeekly? Never fear!
You can check out old versions of the VanWeekly on our blog, Adventures of a Vanguardian! Categories make it easier than ever before to find the content you are looking for.
GaETC 2018 Registration is Now Available
Calling all Vanguard Members!
GaETC is a 3-day event, November 7-9, 2018 at the Georgia International Convention Center (2000 Convention Center Concourse; College Park, GA 30337).
As a member of Vanguard, your attendance and your substitute is paid for by the Instructional Technology department!
You can attend 3 days, 2 days or 1 day. All you need to do is follow these 3 easy steps:
- Discuss with your Principal.
- Secure your Sub
- Register for GaETC before Oct. 13th, 2018!
Chris Olateru will communicate with your school bookkeeper concerning the substitute reimbursement.
Fulton County Vanguard Members have been assigned the Group Code FCVAN350. You must register to attend the conference no later than Oct. 13 so that you will receive your name badge by mail and expedite your check-in onsite. We must have a completed registration for each person attending the conference.
Please note: Any registrations already assigned DO NOT have to be re-submitted unless a substitution is needed.
How to Register:
Register @ www.gaetc.org
- Enter your email address. SUBMIT Register myself for this event.
- If you are in the system, your information from last year will populate – make necessary updates.
- If you are NOT in the system, complete the ‘New Registrant” page
- Registration Options, select ‘I have a Pre-Paid Group Code’
- As you complete the form, there is a box - ‘Please select a conference registration type or code’, select FCVAN350 – Full Conference
- If you register for Pre-Conference Workshops, you are responsible for the cost of the workshop
- Payment Options, select ‘Pre-Paid Group Code’
- Submit
You will receive a confirmation email once registration is complete, and your name badge will be mailed to you after Oct. 25th.
Coaching Essentials Update
The Coaching Essentials course is FULL! I'm so excited and members of Cohorts 1, 2, & 3 have been notified. If you were not notified, you have been placed on our wait list. In the event that someone is unable to attend and an opening becomes available, we will reach out to members of the wait list. If you would like to be added to the wait list, please complete the Coaching Essentials Interest Form below.
If you were selected to participate in the Coaching Essentials course, and you find you are no longer able to participate, please let Heather Van Looy know so that she can offer the opportunity to someone else, vanlooy@fultonschools.org.
NEW PL Video Project with Vanguardian Christine Anderson!
Vanguard is about to launch a new initiative to further support teachers throughout the county in personalized learning. The goal is to provide a repository of short video clips to highlight examples of how expert teachers incorporate the seven principles of personalized learning with their students.
Which personalized learning strategies are you most successful with? Do you see other teachers in you school who are awesome with various personalized learning strategies? If so, you are encouraged to create and submit a video.
You will be supplied with a template to guide your video ensuring that you cover the necessary elements of the strategy(s) that you share. This Vanguard Video Vault will provide supportive PD to teachers allowing them to access videos on their own time to better understand the strategies.
As an instrumental part of my KSU Capstone project, I truly appreciate your support. Your role in submitting video clips has the potential to solidify our efforts to make a difference in the work of our teachers and the outcome of our students. Our amazing leadership team has agreed to offer Vanguard XP for your work. More details will follow in a future VanWeekly.
Submissions will be due in December. For questions please contact Christine Anderson at andersoncm@fultonschools.org.
Thank you,
Christine Anderson
Upcoming Professional Development
Microsoft Innovative Educator Academy
October 12 at North Learning Center (8:30-3:30)
Join us for a Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Teacher Academy to learn more about Microsoft’s hottest tools and resources to empower your students to achieve more! Bring your own Windows device to this one-day professional learning experience to learn how to maximize your use of Windows and Office 365. You will get the opportunity to explore tools such as Teams, OneNote Class Notebooks, Forms, and Sway, including how to provide your students with learning experiences beyond the four walls of your classroom using Skype in the Classroom and the Microsoft Educator Community.
Registration Instructions:
- Log into the employee portal
- Locate the Edivate icon in my apps
- Click on the icon with the three stacked lines in the purple bar on the upper left of your screen.
- Choose Learning Targets
- Click on Catalogs
- You should see a list of Fulton County catalogs - the first is Human Resources
- Select the Instructional Technology catalog
- Choose the class title (click on the word TITLE in the grey bar to sort alphabetically)
- Click the green plus icon
- The class will no longer show under catalog. Instead, it will be under the Transcript tab.
Going Paperless with Microsoft Teams: Part 2
This session is for educators who know the basics of Microsoft Teams and would like to explore further. Learn valuable tips and tricks for using a OneNote notebook, managing Assignments, and holding Skype meetings. You will also be introduced to new features that have been added to Teams in the last couple months.
All sessions will be held at the District Office at 6201 Powers Ferry Road.
October 4- 4:30-6:30 pm
October 5- 8:30-10:30 am
October 5- 1:00-3:00 pm
October 16- 4:00-6:00 pm
Register in Edivate in the Instructional Technology catalog.
Need Support? Help is just a click away!
Vanguard Leadership is working hard to plan a calendar of meaningful professional development opportunities for Vanguard members. If there is instructional technology related professional development that you would like to have at your school, please contact Mindy Ramon for support. We have resources available to provide training at schools for district provided technology such as SAFARI Montage, Office 365, Seesaw, Edgenuity, and more. You may also be interested in accessing the Instructional Technology Training site, which has a wealth of information about each of the resources the district provides.
Vanguard Leadership Team
District Support
Heather Van Looy -
Instructional Technology Program Specialist
@HeatherVan Looy
Mindy Ramon -
IT Training Support Coordinator
Executive Committee
Megan Endicott
Associate Lead - Points, Events & Professional Development
Chanel Johnson
Associate Lead- New Member Support & Communications
South Learning Community & Achievement Zone
Christian Padgett
Northeast Learning Community
Megan Endicott (Interim)
(1 Vacancy)
Northwest Learning Community
Pam Kelly
Katie Pardee
Central Learning Community
Chanel Johnson (Interim)
(1 Vacancy)
Fulton County Vanguard Team
Vision: Through building colaborative relationships and supporting student focused learning, the Vanguard Team will positively impact student achievement.
Pillars: Transform, Innovate, Mentor, & Support (TIMS)