All Things RE
November RE Newsletter
Religious Education classes began October 15th. November classes will meet on the 5th and 19th.
Our plan for the year is to meet on the first and third Sundays through the school year, with intergenerational services on months with five Sundays.
In the elementary school class, the class will follow the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Wonderful Welcome curriculum. This class explores how and why we are willing to welcome others into our lives. We are learning about love, forgiveness, and kindness in the first three classes.
Our middle/junior high school group will follow the Sing to the Power curriculum. This program uses the metaphor of the four elements—earth, air, fire, and water—to look at ways we can exercise our power in the world. It encourages participants to explore their sources of strength and to think and act as leaders who affect change.
For high school age students, we are offering A Chorus of Faiths, an interfaith service project.
Nursery and childcare are offered every Sunday during the service with Ben Kastenmeier as the attendant.
Registration is ongoing for all classes. Sign up form is below, in RE classrooms, or can be completed by contacting RE Committee Chair, Betsy Muellenbach at betsy.muellenbach@gmail.com
Day of the Dead Service & Trunk or Treat
Oct. 29
Reverend Tony set the stage for a fun-filled day with his Story for All Ages at the intergenerational service. It was followed by our annual Trunk or Treat celebration that was fun for young and old, with games, crafts, a gnome home, fortune telling, and of course treats from so many great trunks. Thanks to all who participated and volunteered.
It’s Time to Get Your Elf On!
We are hosting our holiday store for the children on December 3rd this year. We will be offering an opportunity for children to "purchase" gifts for their family with a food pantry donation.
Please bring “gifts” you are no longer using that the children may want to give their family members. Items such as coffee table books, jewelry, candles, stuffed animals, games, puzzles, and knick-knacks would be gratefully accepted. A “gift box” will be in the fellowship hall beginning November 6th.
Elves will be needed on December 3rd to help the children find that perfect gift and to wrap.
Please contact Rosa at rosam1977@att.net with questions. Thanks for your help!
Unitarian Church North
Email: info@ucnorth.org
Website: www.ucnorth.org
Location: 13800 North Port Washington Road, Mequon, WI, USA
Phone: 262-375-3890
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnitarianChurchNorth/