Richard J. Daley Academy
Week of June 8, 2020
Kamilah Hampton, Principal
Melissa Sánchez, Assistant Principal
Message from Principal Hampton
I hope everyone had an amazing weekend!
Thank you to everyone for your support in laying Demetrius to rest! The family truly appreciates your continued support!
Important Dates to Remember:
- June 8 & 9 -Graduation Material Pick Up from 9am-1pm. Students will need to bring the computer borrowed from Daley to receive materials.
- June 15, 2020 Kindergarten Graduation: Drive up to receive certificates: 11am - 12pm (Gomez), 12pm - 1pm (Hodges), 1pm - 1:30pm (walk up)
- June 17, 2020 8th Graduation: Virtual Ceremony 10a-11a Diploma Drive-Up: 12p-3pm
School Staff Item Retrieval - Completed by Friday, June 5th
According to District guidelines, school staff were allowed to enter the building May 26 - June 4th to clean and close out classrooms, as well as, labeling student desks. The sign up sheet was extended to Friday, June 5th. ALL staff should have followed closing bulletin procedures and completed all tasks by Friday, June 5th.
Student Item Retrival
Please share the information sent via email on Friday with your families. There are designated dates and times for students to pick up their belongings.
Our school will follow the below schedule for student item retrieval. If you families are unable to collect their child’s items during the designated times, have them contact the school directly at 773-535-9091.
8th grade - June 8, 2020 (9am - 1pm) Main Entrance (Return laptops also)
8th grade - June 9, 2020 (9am - 1pm) Main Entrance (Return laptops also)
5th, 6th, & 7th grades - June 10, 2020 (9am - 1pm) Main Entrance
2nd, 3rd, 4th grades - June 11, 2020 (9am - 1pm) Main Entrance
PK, K, & 1st grades - June 12, 2020 (9am - 1pm) Main Entrance
Q4 Grade Posting
Aspen Student Contact Tracker
Please make sure that you are updating the contact status for all students in ASPEN. We have many students showing up as blank for the week of June 1st. All students should have an entry a week for the type of engagement/contact made. For students with unsuccessful contacts , Journal Entries should also be created to demonstrate the attempts being made for those students.
Free Poetry PD Experience!
The Department of Literacy is partnering with the Poetry Foundation to offer the What Poetry Can Do Program. Please see this overview for a complete description and to see which option would work best for your teachers.
Please have teachers complete application by June 23 to be considered for this FABULOUS opportunity! (Teachers can please check your CPS email in early July for an email regarding acceptance.)
Special Commemoration: 155th Anniversary of Juneteenth with Sherrilyn Ifill
COVID-19 Title 1 Guidance
In collaboration with the Grants and Budget Offices, FACE2 has extended flexibility around Title I Parent & Family Engagement funds. Please find attached brief guidance protocols for expenditures during this period.
In an effort to honor the administrator's time, parents' input, and accountability, we have created a brief expenditure report that we ask that all schools complete before submitting their purchase requisitions. Grants analysts will be reviewing these before the approval of requisitions. We ask that you make expenditure choices that support parents' at-home roles.
We remind you that the grant flexibility is extended during this shelter-at home period and will be revisited as necessary in the future. Random audits will be made during the fall of this year.
We remind you that funds that cannot be used to impact the entire parent body, but prioritized for use with the parents of students most at risk academically.
Additional guidance contact the Title I District Manager, Norma Seledon
New! ODLSS Remote Learning Guidance Document
ODLSS has created guidance that outlines expectations, strategies, and available resources for schools to implement remote learning for our students with an IEP or 504.
This document provides a detailed overview of CPS’ ODLSS remote learning plan. The goals for the ODLSS remote learning plan are to:
Continue supporting student needs based on their current IEPs
Continue to develop student IEPs as a team
Provide students with direct special education support and resources
Minimize instructional loss
Provide routines and structures to help students stay engaged and connected
Attend to our students’ social and emotional needs
To meet these goals, we will support each school as they develop and implement individual remote learning plans for students with either an IEP or 504 to meet their unique needs, while supporting our diverse learners in alignment with the district’s core values.
We have released Special Education Guidance to support remote learning procedures, standards and instructional quality.
Remote Learning Lesson Plans
Weekly Work for Non-Digital Learners
We need to ensure all students are provided with continuous learning opportunities that reinforce critical standards. Students who do not have access to a computer should still have accessibility to learning materials.
In an effort to meet this, a Google Drive folder was created for each teacher to upload student weekly work for those families who do not have access to technology. Following are details:
- Click here for the Google Drive folder link.
- All Teachers are to upload student work by Sunday before the week starts (Ex: for the week of 4/13/20 student work should be uploaded by 4/12/20).
- Do not email Ms. Hampton or myself with student work, ensure it is uploaded in the folder.
Google Tech Tool: Training Materials
The following training decks are available for support implementing your school’s remote learning plan: Getting Started with Google Classroom Additional websites that may be helpful: Google for Education Teacher Center CPS Professional Learning and Support Opportunities for Remote Learning (Remote Learning Technology Support Tab)
Resources Available During COVID-19
2020-2021 Pre-K Enrollment OPEN
Encourage families to visit or call the Chicago Early Learning Hotline at (312) 229-1690 to find register for 2022 - 2021 school year.
Personal Protection Equipment while remaining safely sheltered in place
CPS Virtual Library
The CPS Virtual Library provides free access to 16,000 eBooks and 18 CPS Databases, which CPS students, teachers, and families can access either from home or from school! Browse the Elementary, High School, or Professional Virtual Library to see the incredible variety of resources available, including frequent updates and information about the COVID-19 virus. Use the Library Databases Passwords document (also available in Spanish) to access database login and password information.
For any additional questions about the CPS Virtual Library and databases, please reach out to Dorsey Chambers at
Google Tech Supports in Other Languages
Click on "Learn by Product" to select the area of interest.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and select language from the drop-down menu:
IXL All Subjects
Free Training:
IXL is offering free training sessions to help your teachers maximize success with our personalized learning platform. The days and times are listed at the link below. Please note these times are in Pacific Standard Time. You may sign up at your convenience.
English Language Learners Program
Past due--Endorsement survey:
Please complete the Google Survey sent to you via email regarding ESL/Bilingual endorsements that was due by Monday, June 1st, 2020. We need this information to assign students to classrooms and to meet legal requirements for student services.
ALL TEACHERS without an ESL endorsement should begin enrolling or looking into possible programs. Teacher ESL endorsements count towards EL program compliance.
Bilingual and ESL Resources:
Here is the link to access the deck with Bilingual and ESL Resources. Please continue to update our shared bilingual and ESL resource document so we can continue to support each other and collaborate.
OLCE EL Virtual Summer Support
OLCE will offer a four week EL virtual summer support program to eligible students. The program will focus on supporting ELs with LitPL 1-3 and PY 0-2 in grades 1-7. Teachers with eligible students received an email with a list of eligible and registered students. Parents who registered their children will receive acceptance notices on June 15th, 2020.
Endorsement opportunites:
IRC summer ESL course offerings: To register click this link
- Foundations in Language Minority Education (NATIONAL #CIL-500)
- Assessment of Language Minority Students (NATIONAL #CIL-510)
- Cross Cultural Education (NATIONAL #CIL-531)
- Reading in a New Language: Linguistic Considerations (NATIONAL #CIL-512)
NLU Cohort Update:
Click to view the flyer with the latest information from Ms. Amber Clemons regarding the ESL/Bilingual cohort offered by NLU.
CPS partnered with over a dozen universities to help CPS staff members earn affordable degrees. They have negotiated discounts off full price tuition. Currently licensed educators can earn degrees and endorsements in high-need subject areas like Bilingual/ESL, Special Education (LBS1), and this year they added Early Childhood Education to the list! Click here to visit the CPS Continuing Education Program Website.
ESL/Native language instruction during remote learning:
Click here to access the list of resources we shared in a previous meeting. Click here for Bilingual and EL supports deck.
We thank you for your hard work and dedication! If you need support, have questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. K. Sanchez or Ms. Chevas. Stay healthy!
Grants & Resources
Instructional Resources
Coronovirus Resources
Free Programs/Resources: Click here
Dining at a Distance - Support Chicago restaurants while responsibly practicing social distancing
Forty Acres - delivers produce boxes to anywhere in Chicago. Plus they are a great organization, you can even donate a bag of produce to a family in need! LOVE Them. Stay out of Jewel have something delivered to you.
Fridge Food - got a bunch of stuff and don't know what to make? This website allows you to put in the ingredients in your fridge and pushes out recipes.
Mindful Practices - offering some self care options.
Yoga - do some, stretch your legs!
Social Emotional Learning
HS Application- Important Dates
- June 12- Principal Discretion Results
- Waiting list is ongoing until 2/1/2021
Counseling Resources
Daley Staff see the Counseling Resources below. If you have any questions, concerns or comments please contact the School Counselor Ms. Preciado and/or Administration immediately. We will reach out the Daley's BHT and SEL Members for support. We care about you and stay safe.
Responding to Student Mental Health Concerns During Closure
Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255); En Español 1-888-628-9454
The Lifeline is a free, confidential crisis hotline that is available to everyone 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Lifeline connects callers to the nearest crisis center in the Lifeline national network. These centers provide crisis counseling and mental health referrals. People who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have hearing loss can contact the Lifeline via TTY at 1-800-799-4889.
Crisis Text Line: Text “HELLO” to 741741
The Crisis Text hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, connecting them with a crisis counselor who can provide support and information.
Call4Calm, text “TALK” to 5-5-2-0-2-0 or text “HABLAR”
A free emotional-support text line was created to serve Illinois residents. To connect with a counselor, people can text “TALK” or “HABLAR” to the same number for counseling in Spanish. Users will remain anonymous, and the state has partnered with mental health organizations to have counselors respond. Once a resident texts the hotline, they’ll get a call from a licensed counselor within 24 hours.
Call 311 or NAMI Chicago Helpline 833-626-4244 for a mental health counselor.
Bright Star Community Outreach helpline at 833-TURN-123
Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource
Emergency Resource Guide (created by BPNC)
Student Wellness Check Survey (3rd-8th)
-The SEL Team has sent a survey via email to the students are needing check-ins, individual sessions, group, or referrals. We currently have 60 students that have completed survey.
-The SEL Team (Preciado, DeLeon, Dr. Nole, and Dr, Nava) are following up with all the students via phone or Google Meet.
-This is the link to the student survey:
Staff Wellness Check Survey(All Staff)
-The SEL Team also sent out via email a survey to make sure that we support all staff in this difficult time. It also provides information of future PD that you would like our SEL team to provide for you.
Please complete it by Friday June 5th. Click on the link below:
Resources (Crisis, Food Supports, MH, Benefits, Housing, Health, & Legal)
Daley Counseling Referral Form
Please continue to refer students for counseling services. Click on the link below to refer. The link is also on the Daley Website. Thank you for your ongoing support for our students and school. We appreciate you.
If you need additional support you can reach me via email at or at (708) 824-8819. I will return the phone call within 24-48 hours. Go Daley Team!
Ms. Arizbel Preciado
Professional School Counselor
SEL In The Crisis: 6 Tips For Parents & Guardians
Tip 1
Look out for - Fatigue and Low Energy
For Example:
Sleeping longer than usual, very lethargic, not wanting to get out of bed.
If you notice this type of behavior in your child:
Encourage physical activity.
Walks, backyard activities, indoor dance battles, anything that will get them up and moving.
Tip 2
Look out for – Signs of Sadness
For Example
Your child could be experiencing grief from the loss of a loved one, missing friends or being away from close family members or the school environment.
If you notice this type of behavior in your child:
Schedule a Family and friend Face-time, zoom meeting or arranging drive by’s to wave at family members or friends from school.
Tip 3
Look out for - Irritability or anger
Note: Your response to your child should communicate care, concern and patience even if you are under pressure. Your current response is their future template for how they will respond to matters, especially in crisis.
For Example:
This is sometimes a sign of “masked depression”
Your child is acting out which is covering the real issue of depression.
If you notice this type of behavior in your child:
Ask a lot of questions.
Is there something you want to talk to me about?
Is there any issues that mommy or daddy doesn’t know about?
Tip 4
Look out for - Household Environment
Children who have parents that suffer from depression tend to develop their first episode of depression earlier than children whose parents do not.
Tip 5
Look out for - Frequent physical complaints, like headaches and stomach-aches
If doesn’t go away in a normal time frame, or if the headaches and stomachaches continue to return… schedule an appointment with your pediatrician for further guidance in this area.
Also monitor what foods are being consumed. If their sugar and sodium intake has increased, this may also be the issue around physical complaints. Lots of water, fruit and vegetables can/will also be beneficial to their emotional health.
Tip 6
Look out for - Thoughts of death or suicide
For Example:
Expressing thoughts about hurting him or herself or engaging in self-injury (like cutting or burning him or herself), reckless or other potentially harmful behavior.
If you notice this type of behavior in your child:
Contact your pediatrician and Contact a local mental health provider who works with children to have your child or youth evaluated as soon as possible so that your son or daughter can start therapy or counseling
If you think your child is actively suicidal go to your local emergency room immediately
Always listen to your children, never shrug off their feelings, ask questions, allow them to share their feelings first, and then share your feelings and be their first point of support and encouragement to them.
Daley loves you and our hope is that your home is filled with peace during this time. Take care.
-Dr. Kenneth M. Nole
School Culture Coordinator
How To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed Right Now
Last week, I stumbled upon a video that helped me greatly in organizing my thoughts and productivity. For teachers, students and parents, take a look at the video below to understand how to LIVE STRESS FREE during this time. Have an awesome week!
-Dr. Kenneth M. Nole
School Culture Coordinator