Orana Catholic Primary School
Week 1, Term 1, 2020
2020 Prayer
God of Love,
We recognise Your presence in our journey together
as we gather here for the start of this year in Your name.
Open our minds to know Your voice.
Open our hands to do Your work.
And open our hearts to hold Your Spirit.
Welcome Back for 2020
Welcome to the 2020 school year. It is going to be an exciting year as we celebrate 40 years since Orana officially opened!
We extend a special welcome to all our new children, families and staff and we pray that your journey at Orana is full of faith, hope and love. To our existing families, we look forward to you turning the page and drafting the newest chapter in the book of life that your child/children are writing. Together, we look forward to forging strong and lasting relationships with you as we support your children on their life-journey at Orana.
We extend a special welcome to all our new children, families and staff and we pray that your journey at Orana is full of faith, hope and love. To our existing families, we look forward to you turning the page and drafting the newest chapter in the book of life that your child/children are writing. Together, we look forward to forging strong and lasting relationships with you as we support your children on their life-journey at Orana.
An information session for parents/carers will be held on Wednesday February 12. The first session will take place in your child's class from 6.00 pm until 6.45 pm. A whole school information session from the Admin team will take place in the hall from 6.50 pm until 7.10 pm and a repeat session of the classroom sessions will take place from 7.15 pm until 8.00 pm. Parents and Carers are strongly encouraged to attend to find out what is ahead this year for students. Please be aware that this is a long day for teachers therefore, if you would like to speak to them about anything specific, please make an appointment to catch up ay another time.
Wednesday lunches return next Wednesday, February 12. To access the information for ordering, please click on the apple icon located at the top of our web page.
It is important as a school that we set standards for our students; how they look and feel about themselves is important and wearing the Orana uniform correctly and with pride, is essential for their development. Thank you so much to parents/carers who have upheld the school uniform code and purchased the correct shoes, socks and uniforms. It really does make for a smooth start to the school year. Your cooperation in ensuring students dress in the correct uniform (ie sports uniform only on class sports day) is appreciated.
We welcome to Orana in 2020 Miss Purtell 1W, Miss Purio 3W, Mrs Hogan Science, Miss Dennett Sports and Mrs Naim in Support. We look forward to working with you all this year.
P & F
At present, Orana is without a P & F in 2020. There are still vacancies in the Executive Committee and on the general committee. For this reason, the P & F Welcome Sundowner on February 21 has been cancelled. If you can assist with events into the future or have time to commit to the Executive Committee please email oranapandf@gmail.com and let them know. Please scroll down to the P & F box to read a message from past P & F members.
The first week that was!
TERM1 Week 1
There will be a presentation by Candice Oswald (Speech Pathologist) and Berry Johnston (Occupational Therapist) on Wednesday, February 19 at 9.00 am in the school hall. For more information click here